
**[All links go direct to Reddit. If you don't want to send traffic their way, I suggest using a browser extension [such as LibRedirect](]** Topics in alphabetical order: **5G/EMF** * [5G technology creates coronavirus in skin cells study]( * [Scientific American - ‘We Have No Reason To Believe 5G is safe’]( * [5G Conspiracy Theory \(5G radiation will give you cancer, etc\)]( * [Agenda 21. The plot to subjugate humanity and the dangers of 5G.]( * [Locals in my city enraged over 5G tower next to Daycare.. saying the children will, basically, fall ill or die...]( * [5G phone signal masts emit radio waves which are a health risk]( * [ - scientific article about 5G harm]( * ["5G Summit" - a convention on the dangers of 5G]( **9/11** * [Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth]( * [No explanation for building 7]( * [Number of 9/11 truther engineers "overwhelming"]( * [No steel structure has ever collapsed due to fire before or after 9/11]( * [A collection of "undebunkable" 9/11 info]( * [The world ‘knows’ bin Laden did 9/11 — so why isn’t there any evidence?]( **COVID-19 / Coronavirus Pandemic (for vaccine-specific claims, see 'Vaccines')** *i. Masks* * [Masks do not prevent the spread of COVID-19, errr I mean the flu]( * [Wearing a mask doesn't decrease infection rates and that wearing a mask may harm one's breathing]( * [Class ll Medical Device \(Face Mask\) Ineffective Against Corona Virus]( * [Cloth masks are not effective]( * [Masks do not help prevent the spread of COVID-19]( * [CDC recommends against wearing face masks to combat COVID-19]( * [Oxygen levels and masks]( * [Masks both inhibit oxygen intake and also poison you]( *ii. Statistics* * [COVID-19 is no worse than the flu #1]( * [COVID-19 is no worse than the flu #2]( * [Are COVID-19 numbers drastically overinflated due to hospitals receiving a financial incentive to label patients who pass away as having died from the virus?]( * [Less than 100 deaths in 2.4 million public sector works due to COVID]( * [There is no significant Covid problem in Sweden]( * [John Hopkins data claims that COVID-19 has no relative effects on deaths in the United States]( * [There is no science to support a second wave of COVID-19]( * [Doctors \(in the UK in particular\) are putting Covid-19 on the death certificates for unrelated deaths]( * [The CDC are artificially inflating the number of COVID deaths]( * [VAERS shows hundred of deaths from the COVID-19 vaccines]( * [Deaths in UK teenagers have spiked since the government started vaccinating them against COVID]( * [UK data shows vaccinated people are more likely to catch COVID than unvaccinated]( *iii. Origin* * [NIH admits funding risky coronavirus research in Wuhan]( * [Coronavirus must have been man-made because there's no other virus that targets/damages multiple organs like this]( * [SARS-CoV2 came from a lab]( * [SARS-CoV2 came from a lab \[Update\]]( * [SARS-CoV2 is man made]( * [SARS-CoV2 is man made because one string on nucleotides in its genetic code also appears in a Moderna patent.]( *iv. Detection & Testing* * [According to Dr Luiz Martinez, the spike protein doesn't exist]( * [The success rate of COVID PCR tests is only 7%]( * [COVID PCR tests are 90% false positives]( * [WHO admits that the COVID PCR test has a problem]( * [False positives from PCR testing significantly inflate the number of COVID cases.]( * [SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated, so COVID-19 doesn't exist]( *v. Lockdowns & Miscellaneous* * [Lockdown states in the US have higher COVID case rates than non-Lockdown states]( * [640 doctors claim Covid-19 is a global scam]( * [COVID-19 Lockdowns are highly ineffective and cause more harm than good]( * [Black Lives Matter protests worsened COVID-19 ]( * [Hydroxychloroquine is a safe and effective treatment and prophylaxis for COVID-19]( * [Ivermectin is an effective cure for COVID-19]( * [A 2021 case study showed that a combination of HCQ and Ivermectin was effective at preventing severe COVID (RoundingTheEarth)]( * [A 2021 meta-study shows Ivermectin helps treat COVID]( **Flat Earth** * [General ways to debunk Flat Earth theory]( * [It's not the curvature of the earth, it's just angular resolution!]( * [If the Earth were round, buildings would be farther apart at the top!]( * [The Earth cannot perpetually revolve due to the laws of thermodynamics]( * [Laser 'experiment' finds no curvature of the Earth]( * [Eratosthenes was wrong and how is the moon so bright?]( * [Light proves the Earth is concave]( **Holocaust Denial** * [There is no physical proof that the Holocaust happened]( **JFK Assassination** * [There were multiple shooters in the JFK Assassination]( * [Government's interpretation of a JFK autopsy photograph is anatomically impossible]( **Moon Landing / Apollo 16** * [The moon rover footage was faked]( * [The moon landing was filmed on Earth]( * [The timing of the moon landing was too convenient]( * [There wasn't enough fuel for the return journey]( * [The moon landing was faked because cosmic radiation would have killed the astronauts]( **NWO / Illuminati / The Great Reset** * [The World Economic Forum's Great Reset is literally an outline for establishing a new Technocratic, Fascistic Global Government]( * [COVID is being used to push the "Great Reset", featuring global economic control, "technocratic control" and further empowered elites]( **Pizzagate / Paedophile Rings** * [Debunk Pizzagate]( * [Evidence of Pizzagate in Podesta's emails]( * [Evidence