First ever picture of everything

The Earth was photographed from the Moon in all its glory on August 23rd, 1966, by a Lunar Orbiter.


The Statue of Antinous at Delphi is an ancient statue that was found during excavations in Delphi. During the excavations, the statue was discovered upright on its pedestal, next to the wall of a brick chamber, alongside the holy Temple. Roman coins minted to honour Αntinous show the statue accompanied by the epithet "Propylaeus", from which it is legitimate to infer that it was originally placed at the entrance to the sanctuary. Later it suffered damage and broke at the height of the knee, so that it had to be moved closer to the temple of Apollo, in a sort of chapel, where it was found during excavations in relatively good condition. Its idealized characteristics as well as the intense polishing of its marble surface with a special oil (which helped it to survive gleaming and in excellent condition) indicate that it belongs to the time of the radical Hadrian.


The heavy grain is due to the huge amount of radiation in the air that began to destroy the camera film the second it was exposed for this photo.


Taken after WWII using captured Nazi V-2 rocket launched from New Mexico. [Inverse article here](