
Hyia everybody! <3 I made a matrix space for this community on my homeserver, for a more leaned back way to chat, If you are interested, stop by and say hi <3 sorry to everybody who tried before and was greated by an empty space :(, seams dendrite doesn't support room discovery over federation, I added a room list to the space description and invitied everybody who had joined the space!


Hyia! I didn't find a space for us nerdy trans people on, so I thought I might aswell create one and see who shows up :) This place is not associated with r/transprogrammer, seams they have not made any moves to lemmy, and I didn't expect them to. Feel free to post anything Programming or Trans related, doesn't need to be both, show off your Projects!, introduce yourself, or just banter about life as a trans programmer. As for personal introductions, Im Xea, trans girly with a love for C, gas asm and generally everything OS devy / low level, I work for a legacy software company, where it seams whether or not Im valid is a political question and not a question of basic human decency, enough crying. Thanks for reading! <3 ps: if anybody has any better ideas for the community picture, they would be much appreciated, while the rustacean is cute <333, Its not that general to programming, heck I have never touched rust :,)


not much work needed to make that work so far, but the nrepl isnt behaving properly yet, so i yet have to fix that part to have a nice janet experience in obsidian ^^'




I lived in a perfect OOP bubble for my entire life. Everything was peaceful and it worked perfectly. When I wanted to move that player, I do player.move(10.0, 0.0); When I want to collect a coin, I go GameMan -> collect_coin(); And when I really need a global method, so be it. I love my C++, I love my python and yes, I also love my GDScript (Godot Game Engine). They all work with classes and objects and it all works perfectly for me. But oh no! I wanted to learn Rust recently and I really liked how values are non-mutable by defualt and such, but it doesn't have classes!? What's going on? How do you even move a player? Do you just HAVE to have a global method for everything? like move_player(); rotate_player(); player_collect_coin(); But no! Even worse! How do you even know which player is meant? Do you just HAVE to pass the player (which is a struct probably) like this? move(player); rotate(player); collect_coin(player, coin); I do not want to live in a world where everything has to be global! I want my data to be organized and to be able to call my methods WHERE I need them, not where they just lie there, waiting to be used in the global scope. So please, dear C, Rust and... other non OOP language users! Tell me, what makes you stay with these languages? And what is that coding style even called? Is that the "pure functional style" I heard about some time? Also what text editor do you use (non judgemental)? Vim user here


In may I graduated with an associates degree, and while I have retooled my resume a few times, I still feel a job is out of reach, and often times I feel like I am getting no where. I kinda feel like I should go back for a bachelors degree but getting into that much debt which I have no one to help me even make interest payments while I'm in school.


Um. Hi. I have... a **lot** of questions these days as a washed out programmer who burnt out in college. #### 1. How does Linux do Arch First, I got myself an Arch Linux install cause being able to build the operating system with the pieces I need sounds very cool, but ngl... the Arch community scares me. So if I may... - Do y'all know where I could find help for this? - If I uninstall a desktop environment, do I get my settings back if I reinstall it? - Is there a safe ish way to repartition if I set root and home to different partitions? #### 2. Very rusty I've been trying my hand at Rust recently. But I am not sure of what can it actually do. 1. Can Rust make .exe programs? 2. Does it get crazy over time? 3. How does one use git with Cargo? #### 3. Windows So I have a main build that runs Windows, but I have been thinking of switching to a Linux DIstro. One SSD for OS, one HDD for data, 16GB RAM, AMD stuff. Anything I should know? Yes I know this is dumb but I dont know where else to ask... Any help is appreciated


Hello internet friends! Last year I decided to learn python, and I set on making a blackjack game - sounded like a simple prospect. Cue many hours of trial and error and reading documentation. Months passed, and little by little I kept adding things. Now it feels kind of enjoyable to play to me, so maybe some of you or your blajahs will find it interesting too. You need to have python and pygame installed to play. Sorry if my github is a mess and I'm not supposed to upload it like this, I mostly have no idea what I'm doing! Any feedback or comments are appreciated :)


6 years ago I set out to improve GNU Unifont, and finally after 6 years I have finished. It has MANY special Unicode symbols, including gender ones and plenty of technical ones. I use it as my IDE and terminal fonts on ALL my OSes. Oh and this time I fixed the link. Also, "UnifontExMono.png" is both its own preview image as well as a proper build of the font for use cases where TTF and BDF are too big, like in character LCDs. I also do extensive documentation of my content so don't hate me. Here's a link: [UnifontEX]( Logo: ![UnifontEX's logo](


I graduated in May with my associates degree, and sadly after applying a bit nothing, not even a reply email. I am convinced I am just unprepared for this industry, I will admit I don't have a GitHub with 1 billion contributions, and a bunch of connections. but can I seriously get nothing. I can't afford the 25K needed for my bachelors. I am honestly considering put in my applications to target or whatever and giving up.

