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Banger opening to the US chapter from "The Urban Transport Crisis in Europe and North America" by John Pucher, Christian Lefevre

Banger opening to the US chapter from "The Urban Transport Crisis in Europe and North America" by John Pucher, Christian Lefevre

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No other country in the world is as dominated by the automobile as the USA. From the very beginnings of automobile travel in the early twentieth century, rates of automobile ownership and use in the USA have exceeded levels in other countries, and current rates of ownership and use are by far the highest in the world. Even countries with higher per capita incomes have fewer cars per capita than the USA. The automobile has not only dominated passenger transport in the USA; it has also become the most important determinant of the American lifestyle, urban form, and even the organization of the American economy. Virtually every aspect of life in the USA - work, social activities, recre- ation, education and culture - is crucially dependent on the automobile. For most Americans, every other mode of urban transport is practically irrelevant, and life without the automobile is unimaginable. Unlike other advanced industrialized countries, where car ownership only became widespread over the past two or three decades, almost all Americans living today grew up in an automobile dominated society, and most of them have never experienced anything else. The dominance of the car in the USA is especially striking in cities because its impact on urban land use patterns is highly visible and unmis- takable. It is also what most clearly distinguishes American cities from European cities. The term 'urban sprawl' first emerged in the USA to describe the extremely low density, unplanned, rather haphazard residen- tial and commercial development that increasingly surrounds every American city. Widespread suburbanization began earlier in the USA and has been more extensive and lower density than virtually anywhere else in the world. Low density urban sprawl would be impossible without the automobile. Just as the automobile encouraged suburbanization, so subur- banization has encouraged ever more automobile use, since low density development cannot be served effectively by public transport. The extremely high levels of car use in American cities have caused severe problems of congestion, air pollution, noise, loss of open space, traffic accidents and inadequate mobility for the poor, the elderly and the handicapped. Similar problems have arisen in other countries, but they generally arose earlier in the USA and have been more severe**___**#

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