
Given the recent discourse with regard to trans/misogyny and the call for reading more fucking books to fix your brainworms, I present an anthology of queer insurrectionist writing. I particularly recommend "Toward the Queerest Insurrection", "Criminal Intimacy", and "Preliminary Notes on Modes of Reproduction". In a similar vein, I recommend ["I Don't Bash Back, I Shoot First!"]( 1. Be gay 2. Do crimes 3. Start a gang 4. Take up space Feel free to cross post this into your favorite gender-adjacent comms to stir the pot and promote the war against God!


No, I'm not putting this in /c/electoralism , for reasons found in the third paragraph Most people know there's first-past-the-post and there's ranked-choice. But I've recently learned there's a much longer list than that, and they all have pros and cons. Somecomrades would say 🙄*yeah bourgeois elections who cares*🙄 but that is wrong: the mathematics applies to all voting. It's the engineering side of the question: "If we have a bunch of people, maybe a hundred, maybe a million, how do we decide what the collective will is in the fairest way?" The name of the field is [social choice theory]( because a social group is trying to make a choice. **You**: oh bourgeois elections are a farce lol **Me**: exactly and that's why we need to study how can voting be not a farce ---- First-past-the-post gets a hard time, and deservedly so. But the people who say "first-past-the-post bad, ranked choice good" are oversimplifying. It turns out there are all these mathematical trade-offs, and it is formally provable that there is no perfect system. Most ranked choice voting systems`*` can suffer from a crazy effect where **getting more votes makes you lose**. The technical name for this is a [monotonicity failure]( because mathematicians are shit with names. (`*`There are theoretical ranked-choice votings that don't fail monotonicity, but I don't know of any being applied in a political system. Companies probably have used them.) ![]( In the 'Popular Bottom' Scenario, ![soviet-bottom]( "emoji soviet-bottom") gets 45% of the vote and isn't elected; but in the other scenario he gets 39% and is elected. What happened is he lost supporters to a rival (Top) who eliminated his other rival (Center) for him, so he was able to sneak in. First-past-the-post doesn't have this problem: more votes is always better. But it has plenty of other problems. The USA system fails the [no favorite betrayal criterion]( catastrophically; that's the criterion that you should be able to vote for who you like best. Usans "have to" vote for a candidate they hate. ---- This page summarises it pretty well: with tables comparing the different traps multi-winner systems fall into and the traps single-winner systems fall into. ---- **Some cool systems**: * [The Quota Borda system is a proportional-distribution, meaning the guy with 20% of the votes gets 20% of the power, multiwinner system that "has never been in use, but was voted the best at a conference on electoral reform held in Belfast with representatives of all parties"]( * [PDF]( – "This paper discusses the protocol used for electing the Doge of Venice between 1268 and the end of the Republic in 1797" * ["two important experts, Nicolaus Tideman and Andrew Myers, have both recognized minimax as one of the best systems. I agree with that. This paper presents my own reasons for preferring minimax....I recommend a new version of minimax called minimax-TD....completely or partially eliminates four minimax anomalies, including the two worst ones.]( ---- Anyway, interesting stuff to think about if we design democratic/anarchistic systems for collective decision-making. It wouldn't have to be electing representatives, it could be voting on policies, same maths either way.


Ocra is governed by a community council that holds weekly meetings with all inhabitants in attendance; most decisions are made directly democratic. The community also practices the system of faena (Spanish for "task", known as Mink'a in Quechua), a mandatory weekly community labor tribute that all adults in the town have to take part in. This communal labor initiative goes back to the Incan labor systems—Mink'a for local communities, and Mit'a for federal projects. The local laws of Ocra prescribe 4 days of faena per month, and the community council decides over when and where the collective labor force shall be deployed.