43 The first photo is what I think is closest to how people realistically see me as. I just feel like socially transitioning was a mistake, and maybe hrt can't help me. Keep in mind at the point that photo was taken I was a year and many months in.


I am currently working on a small project, and I am working on getting it functional, but I question when exactly should I make commits. I usually just do it when I am done with working on it, but I know in practical projects often times commits are for one specific thing but given the project does not even work yet what exactly do I do.


Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module /home/sky/Documents/hourlypets/node_modules/tsl-mastodon-api/lib/index.js from /home/sky/Documents/hourlypets/src/mastodon.ts not supported. Instead change the require of index.js in /home/sky/Documents/hourlypets/src/mastodon.ts to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules. I am a bit confused, I did attempt to try to change from CommonJS to something else it broke my other modules I am using.


I am currently working on a silly little project that will post pet's up for adoption every hour to mastodon. I am struggling with how I should structure the project. Should I put every single step in it's own typescript module, like the main file calls the petgrabber function in petgrabber.ts after 1hr, than petgrabber calls the mastodon function in the mastodon.ts file, or should I just do a single file, or is there a way I am not thinking of. My biggest thing is them being interdependent on each other feels like it defeats the purpose of having them in their own file.


Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right community to ask this, but I got yelled at by my mom today for not having a job and I thought it might be worthwhile asking what sort of strategy I should pursue from a community of people with skills I would like to develop. I graduated with a bachelor's degree in Computer Science from a mid-tier state university in the US before the pandemic, but didn't really do anything to develop my portfolio. I had good grades and got two interviews for software engineer positions, but didn't get the job in either case. I didn't really care too much. I was still an enby egg and everything felt off, so I never looked very hard. When the pandemic happened, it made finding a position out of the question because my parents are high risk. Unfortunately, I have had trouble developing a portfolio. I don't know if my education is lacking or I missed something or it is my ADHD or I am just not talented and got fooled into thinking I was okay by grade inflation, but I could never focus for long enough to figure out anyone's project and make a contribution. I did a bit of Cracking the Coding Interview, but got bored a chapter or two in and haven't gone back to it in a while. So I guess specifically my questions are: 1. Am I correct in trusting the common advice to contribute to open source projects to build a portfolio? 2. If so, how do you figure out how to gauge your skill level so that you pick the right projects to contribute to? 2a. How long does it take *you* to get up to speed on a new project before you feel comfortable contributing? How long did it take before your first job? 3. Am I correct in thinking that any credit I get from employers from having a CS degree is strongly outweighed by 5 years of not having a job and no contributions? 4. Should I consider looking into the resources I (and my mom) have heard about offering autistic people help getting into technical fields? I don't think my autism is that bad, and I'm not particularly talented either, so I'd dismissed these for the most part. 5. How do I avoid positions that don't either build my skills or lead to a career? 6. I am prescribed and taking medicine for ADHD. Is there anything I can do beyond that? My mom has talked about hiring a “life coach,” but it has always sounded like a good way to spend money for no benefit. 7. How do I motivate myself when I'm probably mediocre and will be treated like shit if I “succeed?” 8. Am I thinking about this all wrong somehow? 9. What are the best resources for someone in my position? Despite how it may sound, I am willing to put a fair bit of effort into self-improvement, it has just been spread far too thin because of the ADHD.


I feel like the post's title does not do this one justice, anyway, I recently graduated college with an associate's in computer programming, however, I honestly lack skills beyond very basic programming skills. I have ADHD and autism and have a ton of trouble self-teaching myself things, I managed to teach myself some intermediate skills in docker and general Linux system administration when I was younger and still use it today. I feel like getting a job as a sysadmin might make more sense but for some reason, I feel like on paper my resume would just hit the shredder. I lack min wage work experience as I did not work in college and I kinda wonder if I have the work a min wage for like 2 years to get a normal job. and if I should get off HRT cause min wage jobs in the south don’t like trans people, and that it’s just gonna get banned anyway


This is a 3081-byte (~3 kilobytes) browser game that is inspired by the demoscene and has no limit to resolution or frame rate. I made it when I was 13 (I'm 21 now), and back then it was 30K. I got it down to 3K over the years. It's not really much of a game, but it DOES make a great fidget toy when you are at a waiting room. It uses MANY optimizations to get to its size, some of which are custom. I got it to fit in a Han Xin, iQR, and JAB code (spinoffs of the QR code format that have more room). So, it's able to fit into a QR Code. *In China* via Han Xin codes. Also yes, this browser game WILL fit in a browser cookie. It's smaller than an HDD sector, and at 1500-byte MTU, this browser game only takes 3 packets to load. At 3081 bytes, it loads in under half a second on 56K dialup (even slower dialup connections than 56K won't have trouble with it either.)


