  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 19h ago β€’ 100%

    That means a lot, coming from the grammar-police 😁

  • Honey
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 24h ago β€’ 100%

    Oh okay. Sure there are probably many vegans that don't even REALLY know their motivations and hence have problems making clear and thought out statements that doesn't really help their well meant cause.

  • Honey
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 24h ago β€’ 100%

    It would start making sense to you, if you'd see the analogy in racism et al (unless of course you are one, then it won't). An animal-rights-activist-vegan sees it that way and hence has a hard time to "shut up" about it. Like you would when you'd enter some nazi-meeting. Can't just sit there, doing nothing, and thus invoking the feeling you're part of it.

    It's not vegans per se, it's those that are just vegans as a direcr consequence, not those that follow a dietary decision.

  • Quitting the game
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 24h ago β€’ 100%

    Wut? πŸ˜‚ Never heard of such a correlation, but it's surely funny

  • Honey
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 24h ago β€’ 66%

    Sure, not every nutjob is a danger in itself. But it's still a cog in the machinery of a retrograde force. A +1 that helps normalizing what should be shunned. But yes, fuck religion. If people wanna believe stuff, great. The universe is a mystery. But the moment they gather and start having to believe what the cult-douche says, shit gets dangerous.

  • Honey
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 1d ago β€’ 100%

    True to that. Easier to talk with people about veganism than their religion :-)

    I get your sense of logic, but it's inherently flawed. So you're saying, if there's no way to 100% an ethic, it's better to just totally skip it? Of course you can't 100% live in this world without somehow touching an animals life by some degree. But it's about what one CAN do. The more one knows about this world, the more one could avoid. Ignorance is bliss, the evil I don't know is the evil I must not fight. But the moment I get knowledge of unjust X, I can do my best do avoid unjust X to the best of my abilities. Not even judgin in, us just being flawed humans. If I do 99% of everything I know right, and just fucked up the 1%. Am I still a bad person and suck at my ethics?

  • Honey
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 1d ago β€’ 100%

    It's easy to judge down from that high horse of i-dont-care.

    I'm no vegan (nor vegetarian), but the mission of an animal-rights-activist (that is also logically vegan in consequence) is surely to minimize any harm (s)he knows of. It's very simple. The limits of a dietary or fashin-trendy vegan is not so clear. As they usually don't really have spent a lot of time reflecting about it, but just follow some basic idea they've found somewhere. And maybe try to "adapt" it a lil.

    Also your plant-argument was had like 30yrs ago already. Makes you sound super-intelligent, having figured out their major flaw all on your own :-)

    The goal is not impossible. The goal is (or probably just should be) to minimize suffering if its existence is not unbeknownst to us. That's really a very basic logic that doesn't require much computing power.

  • Honey
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 1d ago β€’ 0%

    Why do you have contact with such ...things? How could you take a human being somehow serious if it says things like that, especially due to being brainwashed in a fucking sect?! We don't seem to have a collective tolerance to nazis or pedos, why do we have it for religious nutjubs?

  • Quitting the game
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 2d ago β€’ 0%

    You might have got sleep apnoea. If you also happen to not really feel rested in the morning. I know people that haven't had it diagnosed for decades and it turned their life around and they also finally dreamed again. As a "byproduct" of not nearly dying every night, but resting.

    IF there is a pathological reason. Can also just be you don't stand up shortly after your last REM-sleep and go into deep or light again. Might wanna just check with some smartwatch or just an alarm mid-sleep to check if you then remember stuff.

  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 3d ago β€’ 100%

    Besides highly doubting it, it's not much of a point for anything. Like "there might be one exact path this road-trip would be fun"

  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 3d ago β€’ 100%

    So. I did get it right. You didn't make a point at all,except people should - or shouldn't have a kid based on what they want. Which already is the way it is.

  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 3d ago β€’ 100%

    Okay. This daily-slog shouldn't really be a thing. Ideally. People shouldn't just do shit just to do shit. But to do shir because it'd need to be done and they kinda are fine with it. Not everyone's fine with collecting garbage like not everyone's fine to do rocket science. To fuel the stereotyoes. But some are fine doing one or the other. Or anything in between. It should be catered to that. Ok, now my shit sounds like utopia....