# Background: What led to the strategies of cooperation under especifismo? So here's its understanding of the conditions that led to especifismo. During the German and Spanish revolution, there were largely three approaches to cooperation against the fascists. All of them were considered disastrous to some degree, but for different reasons and with different lessons. For those familiar with the Popular Front, the United Proletarian Front, and the communist alliance, feel free to skip to the next section. Even if you are familiar though, please consider reading through this so that it may be corrected where it has made any errors! The left-Republicans and the Comintern under Stalin agreed on a strategy known as the Popular Front, a class collaborative strategy in which progressive bourgeoisie and radical proletarians would fight together against fascists. Today, it would be an understatement to say that this strategy is not approved of by socialists. The Popular Front widely led to - massacres of workers and anarchists by both the bourgeoisie and Stalinist parties, - sabotage of organized defenses by the bourgeoisie, - heavily traumatizing abusive relationships forming between the bourgeoisie and the anarchists who gave in to being "militarized" by the bourgeoisie, and in general, acquiescence to the Popular Front is typically considered the beginning of the end. On the other end were specific tendencies among historical materialist-style communists (henceforth histcom). These histcom tendencies were largely distinguished by their opposition to the other prominent histcom tendency of the time, Leninism. These histcoms would come to be known as left-communists, and they advocated alliance with others who shared their political priorities, which is to say revolutionary communism. Finally, on neither end, one could find Leon Trotsky and the Trotskyists, Armando Borghi and the anarchist Italian Syndicalist Union, and anarcho-communist Errico Malatesta calling for a United Proletarian Front. Because anarchists and Trotskyists were politically smaller groups, the goal was to insert their political organizations into broader proletarian social movements and proletarian political parties, including the social democrats who were still wiping their hands clean of workers' blood and were expected to betray the workers again. Such a risky strategy required a great deal of care. The goal was defensive, having a large enough mass of labor and skill to combat fascism, and offensive, converting the rank-and-file of less revolutionary or less anarchist organizations towards revolution. This would undermine reformism, if it succeeded, which it did not. Today, both anarchists and Trotskyists believe that the United Front was the most correct approach. A significant difference is that anarchists emphasize experimenting with variants of the United Front that address its weaknesses. Enter, the development of especifismo by the Uruguayan Anarchist Federation. # More background: How does cooperation work under the especifismo organizational strategy? Especifismo is the strategy of having a specific anarchist organization, henceforth SAO, which maintains a general political line. This organization is led by the broad social movements that arise, sometimes because of SAO actions, and sometimes independently of them. The SAO provides resources for mass movements, which in turn can bring members of the mass movement into the SAO who can then provide further resources from the general political line of the SAO. For those familiar with how especifismo formed strategies drawn from the United Proletarian Front, feel free to skip to the next section. But like before, it would appreciate thorough readers who are able to provide correction. :) After a great deal of analysis of the United Proletarian Front, the Uruguayan Anarchist Federation emphasized a need to form alliances in social movements on the basis of both a strong subjective and objective analysis. That is, of the political, ideological, and cultural structures of society, and of the social, economic, material basis of society. A strong grasp of both would determine what alliances are appropriate and when. As an example, one strategy is that of an intermediate organization. The SAO can form a caucus in other political organizations which are directly tied to some social movement. So a specific anarchist organization whose program is anti-abuse and anti-racist can allocate several of their members to joining their local Queers for Palestine chapter, calling out abuse and providing anti-abuse resources which can bring others in those chapters into alliance with them. Should those people learn more and accept the program of the SAO, they can join the SAO. Another strategy is to have fronts which engage with some particular social movement. Say, by creating a front for working with tenants such as a tenants' union supported by the SAO. This ensures that - the long-term goal of the SAO isn't corrupted by liberalism or reformism or reactionaryism, - that the well-established structural analysis of the SAO isn't eroded, and - that the general strategy and program of the SAO remains informed by the SAO's long-term goal and structural analysis. Furthermore, because the SAO does not impose its political line on a social movement and always seeks to support ongoing social movements however they can within the confines of the general strategy, this ensures that - the SAO is flexible and always listens to the vulnerable and marginalized who are fighting for their needs, and - the SAO is constantly engaging with social movements and so makes their presence known to interested members of those social movments. # Critique: Doubling down on flawed analysis From ["The Specific Anarchist Organisation: The Anarchist Organisation"](, summarized below: > the specific anarchist organisations uses, both for its internal and external functioning, the logic of what we call "concentric circles"...the concentric circles seek to resolve an important paradox: the anarchist organisation needs to be closed enough to have prepared, committed and politically aligned militants, and open enough to draw in new militants. > > .... > > In practice the logic of concentric circles is established as follows. Inside the specific anarchist organisation there are only anarchists that, to a greater or lesser extent, are able to elaborate, reproduce and apply the political line of the organisation internally, in the fronts and in public activity. > > .... > > There is not a hierarchy between the circles, but the idea is that the more "inside", or the closer the militant, the better are they able to formulate, understand, reproduce and apply the lines of the organisation. The more "inside" the militant, the greater is their level of commitment and activity...the more they commit, the more they will decide. The less they commit, the less they will decide. > > This does not mean that the position of the more committed is of more value than that of the less committed. It means that they participate in different decision-making bodies. For example, those more committed participate with voice and vote in the Congresses, which define the political and strategic lines of the organisation; the less committed do not participate in the Congresses, or only participate as observers, and participate in the monthly assemblies where the tactics and practical applications of the lines are defined. Here, it sees the especifismo approach as an onion. Have an SAO which members of the social movement can peel the layers of by being increasingly dedicated to it. Once they are highly dedicated, they are provided more decision-making power over the actions of the SAO. The problem is that this creates a feedback loop. While the structural analysis of an SAO should be very difficult to contradict, the SAO should always be responsive to structures which they are unaware of. If an SAO includes in their structural analysis heteropatriarchy and settler-colonialism as contemporary expressions of the overall system of domination, but no acknowledgment of the sanist institutions of psychiatry and their downstream structures (e.g. suicidism), then the analysis is flawed. And this flawed analysis can lead to a great deal of chauvinism and abuse in the SAO which needs to be quickly and carefully addressed and remedied. But say that someone who experiences suicidism must first commit themselves to the SAO before being able to provide anything on the level of structural analysis or political or strategic line. This is largely going to select out those who experience suicidism and sanism, and ensure that it doesn't make it into the SAO's structural analysis. Who wants to dedicate themselves to an organization that treats them like shit? This is a feedback loop. An incomplete analysis will entrench itself deeper and deeper. # Solution: The power to add, not subtract The outlines of especifismo are correct. It is important to stand with the bulwark against white settler-colonial thought and ensure that the core of the SAO cannot be corrupted. It is also important to be open and flexible, to be anti-chauvinistic, to listen to those in need and be willing to take accountability for when we err and do harm. But there is a way to prevent both chauvinism and corruption when it comes to the core structural analysis as well. Being trauma-informed, power- and oppression-aware, analysis should yield forms of oppression which are missing from the structural analysis and provide those with experience the power to add to it. A suicidal person who faces suicidism can, without eroding the acknowledgment of white settler-colonialism or heteropatriarchy, add to the SAO's analysis the institution of sanism and psychiatry. The SAO, which may have hitherto been filled with sanist slurs and no militant motivation to smash psychiatry thoroughly and completely, must now evolve its general strategy in light of this addition to the structural analysis. # Summary Especifismo is a strategy which aims to resolve the paradox of needing to be closed to reactionary elements, but open to movements of revolutionary potential even if they have reactionary elements. To this end, they are fluid on the social level, but firm on the political level. But firmness on the political level can lead to a feedback loop in which they become increasingly chauvinistic and inaccessible to those most vulnerable. For this reason, there is a need to give individuals who aren't a part of the core SAO the power to add to the core structural analysis of the SAO. To have their experiences centered when they have the most at stake. # Corrections Here, it will edit in corrections as they are provided should anyone respond. <3


