People's Court

Looks like the mod of it hasn't logged in for a year. I'm not asking you to remove them, just make me a mod also. To make things more neat, you can remove the BSD-ML (/c/bsd) and Space News communities that I moderate. Please and thank you. :)


Basically as title, I wanted to hear if posts such as below are acceptable, since as it stands, it doesn't break any of Lemmygrads rules. Frankly, the post is very weird to me, and the comments are bizarre. People talking about how they want to "dominated" by a 14 year old is imo not okay, especially not when it's on a post of a drawing of a child with clear undertones. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the post since I'm not an evangelion fan, but I thought it was noteworthy enough to bring up here. EDIT: The post has been removed, so I guess that's a no?


**EDIT: Two responses from admins who dishonestly reframed the events of my ban and apparently refuse to explain it. Apparently "long time users" get different treatment.** EDIT2: The reason was finally given that "[Have you stopped beating your wife?](" in response to someone trying to put words in your mouth and ask loaded questions is a banworthy set of words. Incredible I know. ---- I would like explanation for the thinking that led to me being recently banned and branded a racist. I was randomly attacked by a bad faith troll who later let slip that she was bearing a grudge based on some other encounter from 8 months ago. The attack consisted of an attempt to paint me as a racist for this simple and honest reading error. I am a principled Marxist Leninist, active in real life and any reading of my contributions will support this and refute this slur on my character. I can, at most, stretch to forgiving the ridiculous idea that *I* was the one being "toxic" here, and not simply holding up a mirror to the toxicity of the troll who attacked me for an innocent mistake, fantasised about me doing hypothetical racist things, asked me loaded questions and tried to put words in my mouth to fool credulous onlookers. What I cannot ever accept is the allegation that I somehow engaged in "racism" anywhere in this interchange or in any of my other comments in the years I've participated on here. I deserve an explanation as to what you think you saw as racist in any of my comments. I expect a complete apology, a clearing of my name and censure against my attacker and abuser. Those involved shamed themselves with their actions. You have an opportunity to make amends and undo that injustice you've inflicted. I run a large ML forum with weekly views of tens of thousands and I recognise *exactly* the temptations you've allowed yourselves to succumb to of abusing your power for a false sense of righteousness based on petty bullying and unfair treatment. I know that I'm not the only one who's been a victim of this on lemmygrad. The contributors to this forum deserve better moderation and better judgement from the admins in general. The current process of banning people without right of reply is abusive and dishonourable. That can be a separate discussion.


You might have been able to infer this from the title, but I don't believe this community is a good fit for Lemmygrad.


I chanced upon another piece of software that includes support for Ukraine on their homepage:, previously saw it on There are apparently lots of projects on GitHub that do this too: [StandWithUkraine]( The same cannot be said for Palestine. So people of Lemmygrad, should we include the flag of Palestine as a banner? Support could also shown in other forms, as long as it's immediately obvious that it's for Palestine.


We've always noticed something odd with user [](, but we haven't formalized any space for discussion about them. People have noticed they are apparently collecting info about us and our community. Have you interacted with this user? What do you think about it?


