DIYRPG Spells, potions, and Magic Items

A failed enchantment to make a flying carpet creates ... a carpet that keeps your feet warm when placed over a cold floor. A failed enchantment to make a ring of protection succeeds ... at making a ring that protects the little bit of your finger it covers. A failed attempt at a potion of alertness gives you ... a cup of coffee. A failed try at making a bag of holding gives you ... a bag that will hold a volume equal to its external measurements. What else?


Because one I made up a few months ago for 3.5 use (which is adapted simply enough to other fantasy games) seems worth sharing with even more of the world. (The pricing is based on the principle that utility items should probably cost less than similar combat items which could be inferred from an old 3.5 dev article.) **Mitt of Oven Summoning** If not for the various runes stitched onto it, this oven mitt would look fairly ordinary. The wearer may summon a single 20' cubic brick oven wherever there is flat ground and open space to do so. The interior of the oven includes several metal racks, allowing multiple food items to be arranged efficiently inside. Ten minutes after it is summoned, the oven heats up as per the spell *Darsson's firey furnace*. At any time, the wearer can command the oven to cool; this allows them ten minutes to safely remove items from the oven before it disappears. The user of the mitt need not continuously wear it to keep the oven in existence, but cannot end the cooking cycle without first putting the mitt back on. The person who commands the oven to cool need not be the same person who initially summoned the oven, but does need to use the same mitt. The oven can exist for up to seven hours per day; this time need not be consecutive. If the oven is not dismissed before its daily allotted time runs out, or if it is successfully dispelled, the oven will disappear immediately and any items contained within will drop to the ground. Moderate conjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, *(Leomund's) secure shelter*, *Darsson's firey furnace*; Price 8820 gp.


For reasons I've not really grasped yet myself, I think the idea of magic masks and magic lanterns is just really cool and evocative. And I really want to have a lot of them make appearances in my next Dragonbane campaign. The mechanics of Dragonbane don't really care about weapons enchanted to make stronger attacks, armor that provides better protection, or rings and amulets that increase your character stats. Instead, the game is more suited to magic items that grant characters new abilities you can't get from leveling up. That's the kind of enchantments that I am in need of. The main trait of a mask is that it covers your face. So I think any enchantment that protects your mind against mental attacks or intrusions would be a great fit. It also gives you a new face, so enchantments that hide your identity or give you a new one also fit well. I can see enchantments that let you do magic with your voice fit too. A mask also makes you look through two holes for your eyes, so it makes for a great base for enchantments that grant you special vision. I'm sure there's tons of things that could be done with magic masks and I'd love to hear what things you would think would make for really cool enchantments. I also really like the idea of magic lanterns, and unfortunately for those there are really not many existing examples. The function of any lantern is to provide light that lets you see things that you can't see in the darkness. A lantern that banishes illusions would be a very useful item to have, but I feel that such an ability would be way too broad which makes it way too useful. I think perhaps it would be better to have magic lanterns dispel specific enchantments on a specific location or from a specific being, but then the usefulness might be too narrow and the item be useless after the end of the adventure. Which would not be that great. A related but completely different effect of a lantern making the hidden invisible is that it could keep away creatures that either gain their main power from being hidden, or who are being actively hurt by the radiation of the light that is harmless to ordinary beings. Though again, this might also run into the problem of being either too good because it's too useful, or being too specific to be used more than once. Have you come across or had ideas for cool enchanted masks and lanterns that would make for great or interesting magic items in a game?