Ask Photography

I have a Nikon D7100 and I am in love with my 35mm 1.8/f prime. On the crop sensor it gives such a natural image that I find myself using it over anything else. I am in the market for a new wide angle lens, something in the 12mm range, though.


Thought it might be helpful to put some information (*copied from other sites btw*) together about how best to get your questions answered by the Ask Photography community: - When asking a question, be sure to provide the community with as much information as needed in order to give you a useful answer. Example: if you're asking for advice on what camera equipment to buy include your total budget and what kind of photos you intend to shoot with the gear. It is helpful to include your experience level and what camera gear you already have in your kit. - If you're asking why your photos look a certain way (too dark, too noisy, too blurry, etc.), then include (1) the gear you're using, (2) your settings (aperture, shutter speed, and ISO), and (3) one or more of the photos you're asking about. - If you're asking for critique/feedback on your work, don't just post a picture and say "thoughts?" Tell us your own thoughts about it (why did you take it, what were you trying to accomplish, how do you think it turned out, etc.). And please engage with those who give you meaningful feedback. So, before you hit post, stop and ask yourself whether you've given people all the information they need to understand your question and provide you with a proper answer.


Hopefully this will be a useful spot for folks who have questions about anything related to photography - always good to have a friendly place to get answers! 📸