This post comes as a result of a little talk we had on GenZedong's Matrix servers a couple of days ago and I thought it was a good idea to bring it as a proposal to discuss here. There are some strange people in Lemmygrad. I bet you can think of one or two names when I say this. Honestly, I have nothing against it, I don't think anyone should as long as they cause no harm, and quaint characters being attracted to on-line left wing spaces is as much of a natural law as that day follows the night so there's nothing one can do even if they wanted anyway. However, one can tell by some behaviours that the strangeness of some of them come from being young. Too young. And I think it would be nice to limit our list of extravagant individuals to people with a somewhat developed prefrontal cortex, since I think that currently we have none of that. As some of you may do too, I belong to the earliest sector of Gen Z. As such, it means that I was part of that experiment of giving unlimited access to the internet to someone from an early age, and after remembering well having seen that one video of a man and a glass jar after barely hitting a double digit age, I can say with some confidence that it was a bad move. While there is nothing as nearly as inappropiate as that going on here, I still consider that now that we are older and it is us the ones who are in charge of something, it would be for the best if we did what we could to prevent the youngest ones from wasting their years of brain plasticity on Hoxha-themed soyjaks, anti-psychiatry drama and debates about whether or not the Shining Path was "giga-based" or "turbo-cringe" amongst other brainrot instead of playing Poptropica on coolmathgames dot com or, even better, away from the internet. My proposal is to set the minimum age for a Lemmygrad account at 16. Of course we can't go around asking for IDs, but I think it would be sensible to put a message stating one must be 16 or older to join in the registration page, make it part of our rules and if someone's behaviour seems sussy then let the mods and admins decide according to their collective judgement. That's it. Discuss. Edit: Because some people seem to be missing the point - I know there is no way to enforce thia for all cases. But in the state things are right now, if some kid openly states that they are 12 they would not be able to be banned because there are no rules that justify it, which is no bueno.


Lemmygrad is not a large website. The statistics on the sidebar shows that it has around 10.5k users, with this number being considerably smaller in regards to its active users, with 1.11k users using the website in the last 6 months and half than that in the last month, with 591 users. That is perfectly okay: the concept of a small, tight-knit community of active users with shared interests who can recognize each other frequently by name is an appealing one. However I personally think that on a site with a membership so small one should stop to think, before creating a community centered around certain topic, about the chances that exist for such to attract enough users and grow to the point needed to maintain a certain life. I would have imagined that it should be a matter of common sense, but it seems not everyone gets it, and as a result, Lemmygrad ends up full of extremely niche communities that have either no posts nor users except its creators or recieve content solely from these ones. [We]( [have]( [seven]( [communities]( [dedicated to]( [Australian]( [cities,]( all of them created by the same user and all of them without one single post. We have [a community for clarinetists.]( We have [a community dedicated to The Critic.]( We have [whatever this thing is.]( Most recently we got [a new community for Maltese communists,]( which with all due respect, as a country with little more than half a million people, it has *absolutely zero chance* of catching on in the slightest and is going to become either another abandoned community or someone's own personal blog (of which we already have our fair share). The list goes on and on and all of these are just examples. I am not asking these specific ones to be removed: I am just using them to point out a problem that makes the section of Trending Communities irrelevant and unusable and the List of Communities tab completely unnavigable, amongst others, as well as to make the case that we need new policy in regards to the creation of communities and/or the elimination of those who become either abandoned or populated solely by their creator.


We have two communities that seemingly serve the same purpose. TankieTunes is more active and Socialist music only has a single mod that hasn't posted in 4 years.