In hunter-gatherer bands, in primitive villages, in stateless societies like modern Somalia, people support each other in mutual aid as the norm. Most human and animal life is in support; conflict is the exception. In these stateless societies, when the norm is breached, the natural balance is considered to have been disturbed and it must be rebalanced. That redress is sometimes blood-vengeance, like in the Kanun law of traditional Albania. But it's very often compensation in the form of a transfer of assets. You broke my leg so I'm mad and angry. But then you transferred me three cows, so now I'm not angry any more. And I don't feel you got away with it: I have my dignit of not being a little bitch who can be victimised with impunity. A variant of this system was in place essentially universally before modern states, and still is in Somalia (look up 'xeer'). Or the tribal areas of Afghanistan are stateless and have Pashtunwali justice. This is justice and it feels like justice. The offender is materially worse off because they offended. The victim is no worse off, they are restored. The offender's life is not unneccessarily ruined, like it is by a criminal record; the payment is the ed of the matter; balance is restored. There are no victimless crimes; you are not punished for smoking weed; you are punished/harmed when you inflict harm on someone. The opposite would be injustice. The characteristics of injustice would be the opposite of all this. If the hatchet is never buried it's injustice. If one person can victimise another with impunity, in an asymmetrical relationship, it's injustice. If the system starts harming people who have not first done harm, it's injustice. The purpose of policing and courts and prisons is to create injustice. It is based on the monopoly of legitimate violence. Cops can be violent with you: you can't be violent with cops. They will make you feel small, aggrieved, victimised, and they will never rebalance the issue. If you try to rebalance it (justice), that's what the system is designed to prevent; justice is the worst outrage against police and courts, the one thing they can never tolerate.


the cranky one and the fav anarcho-essayist ![meow-fiesta]( "emoji meow-fiesta")


A fun and informative guide to creating a mobile community kitchen. I really enjoyed all the details on equipment. ![theory-gary]( "emoji theory-gary")