  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 3d ago β€’ 100%

    Oh. Right. My 20s not THE 20s 😁

  • Unfruchtbare oder homosexuelle Paare kΓΆnnen in Italien keine Kinder mehr bekommen
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 4d ago β€’ 100%

    Dem stimme ich zu. Es gibt auch noch ΓΌberquillende Kinderheime. Bei den Haustieren sind wir ja stets ach so nobel und geben den Hoffnungslosen noch eine Chance. Aber bei der eigenen Spezies ist das seltenst eine Option.

  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 4d ago β€’ 100%

    Oh. Oops. But i dunno. Is "my life is bland, let's have a kid to maybe rock it up" really a good reason to procreate? Or more in the sense like "at least i would have a purpose in life"?

  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 4d ago β€’ 100%

    I'd hope for it to be even more fair. Housing for all, healthcare for all, public transport... All the shit that shouldn't be a for-profit but is. Unless you're a landlording insurance-ceo that owns trains. Then the current system just rocks.

  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 4d ago β€’ 100%

    I'm so sorry man. Capitalism just sucks for the vast majority. It's not my system-of-choice, even if i highly profit of it. It's humanity's bane and ultimate end.

  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 4d ago β€’ 100%

    Yes. No job. Retired somewhere mid-20s. With 2 occasional let's-try-something-new-job for some months since then. That was nearly 3 decades ago. So, weekend only matters because, where we live, life slowly withers saturdays and is dead as a doornail on Sundays 😁

  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 4d ago β€’ 100%

    Bland life without kids? Absolutely not. I do everything i love with the person i love the whole day. We travel a lot, whenever we desire to. Sometimes just a spontaneous trip to who-the-fuck-cares for however long we want. Do that with kids. No thanks. We don't even want the responsibility of a pet. Just costs time and money we rather spend on ourselves. Having to wrap my life all around one single tiny human....ohgod no. THAT i would call a bland life. Maybe even while working some job? I wouldn't find the time for that now, let alone when i would be forced to work too.

    Glad it turned out well for you, but in tendency kids of poorer upbringing remain poor or at least have it way harder. But that's not the point. It was just about my lack of willingness to be slave to a tiny human for at least 18yrs of MY life.

    PS: don't get me wrong. If you have to have a child for whatever reason, the love and care surely outweighs its monetary safety. Though, depending on where one lives, said lacking monetary safety can become a sad regret in a worst case. I, totally personally, wouldn't gamble on that.

  • Windows 10 only has a year of support: 12 months left to keep Copilot off your desktop or learn Linux
  • Dyskolos Dyskolos 4d ago β€’ 100%

    I'm a windows-fan since... Errr... The first one. I'm a pro also with tons of win-certificates for everything. Even i started to effing hate w11. It started nice with the hdr and such, but the startmenu alone made me go nuts. Bought the one from stardock, didn't satisfy me, made my own. If they don't rudder back with their obnoxious ui in w12, I'm probably leaving and only dual booting for optimal gaming. I'm not troubled by the whole consumer annoyances coz I'm in a local domain with a lot of group-policies. Also global ad-/telemetry-block and firewall.

  • [Update:Solution] It was my router which set STP on by default. Switching it off (in smaller networks) or using RSTP made the delays go away. [/Update] HΓ³la! For a long time I've got this horribly annoying problem: Upon bootup, ANY domain-machine that is using LAN (no probs with wireless) has an idle-time with "there's no network!" of about 1-2mins until they discovered the network. BUT only windows-machines. Linux boxes get net instantly. Also on LAN. Setup: 2 Domaincontrollers, Server2019. Both are DNS, one is DHCP and NPS for WIFI. All machines have fixed IPs, the DHCP is just for wireless clients. I have tried everything I could think of, like NIC-Drivers, OpenDHCP, temporarily changed the switch from a managed one to a dumb one, changed the NIC in the server, let only one DC be alive at a time, rejoined the domain, the usual sfc/dism-approach and whatnot. I asked once on reddit, but everyone just told me "that's DHCP!", yet it's (seemingly at least) not. All have fixed IPs, but using dhcp doesn't change a thing. So I'm clueless again, hoping for some nerd that's nerdier than me to have an idea :)


    As the title says....which song still haunts you emotionally? And why? A (freely accessible) link might greatly bring your point across. Mine would be: (Typhoon - "Empiricist") https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9E328pIZWFM The lyrics go deep and it just touches me. No otherwise special attachment.
