
We noticed this community was abandoned by its previous moderators, and so we’re here to help it thrive again! We’re looking for new moderators to help make this a truly awesome community. Keep in mind that as a moderator, it would be up to you to make sure all posts are following the Lemmy.World’s rules, and your own community rules. Server rules can be found on https://lemmy.world/legal If you are interested in moderating this community, please reply to this post with your time zone and availability.


Усі способи, як створити груповий чат у TikTok. Коли з'явилась така функція та скільки користувачів можна додавати до групового чату? Поради TikT


the remote shutters I've found only work with some apps, and never with TikTok or capcut. anybody aware of any?


This change just happened for me today. I’ve been loving TikTok in the way I have it fine tuned for what I want to see and have always understood the need for ad videos occasionally in between real content. The ads DURING videos are so distracting and completely take me out of whatever I’m learning, watching, etc. Like these videos are a few seconds to a few minutes, do we really need to have them broken up by ads? I hate it. I’ve started just skipping the videos even if I find them interesting as soon as the ad comes on as some pathetic kind of protest that I know won’t help anything. It makes me all the more happy to be participating in something like Lemmy that isn’t just trying to squeeze every drop of revenue from my attention.