Erich Muhsam was born in Berlin in 1878 into a fairly well-to-do Jewish family. Soon after his family moved to Luebeck in north Germany where his father worked as a pharmacist (in fact the pharmacy is still there). He hated the school where he was sent, which was known for its authoritarian discipline and its unsparing use of corporal punishment. Erich was often a victim of "the unspeakable flailings which were supposed to beat out of me all my innate feelings" because his rebellious nature often clashed with the school regime. In 1896 he wrote an anonymous piece for the socialist paper Luebecker Volsboten denouncing one of the school's most brutal teachers. This caused a scandal and Erich was expelled for taking part in socialist activities. Erich had wanted to be a writer and poet from an early age and he left Luebeck to pursue this aim in Berlin in 1900. He got involved in a group called Neue Gemeinschaft (New Society) which combined socialist ideology with experiments in communal living. Here he met Gustav Landauer who introduced him to anarchist communist ideas. Muehsam contributed to Kampf, the anarchist paper of his friend Senna Hoy, who later died in terrible conditions in a Russian prison. In 1904 Erich went to Ascona in Italian Switzerland to live in the artists' colony of Monte Verita (the writer Herman Hesse, the dance theorist Laban, the psychotherapist Otto Gross and many Daddaists and Expressionists lived there at one time or other). He began writing plays there, the first of which, The Con Men, mixed new political theory with traditional dramatic forms. He also continued contributing to many anarchist papers, which drew the attention of the German authorities. He was considered one of the most dangerous anarchist agitators. He moved to Munich in 1908 and took part in the cabaret movement. He did not care much for writing cabaret songs, but he achieved much notice because of them. In 1911 he founded the paper Kain which advocated anarchist communism. He castigated and ridiculed the German state, fighting capital punishment and theatre censorship, and prophetically analysing international affairs. The World War that he had predicted led to the suspension of Kain. At first Erich publicly supported the war, but by the end of 1914 was persuaded that he had been wrong, saying that, "I will probably have to bear the sin of betraying my ideals for the rest of my life". He threw himself into anti-war activity taking part in various actions. He supported the strikes that were beginning to break out. As these became more widespread and began to take on a revolutionary nature, Erich was among those arrested and imprisoned in April 1918, and then freed in November. With the fall of the Kaiser and King Ludwig of Bavaria, Munich burst into revolt. Muehsam and Landauer as well as Ret Marut (later known as the novelist B. Traven) were among those agitating for the setting up of Workers Councils which led on to the founding of the Bavarian Council Republic. This lasted only a week. The Social Democrats, terrified by the thought of revolution, allied with the right. The Freikorps, a reactionary militia organised by the socialist minister Noske and composed of right wing military and students, crushed the Council Republic. Landauer died under the blows of rifle butts and boots. Muehsam escaped but was later captured and sent to prison for 15 years. In prison, Erich continued with his writing, composing many poems and the play Judas. Released in the amnesty of 1924, he returned to a Munich in the grip of apathy. He joined the Anarchist Communist Federation of Germany (FKAD). He restarted Kain but this failed after a few issues. He then brought out Fanal (The Torch) where he attacked both the Communists and the far right. His openly revolutionary tone and his attempts to stop the rise of the right made him a hate figure among conservatives and Nazis. He used satire to ridicule the Nazis with short stories and poems. This came to the personal attention of Hitler and Goebbels, arousing their anger. He agitated for the freeing of the revolutionary Max Hoelz and wrote a play, Staatsraeson (For reasons of State) in defence of Sacco and Vanzetti), in 1928. In 1930 he completed his last play Alle Wetter (All Hang) which called for mass revolution as the only way to stop the seizure of power by the radical Right. A few hours after Van der Lubbe had set fire to the Reichstag in February 1933, Muehsam was arrested and then spent the last 17 months of his life in the concentration camps of Sonnenburg, Brandenburg and Oranienburg. His teeth were smashed in with rifle butts, his scalp was branded with a swastika from a red-hot iron and he was hospitalised. He was forced to dig his own grave for a mock execution, and his body became a mass of bruises and wounds. His tormentors tried to force him to sing the Nazi song the Horst Wessel Lied. He refused to give in and sang the International. " Thanks to his will power he resisted all attempts to humiliate him" (Augustin Souchy). Despite these tortures Erich remained intransigent to the end. Finally he was tortured and murdered on the night of 9th July 1934. After beatings, a Stormtrooper leader administered a lethal injection and then a suicide by hanging was faked. *Never in my life have I learnt* *To submit to anyone* *Here I am locked up,* *Far from my home,* *My wife, my workshop.* *And even if they kill me*, *If I must die,* *To give up is to lie!* ... *But if the chains broke* *Then I would breathe in sunshine* *At the top of my lungs- Tyranny!* *And I would cry to the people: be free!* *Forget to submit yourselves!* *To give up is to lie!* *From Muhsam's poem The Prisoner* - [Anarchist Federation Biography of German Anarchist Erich Muhsam from AF publication Organise in 2006 ]( - [Mühsam, Erich: His life, his work, his martyrdom - Augustin Souchy]( - [Erich Mühsam archive]( **Megathreads and spaces to hang out:** - 📀 Come listen to music and Watch movies with your fellow [Hexbears nerd, in]( - 🔥 Read and talk about a current topics in the [News Megathread]( - ⚔ Come talk in the [New Weekly PoC thread]( - ✨ Talk with fellow Trans comrades in the [New Weekly Trans thread]( **reminders:** - 💚 You nerds can join specific comms to see posts about all sorts of topics - 💙 Hexbear’s algorithm prioritizes comments over upbears - 💜 Sorting by new you nerd - 🌈 If you ever want to make your own megathread, you can reserve a spot [here nerd]( - 🐶 Join the unofficial Hexbear-adjacent Mastodon [instance]( **Links To Resources (Aid and Theory):** **Aid:** - 🌈 [LGBTQ+ Resource Post]( - 🍉 [Resources for Palestine]( - [🐌☕ Zapatista Coffee]( **Theory:** - ❤️[Foundations of Leninism]( - ❤️[Anarchism and Other Essays](


