

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/20776659 A quick, naive AI generated Purescript translation (quickly generated that probably doesn’t work but will help get me started later) ``` module Main where import Prelude import Effect (Effect) import Effect.Aff (launchAff_) import Effect.Aff.Timer (setInterval) import Effect.DOM (window) import Web.HTML (document) import Web.HTML.Document (getElementById) import Web.HTML.Element (Element, toElement) import Web.HTML.HTMLCanvasElement (getContext2D, getCanvasElementById) import Web.HTML.Canvas.Image (newImage, getWidth, getHeight, setSrc) import Web.HTML.Canvas.CanvasRenderingContext2D (CanvasRenderingContext2D, drawImage) import Web.HTML.Types (CanvasElement, Image) import Web.DOM.Node.Types (Node) foreign import requestAnimationFrame :: (Effect Unit -> Effect Unit) -> Effect Unit -- Loads the image and begins the animation startAnimation :: Effect Unit startAnimation = do img <- newImage setSrc img "example1.jpg" canvas <- getCanvasElementById "myCanvas" context <- getContext2D canvas -- We defer animation start until the image is loaded imgOnLoad img (beginAnimation context img) -- Sets the image `onload` handler, safely deferring canvas drawing until the image is ready imgOnLoad :: Image -> Effect Unit -> Effect Unit imgOnLoad img action = do foreignOnload img action foreign import foreignOnload :: Image -> Effect Unit -> Effect Unit -- Initializes the animation loop beginAnimation :: CanvasRenderingContext2D -> Image -> Effect Unit beginAnimation context img = do imageWidth <- getWidth img imageHeight <- getHeight img let row = imageHeight requestAnimationFrame (animate context img row imageWidth imageHeight) -- Animates drawing row by row animate :: CanvasRenderingContext2D -> Image -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Effect Unit animate context img row imageWidth imageHeight = do drawImage context img 0 row imageWidth 1 0 0 imageWidth row let nextRow = if row > 0 then row - 1 else imageHeight requestAnimationFrame (animate context img nextRow imageWidth imageHeight) main :: Effect Unit main = do startAnimation ```


> This video demonstrates a quick way to have something nice running with purescript (react + tailwind css + shadcn/ui components) > Repository: https://github.com/Zelenya/purescript-shadcn-tailwind-copypaste > Check out my course "How to think like a functio programmer": https://impurepics.thi. #fp #functionalprogramming #purescript


> I've seen a bit of chatter recently in the PS community about dependent types. Many of us that have been using PureScript for years love it because of its simplicity and elegance, and there has been resistance in the community to build out the complexity, both syntax-wise and implementation-wise, of a full-blown dependently-typed language à la Idris and Agda. > > But another reason that there's not much community momentum behind adding dependent types to PureScript is because PureScript already has dependent types 😁


> For whatever reason, I decided at 27:00 Friday that I should make a program that would get audio from videos of a Youtube channel. This article will go over the details on why and how I made this with Purescript (and some FFI).


Teaser for the benefits of strongly typed pure functional programming