of Pizzagate in Podesta's brother's taste in art]( * [Wayfair is part of a sex trafficking trade and sells the kids right in front of us]( * [Link between child sex trafficking and major corporations including Hollywood, governments, the Royal Family, etc]( **Politics** * [Georgia data shows over 30,000 trump votes removed, another 12,173 switched to biden]( * [Democrats Caught Trying To Register Non-Citizens To Vote]( * [Evidence for voter fraud in the 2020 election]( **Social Issues (Non-racial)** * [Same sex couples have a way higher chance to raise s***y kids]( * [The gender wage gap]( * [The Transgender homicide epidemic narrative is false]( * [Trans women are a huge threat to women's sports]( * [Male privilege]( * [Women with fewer sexual experiences before marriage have longer and happier relationships]( * [Increasing minimum wage to $15 will destroy entry level jobs and low skilled workers]( * [The UK has disproportinately higher violent crime than New York]( **Social Issues (Racial) * [The police who killed Breonna Taylor actually had a warrant to enter her apartment]( * [Did Black Lives Matter cause $2B in damages?]( * [Black Lives Matter supporters have killed people]( * [George Soros is funding Black Lives Matter protests and AntiFa]( * [Black American Culture and the Racial Wealth Gap]( * [NCVS proves there is no bias in the criminal justice system against blacks]( * [There is no racial bias in police killings]( * [Judicial sentencing showed no racial bias]( * [Racial inequality is real]( * [White People are dying out in the West]( * [White Britons will be a minority by 2070]( * [Despite being 13% of the population, blacks make up 52% of the murderers]( * [Homicide rate disparity not explained by economic factors]( **Scientific Racism a.k.a 'Race Realism'** * [Scientific racism is not a fringe view in academia]( * [Racism is natural]( * [Eurocentric racists use East Asian IQ to make sure they do not look like racists]( * [IQ is genetic and variable by race]( * [100 years of "Negro testing"]( * [Human "races" can vary significantly in regards to intelligence because of their race]( * [The observed clustering in the chart is evidence of the existence of race]( * [Pigmentation in humans is linked to higher levels of aggression]( **UFOs & Aliens** * [2004 Nimitz UFO incident: black ops or aliens?]( * [Pentagon released footage of UFO sightings]( * [Ted Owns - psychokinesis + summoning UFOs]( * [UFO caught on video by Homeland Security with analysis]( **Vaccines** *i. Autism link* * [CBS reports CDC scientist admits vaccine study data showing autism link was thrown out]( * [84 Studies Showing Autism Link to Vaccines]( * [Autism is linked to oxidative stress and vaccines.]( * [The Amish don’t get Autism. They also don’t use GMOs or vaccinations. Possible link?]( * [Mercury, thimerosal, and autism]( * [Vaxxed: Triplets become autistic after receiving pneumococcal vaccine]( *ii. COVID-19* * [COVID Vaccine push prevents study of potential long term side effects from the vaccine]( * [Natural immunity is 13x times better than vaccine immunity]( * [COVID-19 vaccines can change our DNA #1]( * [COVID-19 vaccines can change our DNA #2]( * [Pfizer's mRNA vaccine is poorly studied and therefore unsafe]( * [Cornell University only requires mandatory vaccination for white students]( * [Sequencing the Pfizer vaccine reveals concerns about long term health effects]( * [Flu vaccines increase the odds of catching coronavirus by 36%]( * [The Pfizer vaccine is killing more people than the real virus is]( * [Reasons not get the vaccine, including "it's just a trial" and "it doesn't stop transmission or infection"]( * [American Thinker pro-hesitancy article on how the unvaccinated are geniuses, that the vaccines don't work against Delta, etc. etc.]( * [Doctor claims COVID vaccines cause thousands of mini blood clots in 62% of recipients]( * [The Pfizer CEO has not yet had the vaccine]( * [Study claims that antibody dependent enhancement \(ADE\) means that those who are vaccinated will be even more vulnerable to future variants than the unvaccinated.]( * [9 days after being vaccinated, this guy died.]( * [Inventor of MRNA vaccines says people should not be forced to take experimental COVID vaccines]( * [mRNA vaccines cause harm to the body by creating spike proteins]( * [VAERS shows thousands of people have died from the vaccines]( * [Mike Yeadon, Absolute VS Relative Risk Reduction, and long term safety of the vaccines]( * [The vaccines are causing a huge increase in athletes with heart problems.]( * [It's "surprising" how the benchmark for COVID vaccine effectiveness has steadily declined]( *iii. Bill Gates / Microchipped Vaccines* * [Forced vaccinations and mandatory “Chips”]( * [Bill Gates and his chippy vaccines]( * [Smart dust can be injected via vaccines to track]( * [ID2020 and vaccine certificates]( *iv. Miscellaneous* * [The 'Plandemic']( * [Six reasons not to vaccinate]( * [Toxins and smallpox and children, oh my!]( * [Vaccines do not saves lives; better health standards do]( * [Vaccines are/were not the main reason for decline in infectious diseases \(graph\)]( * [MMR vaccine is more dangerous than measles itself]( * [Mass Sterilization: Kenyan Doctors Find Anti-fertility Agent in UN Tetanus Vaccine]( * [New study shows vaccinated children have far more illnesses]( * [Vaccine producers/manufacturers are not liable for any health issues they cause]( * [Unvaccinated children are healthier than vaccinated chidlren](