On the internet I don't see too many Anarchists give arguments past "communism doesn't work because communists are doomed to repeat the same exploitative power structures of the capitalist state" and "we dont know what an anarchist society will look like we gotta wait til we get there!" Which not convincing to me at all. I've engaged in what was supposed to be consensus based decision making systems and there were a ton of flaws, though that's purely anecdotal. So, I'd really like to have some suggestions on what to read that you think might really challenge where I stand/take anarchism more seriously. It might take me 5 years to get to them bc executive dysfunction but I really want to see if my mind can be changed on if it would be a better system from the get go than communism. I think it would be super interesting to hear from anyone who shifted into anarchism from Marxism on why it made more sense to you


cross-posted from: > cross-posted from: > > > Hi! > > I am a part of online anarchist research group concerning math and economics, if you would like to join it please comment or write a DM so I will share with you a discord link from which we are collaborating.


my fave anarcho-bro posted a week ago, little bit scattered tho, quickly switched to gaza >In 1871, France was using New Caledonia as a penal colony, about 20 years after conquering it. 1871 is an oft-remembered year for revolutionary movements in European and settler countries, because of the Paris commune. After holding out for two months, the communards were overrun, with over ten thousand killed, 40,000 captured, 15,000 tried, many executed, imprisoned, or sentenced to hard labor… and over a thousand deported to New Caledonia. >One of the most inspiring exiled communards was Louise Michel, an anarchist who I think did an exemplary job of balancing the needs of education, organization, healing, and fighting against the existing system. She became famous in the Commune for rabble-rousing, inspiring people to take action, running a school for the children, healing the wounded, and fighting in the trenches. Her book on the Paris Commune is one of the most valuable texts on anticapitalist struggle from the 19th century. Yet for some reason, it hasn’t been translated into English. **Translators! Where are you at?** >The timing felt relevant though, reading about a surge in Kanak rebellion right as Michel’s birthday was coming up on my calendar: Louise Michel was one of the communards exiled to Kanaky, to so-called New Caledonia. The time she was there was a time of active resistance by the Kanak to French colonial rule. Michel supported the independence fighters and documented some of the resistance. She also writes about how the greater part of the socialist exiles opposed or even helped suppress Kanak resistance, and took Kanak servants to ease their time in exile. Fascinating bit of history >This isn’t only a historical drama, but a split that continues to the present day, when the majority of the Left refused to fully break with colonialism and the anticapitalist currents most favored in academia still have a colonial view of the world—that noxious idea of progress (whether historical or universal, dialectical or humanistic)—baked into their theories and their telling of history. and to gaza: >Earlier in the week, the Israeli military demolished all the houses and structures of a Bedouin community of 500 in the Negev desert, outside the Gaza strip. The settler military also uprooted their olive trees, a systematic attack on the ecology and self-sufficiency of locals. Some Bedouin communities in the Negev have been forcibly evicted hundreds of times by Israel. The pro-genocide celebrated the evictions, claiming they were “years overdue” and that the “illegal squatters camp” was “generously compensated”. Zionist paramilitaries expelled over 80% of the Bedouin, the Negev’s indigenous inhabitants, when they created the white supremacist ethno-state in 1948. >But, “Repeat a lie often enough…” seems to be the practical philosophy of mainstream media. One lie they constantly repeat is that this is an “Israel-Hamas” war. They erase Palestinians from the headlines while Israel erases Palestinians from the face of the earth. The media ignore all the undisputed evidence of how Israel is deliberately targeting civilians, how the results of the Israeli war is to kill and traumatize and displace Palestinians en masse, and how most of the leading Israeli politicians have gone on record to announce their intentions not to stop until there is no more Palestine. And yet, with each new attack, the media obediently publish Israeli denials, claims of an “accident” or accusations that the houses or people targeted were connected to terrorism, as though this were newsworthy, as though Israeli claims had any weight at this point. >Historical amnesia is the media’s M.O. They are structurally and intentionally incapable of establishing patterns, because a pattern can lend itself to people putting together a critical analysis of the world they live in. Hope he gets better ![inshallah]( "emoji inshallah")


