Bird-Watching and Ornithology

birds are the canaries in the coal-mine of life. amirite? My wife takes all our bird pictures and posts them on iNaturalist and eBird, but sometimes I obtain a copy of a nice shot and will post it here. We've been birding since about 1985 - off and on; not that we go to the ends of the Earth just to add a life-lister, but if we're AT the end of the Earth, then we'll look around a little while we're there.


Let me preempt the comments saying these are golden eagles. They are not. These are juvenile bald eagles. Golden eagles are much cooler.


The eagle posting will continue until everyone is as sick of these birds as I am.


Community about says mainly bird pictures so not sure if this is welcome or not but I don't have a more appropriate community saved and relevant content whilst the communities are still small I would imagine is welcome? If not please remove or suggest somewhere it would be better posted :)


Japanese Snow Fairy [from Hokkaido](


So.... Back up to the roof I went. I first gave them a quick inspection, since it's kind of a far drop and they had to have landed on these rocks... Both of their wings and legs seemed to be moving just fine, and there were no other obvious signs of injury. They were both clearly hungry tho. As soon as I got close to scoop them up, they opened up their beaks and stretched their necks out towards me. Not long after returning them to the nest, I saw what I assume to be momma flying out. She was some type of sparrow - we have several types common here. I'd hazard a guess (after perusing thru my state's wildlife website) that they are either Brewer's Sparrows or House Sparrows


I heard a weird tapping/rattling sound coming from my roof, and when I went to see, I saw this little nestling inches from the edge and about to tumble themself off. I managed to catch them mid-fall. I pulled out a ladder, climbed up the roof with em, and got em safely back into their nest. Pretty sure it's a starling.


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I used to watch a friends one over the summer. It was so exciting to see a bird arrive and take such diligent care of the space and her eggs. (The males appear to be mostly useless but some did return regularly with worms etc). It led me to cancel Netflix because I was enjoying the nest cam more. Edit: here's a great one of a blue tit. They'll be gone by the end of the summer, I think: Thanks for the recommendations. I'm not as interested in the big predators for whatever reason but there are some nice suggestions.


kos / common blackbird / Turdus merula Photo by [Cyanistes]( and [shared on PixelFed]( Image licensed [CC BY-NC-SA](


Gawron / Rook / Corvus frugilegus Photo by [Cyanistes]( and [shared on PixelFed]( Image licensed [CC BY-NC-SA](