Welcome, all! This is all a bit of a change of pace, isn't it? Since it is clear that Reddit has no intention of backtracking one iota on its API pricing stance, I will be using the site a whole lot less come the end of this month. Lemmy seems like the best potential replacement for Reddit in a lot of ways, so those of you who are joining the exodus are welcome to join this community and continue the good work that r/DebunkThis has been doing for over a decade, just on a platform that hasn't sold its soul to venture capital. Let us know in the comments if you have any thoughts, concerns, or ideas for helping our community flourish. ~Kabe (A.K.A *u/hucifer*)


Howdy friends. In this video we begin our deep dive into the prolific misinformation TikTok account run by Filip Zieba. Filip posts content discussing the worst takes on just about every pseudoscientific topic you can imagine. From pyramids to antarctic civilizations to hollow earth to lost advanced ice age civilizations. Parroting most of his work from more notorious psuedohistorians like Graham Hancock, Filip doesn't have too many new theories, but laces all of them with a layer of personality that is rarely seen from other creators. In this video we begin our dive into his channel by tackling his claims about antarctic civilizations, hyper diffusion, the Bosnian pyramids and much much more. So sit back, relax and get ready for some good old fashioned "googledybunking." CITATIONS AND REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.


This headline seems dubious on the face of it. Did the study results actually show this? If so, could simply spending more time online account for doing worse on this test? Also, just for fun, [you can take the test here]( I got two wrong and I have no idea which ones they were 😅


Hi, everyone. The author here claims a couple of things I'd like people to check out: 1. That European countries are generally reluctant to endorse gender reassignment treatments due to insufficient evidence 2. That there are no large scale studies / reviews that find good evidence in favor of gender reassignment treatments Thanks in advance!


US Senator for Ohio uses statistics to make the claim that the large increase in rental costs in the US is being driven by immigration. Of course, this could be a simple case of correlation≠ causation but is there much evidence to support his claim?


This piece from The Daily Skeptic claims that the CDC director knowingly lied to the public because she knew that the COVID vaccines did not stop the virus even though she promoted mass vaccination. What do we make of this one?


News pundit claims that a proposed new law would make it 1) "illegal for store employees to confront shoplifters", and that 2) "it is legal to shoplift" in California. What can we make of these claims?


FOX News claims that 1) 6 whales have been killed by wind farm development in the last month, and 2) offshore wind farms pose a severe threat to aquatic life. What do you guys make of this?