The owner has locked it to only allow them to post. That's fine, but all posts they've made so far they've also locked at zero comments to disallow the community to interact with those posts. This goes against the purpose of lemmy(grad) in my opinion which is interaction and discussion. If the person behind this wants to post static things without feedback they'd be better served by hosting a website and hoping people stumble on it. It's one thing for admins to lock posts at their discretion because of an nonconstructive turn to discussion or because it's an announcement and they don't want fighting over their rules that they've decided on. Likewise for mods to not allow comments on a rules post or shut down discussion when it becomes unproductive. The content is also somewhat sketchy feeling. I admit it's true that there can be issues with female on male relationship violence not being taken seriously but such statistics are often pushed to silence and tamp down on the overwhelming societal issue which is in fact male on female violence within and outside of relationships. To shout down feminists with "men can be raped too" is like shouting down black lives matter with "all lies matter" or "white people experience police violence too". Honestly it rings alarm bells. There's nothing wrong about talking about gendered violence towards men and boys, but this site seems to frame it in terms of persecution, in terms of there being some sort of feminist agenda to silence and shut down discussion on these matters. Take for example this link from the blog this community models itself on: In it they feature researchers who claim they received bomb threats, had their dogs shot, were shouted down by feminists. All of this rings alarm bells in my head that these people are likely reactionaries using progressive language as a cover. It uses the classic reactionary tact of claiming repression. They claim to have studies showing female on male violence in families being equal to male on female violence. Which is on its face a dishonest framing. Sure women may shout (verbal abuse) and with dishonest twisting of terminology you can over-count aggressive but not actually violent or dangerous behavior and use it to try and equal out men who give women black eyes. But you can't hide the homicide rates and those show us that women and girls are far more frequently murdered by men and boys than the inverse. Once more, it's not that gendered violence towards men and boys doesn't exist, it's that gendered violence towards women and girls is much more severe, prevalent, has within our lifetime been the subject of tv-tropes and jokes (slapping a "hysterical woman" to calm her down as just one example) and has more severe consequences such as girls and women being attacked, seriously injured, and even killed. Rape against men and boys is unacceptable, coercion for sex is unacceptable. But the fact is men and boys are the overwhelming committers in volume of sexual violence on women and girls that is actually physically violent, forceful, etc. Men for the most part merely feel a social pressure on their status to agree to sex with women, that they'll be less of a man if they don't agree. Every request from men and boys towards women and girls carries an implicit fall-back of violence, even lethal levels of it for rejecting a male, for denying them sex, intimacy, a relationship, etc and women and girls live with that every day, every encounter in the back of their minds. While such violence towards men and boys does not define their lived experiences, they do not naturally due to a felt prevalence assume that denying a girl intimacy, a relationship, or sex will likely result in her escalating to violence and the potential of bodily harm and danger. Not taking that reality, that material and historical reality into account when discussing gendered violence makes one dishonest. The site is evasive in what it talks about, it frames itself as for progressive rights of men and boys and what woman can oppose that? Not I. I'm all for men having conversations about healthy masculinity, reform, male solidarity that isn't to the exclusion of women but looks like support for men by men. But it feels off and the fact the owner has locked any ability to discuss it also adds to the ringing alarm bells. Truthfully if they hadn't done that I wouldn't have spent 10 minutes looking over a few things there and realizing it felt sketchy. It seems like a lot of this sketchy stuff is papered over and hidden between bland, no analysis, uninteresting, unenlightening, surface level feminist-friendly stuff like roe-v-wade being overturned being bad but then just throwing some statistics out and not really getting into any analysis or insight. Here's an example of more problematic stuff: "I want to define myself by who I am. Not as a feminist, an MRA or egalitarian, as left, or right, liberal or conservative." It's alarming that MRA is mentioned as a possibility as if egalitarian which is used by the manosphere to disguise their hatred of women. And one last one: Which seems to downplay the power and reality of patriarchy. I don't want to get too into the weeds of the content and it's merits. Because even if the content were incredibly uncontroversial and in no world could be considered sketchy or one-sided, even if it were something we all agreed upon as Marxist-Leninists just by our nature, the lack of ability for discussion is in my opinion against the intended nature and function of lemmy. If you're going to post something here you have to deal with people replying, even disagreeing with you. You don't have to respond, you don't have to even look at their responses if you don't want to, you can chuck something out there into the feed and then ignore all discussion. But others should be able to. **I ask admins to consider whether this content should be here and whether this community should exist given two separate issues:** 1) The locking of the whole community against interaction and just using it as a posting board for someone's stuff which seems counter to lemmy's intentions and function. 2) The questionable content present *edit 13 hours in: Since looking more into it since I wrote this post I have changed my mind. I was too conciliatory in my language. So let me be clear. I think this rises to a case of global rules violation, hatred, misogyny and the OP and sole moderator should be appropriately sanctioned. No benefit of the doubt is deserved given the language they used on the sidebar about the stuff they were posting being useful*


Right now, we have /c/Introductions, but it only has one post from nearly a year ago. Would be cool if those who wanted to introduce themselves knew that there was a place where they can.


