KDE Bro666 4mo ago 100%

Make it a 2-for-1, join us for the Qt Contributor Summit and then enjoy #Akademy2024 immediately afterwards!

Make it a 2-for-1, join us for the Qt Contributor Summit and then enjoy #Akademy2024 immediately afterwards!

cross-posted from: https://floss.social/users/akademy/statuses/112693519928211217

Make it a 2-for-1, join us for the Qt Contributor Summit and then enjoy #Akademy2024 immediately afterwards!

QtCS will be held in Würzburg on the 5th and 6th of September. Register here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Z7HQIE15ikSdAarszBEkrArpzSaOjg5Akg0mgdu88JlUNzZTUEk3Q1BURkZWS09PUUdQRU1HVUoySy4u

Submit talks here: https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_Contributor_Summit_2024_-_Program

Then, still in Würzburg, from the 7th to the 12th, join our community for #Akademy2024.

Get the latest KDE news, join the projects and help us decide where to go next.

Register for Akademy here: https://akademy.kde.org/2024/register/


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