Louise Michel, born on this day in 1830, was a French anarchist, feminist, educator, author, and militant leader of the Paris Commune. Born in 1830 as an illegitimate daughter and raised by her grandparents, Louise Michel worked as a schoolteacher before revolution came to Paris, and, in 1865, opened a school dedicated to methods of progressive education. There, Michel came into contact with radical thinkers such as Jules Vallès and Auguste Blanqui, and was concerned about the impoverishment of those on the margins of French society. In 1869, she was one of the founding members of the "Society for the Demand of Civil Rights for Women", focused on improving girls' education. In 1870, war broke out between France and the Empire of Prussia. The war quickly ended in defeat for France, and, the following March, discontented members of the National Guard mutinied against the new national government in Paris, marking the beginning of the working class uprising known as the Paris Commune. Michel joined the rebellion and was elected head of the Montmartre Women's Vigilance Committee, playing an important role in the provisional revolutionary administration. She had a romantic relationship with Théophile Ferré, a senior member of the Commune's Committee of Public Safety. Michel personally fought on the front lines at the barricades, also organizing ambulance stations to transport the wounded. She expressed a willingness to sacrifice herself for the sake of revolution, stating "I like the smell of gunpowder, grapeshot flying through the air, but above all, I'm devoted to the Revolution." Michel survived the fall of the Commune and was brought to trial in December 1871. She dared the judges to sentence her to death, saying "It seems that every heart that beats for freedom has no other right than a bit of lead, so I claim mine!" Unlike Ferré, who was executed, she was instead punished by deportation to a penal settlement in the French colony of New Caledonia in the Pacific Ocean. In New Caledonia, she became acquainted with the indigenous Kanak people, and took an interest in their culture and language, later supporting them during an 1878 revolt against French rule. Michel also befriended Nathalie Lemel, another exiled figure from the Commune, and became an explicit anarchist under her influence. In 1880, amnesty was granted to former Communards, and Michel returned to Paris, where she was greeted as a hero by the downtrodden of the city and resumed her revolutionary activity. Michel later moved to London for five years, where she ran a school for children of political refugees, and became a famed speaker across Europe, meeting figures such as the Pankhurst sisters, Peter Kropotkin, and Emma Goldman. In 1904, Michel embarked on an anti-colonial speaking tour in French Algeria, before falling ill shortly after. She died in Marseille on January 9th, 1905 at the age of 74. Her funeral was attended by over 100,000 people, receiving delegations from socialist and anarchist groups all across Europe. Today, Michel remains one of the most famous icons of the Paris Commune and is regarded as a pioneer of anarcha-feminism. - [Louise Michel Archive]( - [Louise Michel: a leading light and feminist figure in the Paris Commune]( - [Louise Michel: the revolutionary woman who led the Paris Commune]( **Megathreads and spaces to hang out:** - 📀 Come listen to music and Watch movies with your fellow [Hexbears nerd, in]( - 🔥 Read and talk about a current topics in the [News Megathread]( - ⚔ Come talk in the [New Weekly PoC thread]( - ✨ Talk with fellow Trans comrades in the [New Weekly Trans thread]( **reminders:** - 💚 You nerds can join specific comms to see posts about all sorts of topics - 💙 Hexbear’s algorithm prioritizes comments over upbears - 💜 Sorting by new you nerd - 🌈 If you ever want to make your own megathread, you can reserve a spot [here nerd]( - 🐶 Join the unofficial Hexbear-adjacent Mastodon [instance]( **Links To Resources (Aid and Theory):** **Aid:** - 🌈 [LGBTQ+ Resource Post]( - 🍉 [Resources for Palestine]( - [🐌☕ Zapatista Coffee]( **Theory:** - ❤️[Foundations of Leninism]( - ❤️[Anarchism and Other Essays](


cross-posted from: > cross-posted from: > > > Hi! > > > > As I wrote in the title I'm looking for people interested in such an endeavor. I already tried creating such a project but due to internal disagreements it didn't pan out, still I am very interested in trying this out. Game dev is very susceptible to exploitation from capitalists which is very unfortunate given that means of production are essentially socialized already - we have FOSS software like Godot that is enough to create very elaborate projects and we can collaborate remotely so no land is needed either. This makes it I think a very fruitful direction to go, because costs of game dev are not very big and returns can be big if the game is successful. I know that there is a huge competition in game dev, but given that in worker cooperative nothing is siphoned by capitalists at the top I think it's not impossible to get to the level of subsistence on game dev, while being able to affect the culture and promote cooperativism among the general population and among video game creators. I don't have a specific game dev experience but I like solving complex problems and I am interested in doing a worker cooperative, I already did quite a bit of research during my previous attempt at this type of worker cooperative and I would for this coop to get inspiration from Igalia, Motion Twin and Sociocracy. At my last project people had issues that I am fine with anti-foundationalist philosophies so please consider that I like those and I like to discuss from those lenses. I am very good at self-directed learning and I could especially do stuff like coding, design, writing plot and characters, I could research some more legalistic side of cooperative but it would be nice certainly to have someone who has some expertise here. That still leave places for people interested in audio and graphics and I am very fine with redundancy in some aspects of the required "expertise", still I am a big believer in learning by doing and getting feedback and improving based on this feedback so I am mostly looking for people willing to learn, explore and collaborate to hopefully create something cool. I would like to create games such as Planescape Torment, Disco Elysium, Hotline Miami, FTL: Faster Than Light, Spec Ops: The Line, Portal 2, Undertale, Getting Over It, The Talos Principle, Vampire the Masqurade: Bloodlines, KOTOR 2. If you are interested in this project please get in touch, we may correspond a bit and see if we would like to collaborate! > > > > I somewhat wonder about trying to release those games on FOSS licenses (still with asking for “paying” for them to support the creators), that would be “purer” from anarchist perspective than using proprietary license but this is not something I have thought about that much. The pro would be it being impossible to get the license stolen how almost happened to Disco Elysium creators.