I just noticed that out of the 4 moderators of [!](, 3 have been inactive since 2020/2021 ([](, [](, [](, and along with the 4th mod ([](, all of them are the same moderators of [!]( I hereby make a request to become a moderator of [!](, and to remove all 4 current mods. My qualifications include: - I am Chinese - I like to fact check information I hope other comrades will also step forward to help moderate [!](


**Update**: Most people in the replies seem against the idea. On second thought, I realized I don't want to contribute to the proliferation of machine generated garbage. To that end, I have deleted the bot and the AI "art" community. I have also removed the repo for the bot from github. ::: spoiler original post The better part of a year ago, I made a bot that generates images based on comments it's mentioned in. Usage of it quickly got out of hand because some people (mostly me) were overusing it. The fix made for this at the time was making a community ([!]( specifically for AI image generation with a designated thread for generating images. However, it seems that since then the bot has barely been used. This makes me think that the measures described above are no longer necessary. I propose letting the bot respond to mentions again. **To clarify what this would mean:** - The bot would only respond to mentions (e.g. []( This would mean it will only respond when a user wants it to instead of automatically spamming. - It would only respond to mentions in comments, not posts - Generated images will be tucked away in a spoiler, preventing the responses from being annoyingly large. This would hopefully allow me to use the bot for what I originally envisioned -- a quick way of generating low effort shitposts topical to the comment thread it's mentioned in. If what I've said above doesn't seem enough to prevent it from being annoying, I could add other constraints such as limits per user within a time frame or limits per post. :::


Recently, something happened on Lemmy after another update I think and now I can suddenly still see deleted posts even if they were well, deleted, they just have a trash bin next to them and still appear and can be seen. Same thing for comments, for example lib comments with mass downvotes and whole sections of replies can still be seen even if they are deleted, it just says ''deleted or deleted by creator''. Before when a comment or post was deleted, it completley disappeared, but now it can still be seen on the feed. Can we please do something about this?


Got randomly suggested by Lemmy for some reason. It's an old community with one post, seems to be superseded by other comms like SRS Edit: Link is [!]( and [!](


tværpostet fra: > If at least it were a ukraine community you could post a few more things but this is just the same as as shit r s. The war is fading almost irrelevant so it is not even much of a thing naymore


Recently, many of our anti-Zionists posts have been downvoted to oblivion by liberals. As hexberians realized a while back, downvotes only help liberals since they are more numerous and they don’t need to engage in discourse. I am proposing to just get rid of downvotes and instead engage in discourse on content that we disagree on.


cross-posted from: > What do you know, a folk-tale from my ancestral homeland.


I read Lemmygrad in public so it is kinda bad, especially with the recent war in Ukraine, to see nazi imagery in Lemmygrad posts unblurred, so I suggest that we blur any posts with nazi imagery so that people can choose when they want to see the posts that contain it.


I've seen plenty of posts around here lately about how we should explain things patiently to the liberals. But it's hard to be patient when they come into our communities uninvited and start an argument over something that's so obvious to us, over and over again, especially when they're also full of american chauvinism (I recall one guy a while ago who didn't believe the occupation of south Korea was real). It's plain frustrating and not conducive to a meaningful discussion. Besides, can't speak for others, but personally I sometimes want to enjoy fellow communists' posts without having some lib causing a mess in the comment section. I think isolating them into a particular community (maybe call it something like `/c/debatecommunism`) could be helpful for the following reasons: - We can engage on our own terms. When I feel like debating, I could go there and do it. When not, enjoy the rest of the site without being bothered by them. That'd also make it easier to be patient with them. - Have past questions in one place. If someone is genuinely there to ask questions in good faith, they could read a previous thread if the question was already recently asked. - Could make a sidebar or a stickied post with links to resources. - If some experienced people are willing to moderate such a community, it would have more effective moderation than the current state of moderation falling on whoever happens to be the mods of the community the argument started in, or on the site admins if something is reported. There is a line between debating and just insulting us or being racist towards whoever is liberals' designated enemy right now. With "isolate", I mean, creating the "debate communism" (or whatever other name we'd choose) community, and a policy of reporting/removing liberal-attempting-to-debate-us comments everywhere else on this instance. Thoughts? Are there any downsides to this that I have failed to see? Are the obnoxious posters from other instances not a big deal for everyone else and I'm the only one who is bothered? (I'm sorry if I phrased something badly. I'm really not good at words...)