This is a file compression program I wrote in JavaScript when I was 17 after 4 years of effort (I'm 21), and I improved it for 4 more years, which outputs to Base32768, rather than the Base2 of binary, and features AES256-CTR encryption too. Files don't have to be binary. This program's files have the .B3K extension. This program makes no external requests and can be ran offline.


[]( &#x200B; My name is Leona, I'm a trans woman, and I am a former game dev that worked on The Elder Scrolls Online from 2018 to 2022. I am reaching out to the LGBT+ community here on Reddit in an effort to bring attention to the issues I faced coming out of the closet while working in the AAA gaming industry. My career at Zenimax ended when HR at Bethesda's corporate office used my upcoming gender affirming surgeries as leverage to force me to resign and release the company from any potential discrimination lawsuit. This was in retaliation for raising concerns over how my manager had been treating me unfairly. I collected audio recordings and screenshots of my experiences there, and have now made all of that information publicly available in this video. I completely understand that four hours is a lot to ask anyone to sit through. I had decided when putting this all together that it was important to keep as much context and chronology intact as possible, hence the lengthy runtime. So here is a list of timestamps to key moments in the timeline for those who wish to skip around the video: [00:04:25]( \- Screenshot of messages from my manager that I received via Slack while she outed me during a group meeting with my teammates. [00:22:35]( \- My manager does not take my inconsistent work photo issue seriously. [00:38:10]( \- I get told that I need to be given stricter work expectations due to FMLA. My manager assumes that my FMLA is for "the surgeries", and after probing for details as to why I am submitting FMLA forms to HR it gets suggested that my role be downgraded from Mid-Level to an Associate due to upcoming medical leave. [00:46:41]( \- I get pressured to not return to work early from my PTO, which turns into a conversation about why I need to be assigned unique assignments from the rest of the team, and ends with being asked how much work I could take on over that upcoming weekend. [01:02:54]( \- I try to explain to my manager (for the second time) how devastating it was that she revealed my new work photo before I had the opportunity, canceled the meeting we had agreed I would have the platform to come out on my own terms, and then pressured me to come out via Slack messages instead. [01:56:30]( \- Conversation with my manager where she asks me to "stick with DEADNAME" so that I can continue working through the technical issues I was experiencing due to my name change. [02:10:00]( \- Call with my manager where I am accused of being distracted from work by the technical issues that I was still facing, and that I created a "chaotic situation" by requesting a name change in the first place. [02:19:35]( \- Discussion with my manager's boss about certain events that he was present for, this one in particular is when we are discussing my name change being brought up in front of multiple people during a group discussion, some of whom had never interacted with me and were not aware that I was transgender. [03:13:27]( \- Final conversation I had with my manager and (new) producer where I am trying to address ongoing issues I have had logging in. For 3 months I kept hitting roadblocks or losing access to our tools due to my name change, and nothing seemed to fix it. I display a series of screenshots of the login issues I collected during that time. I also had my portfolio website blocked by the company's firewall after I updated my name and URL. [03:26:03]( \- The Head of Human Resources asking me "I don't understand, a fear of being outed to the public? Aren't you already out?", and I have to explain to them that being transgender is not the same as everybody knows that you are trans. [03:50:24]( \- I had contacted corporate HR at Bethesda, and they responded by viewing me as a liability. They used my upcoming surgeries as leverage to release them from any potential discrimination lawsuit by promising to pay my COBRA premiums, but only if I signed a resignation agreement with them.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Hyia! <3 This is a topic which has been a big issue in my life for the past years, so I wanted to start a thread for advice on making friendships, specifically for more nerdy trans people, any advice is welcome! <3, maintaining friendships is just as important as making them!, just don't drop the obvious like "join groups related to your interests", unless you want to make people aware of any. bonus points if you have advice for people with strong sensory issues(that would be me ;-;) or social anxiety, who are unable to interact properly in groups


Hyia! I have already mentioned how "nice" it is to be a trans girl in a small legacy software company, so unless anybody wants that I will not go into detail. but I would love to hear others experiences or advice <3, positive or negative, what kind of company do you work at?, how is your experience? infodumps welcome! Lots of love <3, Xea


I might have caved on a shared repo or two :3


In case the joke is too dumb (which it absolutely is): ::: spoiler spoiler trans coder The logo is of HandBrake, which is a video transcoder ...I'll see myself out :::