Interesting article (small cw: contains usual sectarianism i've come to expect) Over the last two decades, I’ve seen numerous anarchists make serious predictions about where we were headed, and what dangers we faced. This is a bold thing to do, and a good thing, because it allows us to test our theories. All the predictions I remember have turned out to be wrong. Trump did not launch a coup: in fact, John Bolton was speaking from experience when he said a coup requires a great deal more organization. Fascists are not close to taking over: they are primarily a danger for people at the street level and in the way they push the center rightward in terms of acceptable policy for a democratic government to enact. Promoting antifascism in the midst of a growing antiracist movement was a mistake, a step backwards. As it did in its previous iterations, antifascism decentered questions of whiteness and colonialism and allowed the Left to gain ground in what had previously been anti-state movements: it left us flatfooted when real fascism faltered but the democratic State plowed forward. Democracy is facing a crisis, but it still poses the biggest danger to us: spreading this awareness more generally might have saved some of our most powerful movements—in Chile and in Greece—from falling into fatal strategic dead ends. It would also have improved the initial framing of the Occupy and 15M movements, allowing them to develop in far more radical directions. “Late capitalism” or “the final stage of capitalism” were declared after WWI and it’s still chugging along. Discarding Marxism would allow us to more clearly see capitalism’s vital strategic, state-driven element: states and their institutions proactively open up new territories to ensure capitalist expansion. Being on the look-out for these new frontiers would have given us a head start in identifying the mainstream climate movement and green energy as the biggest threats to life on this planet. Now, we have to play catch up. ... When a world system is faltering, the general options are: a) the system successfully renovates and reinvents itself, with the old leader launching a reformed architecture b) a new leader secures the power and legitimacy to win adherence to a new architecture, beginning a new world system c) people increase their ability to fight back against the State and we win a global revolution, destroying the world system and preventing a new one from taking its place d) the current world system remains in place, corroding and descending increasingly into civil war until eventually option a, b, or c occurs. >The IMF, G7, and the whole circus of humanitarian NGOs and international investors were blatant in the ways they benefited from corruption, authoritarian regimes, and internecine civil wars in recently decolonized countries; how by “development” they meant absolute dependence on a single export commodity, so that every poor country was not only completely vulnerable to political pressure from the US and Europe, they might also be plunged into starvation based on the vagaries of the currency market; and how, after the ‘70s, what they were most interested in was making cutthroat profit on the basis of sheer financial speculation rather than any productive growth that, from a capitalist standpoint, could be seen as sustainable. In other words, the entire Lawrence Summers crowd didn’t hide the fact that they were absolute vampires who didn’t even believe their own dogma, and the entire Rumsfeld and Bolton crowd couldn’t hide how ignorant they were about the world, about politics, and about the countries they believed they could dominate. >**US power was not masked any better on the political stage.** >From the perspective of US power, none of this looks good. To have any chance of renovating the world system it authored, the US would need to make grand gestures in order to expiate their rotten brand: > supporting Palestinian statehood and breaking Israeli public support for its current ruling class by wrecking the Israeli economy >normalizing relations with China and Iran but ensuring favorable investment and trade deals with putative democracies like India, Taiwan, and South Korea >making a convincing, substantial pitch for rebranded international investment that distinguishes itself from the mercenary monetary policy of the IMF by assuring more autonomy for “sustainable development” directed by the local ruling classes of formerly colonized countries, etc. >unveiling a convincing plan for a global transition to green energy that accelerates the current wave of profitable investment, extraction, and production, while also including a “global justice” element that gives meaningful resources to poor countries to participate in the transition and improve their economic standing And internally: >co-opting abolition for the second time (the first time being in 1865) by decriminalizing drugs, eliminating prison for all nonviolent offenders, and expanding the use of unarmed neighborhood patrol cops ... >The only military capacity China would likely need to take on the role of global leader is the capacity for deterrence and for stabilization operations. Deterrence simply means that they pose enough of a military threat that no other state would directly attack China or the smaller countries that China considers to be in its primary zone of influence, more on this in a moment. Stabilization operations would require China to project force internationally to protect the flow of commerce and protect major investments. Its bases in Eastern Africa are well positioned to help it police the Red Sea and Suez Canal route through which a great deal of commerce flows between Europe and Asia. Fucking hilarious that peter is somewhat brics head **This is unfortunate because we have the most latitude to build a revolution in a moment like this, when one world system is falling apart, and before it rejuvenates itself or before the next system has the chance to fully animate the replacement.** To not squander our chances, though, we need to remember a great many things: >Democracy is our enemy. Supporting democracy only turns us into innovative designers for the rejuvenation of the American project. >The Right and the Left are the two hands of the State, equally dangerous. The real line of conflict runs between above and below. However, Right and Left are not the same. The followers of the Left are mostly sincere. We need to be present to them to help spread meaningful forms of revolt, and we need to show them the true nature of their leaders. As for the Right, we must always attack its lies and paranoias. The key is to leave the door open for followers of the Right to betray authority, but never accommodating their anxieties. We need to build power based on expansive solidarity to show them what that could look like, but they need to take the step of abandoning identities based on oppression. >Marxism betrayed the strongest revolutionary movements of the 19th and 20th centuries. It does not deserve any more chances. Vanguards, authoritarian parties, and reforms betrayed the strongest social movements of the last 100 years. They do not deserve any more chances. >Abolition already happened, but because it was partial, it only changed the institutions of oppression without ending oppression itself. Meaningful abolition needs to identify the shared root of exploitation and white supremacy (many of today’s abolitionists are already preparing the groundwork for a second major defeat-in-victory). >Decolonization already happened. But because it was political, it only spread the colony, training the colonized to act like their colonizers. To destroy colonialism, its beginning points and the vehicles for its adaptation need to be destroyed. >A revolution needs to enact solidarity between all people, but people need to be honest about where they are coming from. People who bear a middle class culture need to unlearn it, as it manifests in a politics of comfort: building informal social power, flattening contradictions, and avoiding conflict. Currently, its crusade is to destroy practices of transformative justice—and the difficult experiences those practices come from—in favor of the kind of attitudes (simultaneously fragile and vicious) that flourish on social media. >Revolution is a question of organization, but nearly everyone who poses it this way is already limiting themselves to a counterrevolutionary idea of organization. >There is another way of organizing ourselves, of making plans, of taking strategic steps. And there always has been. (i don't agree with his dim views on marxism, but i like peter for his forceful directness) (Also, he has a tumor apparently ![sadness-abysmal]( "emoji sadness-abysmal") )