Hi. I wanted to talk about an issue that has been bothering me for a long time and that is the quality of the publications that are being made lately in the [Leftsthetics community]( I have a specific problem with the user “Роძэя ΟЬяэяо” who I think has not understood the purpose of that community very well. The description of the community reads as follows: >*For propaganda posters, art, influential photos, and anything else that promotes the aesthetics of revolution and the Left.* The problem is that this user does not upload anything that has to do with socialist or Marxist aesthetics. With so many artistic and aesthetic expressions of this movement, I don't understand how they can use the community to upload memes, which are also in Spanish. They also share famous quotes from great thinkers but again, is out of place in this community. In fact, this user currently moderates the **Latino Marxist** community and they have not even oriented it towards anything concrete, it is an accumulation of his publications that are completely decontextualised. And always, in all publications, it says "Latino Marxist", without descriptions or anything, as if it were some kind of branding or an automated bot. It gives a very bad image and worsens the impression of Lemmygrad. I don't want to promote hatred towards this user because I doubt their intentions are evil, but I think this community has a lot of potential and right now it is full of out-of-context posts and memes. For that we already have other communities with more varied subject matter. I attach examples where you can see what I am talking about. Having said that, I hope that the moderators will do something to improve the quality of the publications. Thank you. Edit v1.01: Change pronouns (he/him -> they/them) ![]( ![](


The community [!]( is not an official avenue of communication as it appears to suggest. The community has always been fairly inactive, but now there’s users posting in it after a year-long post hiatus. Would it be better to restrict the community and redirect people to Lemmy’s [official GitHub]( where people can and do post suggestions that have a more serious chance to get heard by Lemmy developers?


There are so many >1MB images on the web and it's annoying to always have to downscale them. I'm not asking to remove the limits, as lemmy only has a finite space. But having it on 2MB sounds like a nice way to have people upload pics that are original resolutiom, but now too big.


Would like for us to get ahead of this instead of having to scramble


Hexbear is far more likely to have users entering and using our comms, being another large socialist instance, albeit dedicated to left unity rather than Marxism like ourselves. I think there is enough of a culture change that we need to have a pinned post for hexbear users coming here explaining what kind of content/attitudes they might see here/what different rules to follow There should also be a section dedicated to explaining to lemmygrad users to respect hexbear comm rules and what to expect from their users etc. I think this would help ease any potential cross site struggle sessions


With the Reddit exodus, there's been a significant increase in the number of bad-faith liberals commenting on communities like LSC. I don't personally think we should ban liberals from all communities if they're being respectful, but immediate hostility breaks the instance's third rule and seeing it everywhere might make some users uncomfortable. In particular, the bigger communities that only have admins as mods (I get the feeling that they have a lot to deal with already) or have inactive mods might need some help ~I\ haven't\ spoken\ to\ any\ admins\ about\ this\ so\ ignore\ this\ if\ it's\ already\ being\ dealt\ with~


A couple of users on the genzedong matrix chat expressed concern over Lemmygrad's lack of privacy policy. Lemmy already supports setting legal information in the site admin settings (although it's hard to find the legal page if you don't already know about it since there are no links to there). It could also be worth letting admins on other instances know about this feature, as I'm sure many of them would want to add privacy policies to their instances as well.


> A community dedicated to critical left unity and the synthesis of ideas. Everyone is welcome here, but, please avoid uncritical or unproductive sectarianism. (Please read the rest of their sidebar as well to get a feel) We as Marxists (regardless of whether ML, trot, Maoist, etc) I believe tend to universally uphold the notion that left-unity is not Marxist. That we practice only Marxist-unity (and with plenty of criticism amongst ourselves at that for non-ML's especially that often goes as far as exclusion for those who don't support AES at least critically). To put it bluntly: I do not want people who practice left-unity to get a beachhead or toehold here with a dedicated community. There is an anarchist alternative (raddle), at least one anarchist instance to my recollections on lemmy itself and most liberal and left leaning instances on lemmy allow anarchists but explicitly ban Marxists. In other words, this is our one, singular space which these people are now pushing into. We should not cede an inch of it to allowing non-Marxists and those who discourage vicious criticism and yes even venting and sneering and meming on of the compatible-left, the CIA-left, the synthetic-left and other such names. I'll note that hexbear is basically a left unity platform and will be federating with us shortly. They tolerate and allow anarchists and discussion between them and ML's so such content would be better there. I believe at any rate that anarchists are not disallowed from here if they're here to ask honest questions and not just spew imperialist propaganda and anti-communist, anti-AES dogma. Thus the community serves as nothing more than an attempted safe-space for anarchists and other deviations (left, right, etc), a safe harbor from site rules and standards.


Not sure if it violates Lemmygrad's rules.


With the sleepless one's new bots and other AI's out there, I think it would be nice to have a storage for every interesting autogenerated picture


Under the name [@Academicproletarian]( he sent me this message: >Hey, comrade! I see you are an editor on ProleWiki, that's super great! > >Let's get down to brass-tacks. I'm the Chief Commissar of the Internal Security Group of ProleWiki. I myself have banned millions of people from our great echo-chamber. > >I've just been ordered personally by our great founder Forte to improve our [page on Stalinism]( It turns out that Stalinism, or more fully, Marxism—Leninism—Stalinism (MLS) [really does exist as an ideology]( > >As such, he wants us to rewrite our incorrect page on Stalinism to indicate that it really does exist. He also told me to use [this excellently-written writing on MLS as a reference.]( This writing was made by a genius pioneer of Wisconsinite Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist theory. Thus it is a VERY good source. > >Thank you! It seems that they're going after [ProleWiki]( again, (in this case attempting to have the *"Stalinism"* page *"corrected."*


As I said in a comment on the post asking about this community (and pinged the creator), I would give them the rest of Monday to get back to us about this community and their reasoning, and they never got back to me. Nor did they get back to anyone on that posted memes to that community, nor did they ever post anything in their two months here apart from creating that community. Plus there's already a c/trotskyism community. The account feels suspicious but obviously at this time we have nothing to go on and so will not ban OP. As a general rule, be wary -- but not paranoid -- if someone DMs you for reasons that seem strange. Like if they ask a lot of questions from the get go or want to get to know you. Remember you don't have to answer anything you don't want to and you don't have to provide justification for it.


It seems someone has created a [/c/trotskyists]( community. I believe this community should be removed for what I think are obvious reasons.


Very good job on the part of community mods who backed up and deleted their communities pre-emptively. I went ahead and deleted the last few communities, which had just 6 posts on them on average. From now on, please only post to [!]( and [!]( Please do not make new "Shit X Say" type communities. Two communities were archived, these are Shit Liberals Say and Shit Fascists Say. They were made "mod-only", which means you cannot post there but can still comment on existing posts. We decided to archive them by popular demand and because there were so many posts on them people didn't want to lose.


For those out of the loop, we are merging all "Shit X Say" communities into just two: [!]( and [!]( **From this moment:** users are not allowed to make new communities in the "Shit X Say" vein and should not post in any "Shit X Say" community that is not one of the two above. **7 days from now:** we will delete the extra communities (all except the 2 above) If you mod a Shit X Say type community, back up the posts before we delete them. Just copy the URL as they are not entirely deleted from the server, just hidden. We also recommend you put your communities on mod only so that people don't inadvertently post new content there (just click on this icon and then check the "make community mod only): ![]( Or alternatively, pre-emptively delete your community if you've backed up the posts. For now we will place everything in Shit Liberals Say, which should become Shit Reactionaries Say, but there's discussion about just making a Shit Reactionaries Say community. Personally I'm not sure which is best. There's 1.5k posts on SLS and we would basically lose all of them, but at the same time it might confuse people to post to Shit "Liberals" Say about monarchists or fascists.