Max Nettlau, born on the 30th of April in 1865, was an anarchist historian whose biographical subjects included Bakunin, Malatesta, and Élisée Reclus. His enormous collection of primary materials is held by the International Institute of Social History. Max Nettlau was born in Neuwaldegg (Austria) to an affluent family. Nettlau's skepticism of state authority began at a young age; his memoirs state that, even as a child, he 'somehow considered the supporter of any government system as a seriously defective person'. Formally, Nettlau studied linguistics, authoring his doctoral thesis on the Welsh language. While a student in London, he became a member of the Socialist League, the only organization he was ever to join according to the International Institute of Social History (IISG). As an anarchist activist, Nettlau wrote articles for John Most's Freiheit and befriended famous anarchists such as Peter Kropotkin, Elisée Reclus, and Errico Malatesta. Nettlau was an avid collector of materials of social movements. Not just manuscripts by anarchist authors (although original texts by Bakunin became a part of his collection), but the actual pamphlets, bulletins, and papers of social movements themselves. Among Nettlau's works as an author are the first major biography of Michael Bakunin, biographies of anarchists Elisée Reclus and Errico Malatesta, and a seven volume work on the history of anarchism. A significantly shorter, one volume version is available in English as "A Short History of Anarchism". In 1935, Nettlau sold his archive (described by the IISH as "enormous") to the newly found International Institute of Social History, where it remains to this day. Nettlau died 1944 from stomach cancer in Amsterdam, having fled his native Austria follow the country's "Anschluss" to Nazi Germany in 1938. > "Do I want to propose my own system? Not at all! I am an advocate of all systems, i.e. of all forms of government that find followers." - Max Nettlau in "PANARCHY. A Forgotten Idea of 1860" (1905) [A Short History of Anarchism ]( by Max Nettlau **Megathreads and spaces to hang out:** - 📀 Come listen to music and Watch movies with your fellow [Hexbears nerd, in]( - 🔥 Read and talk about a current topics in the [News Megathread]( - ⚔ Come talk in the [New Weekly PoC thread]( - ✨ Talk with fellow Trans comrades in the [New Weekly Trans thread]( **reminders:** - 💚 You nerds can join specific comms to see posts about all sorts of topics - 💙 Hexbear’s algorithm prioritizes comments over upbears - 💜 Sorting by new you nerd - 🌈 If you ever want to make your own megathread, you can reserve a spot [here nerd]( - 🐶 Join the unofficial Hexbear-adjacent Mastodon [instance]( **Links To Resources (Aid and Theory):** **Aid:** - 🌈 [LGBTQ+ Resource Post]( - 🍉 [Resources for Palestine]( - [🐌☕ Zapatista Coffee]( **Theory:** - ❤️[Foundations of Leninism]( - ❤️[Anarchism and Other Essays](


Would love if someone pointed me out to a book regarding this.