
Rescind Biden: How Workers Are Organizing Against the Warmonger-in-Chief [50:37 | JUN 07 24 | On Strike!]


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/17197732

Rescind Biden: How Workers Are Organizing Against the Warmonger-in-Chief [50:37 | JUN 07 24 | On Strike!]

The U.S. Presidential election is now less than 5 months away. Working people continue to struggle, as the world falls deeper into crisis and war. Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza continues, funded off the backs of American workers, even as a majority of Americans oppose the slaughter.

Meanwhile, the political establishment and media have presented working people with a rotten false choice: Warmonger-In-Chief Joe Biden or right-wing billionaire Donald Trump. We need to reject both Biden AND Trump, who offer nothing but more war and suffering. The billionaires have two parties, we need one of our own. And we need to build an independent movement that can end this war on Gaza and win real gains for working people. We need mass protests at the Democratic National Convention this August in Chicago to demand an end to the slaughter and of all U.S. funding of the Israeli war machine. Workers Strike Back is helping build that movement.

We also need to demand that unions rescind their endorsement of Joe Biden, who is no friend to unions or workers. Instead working people should support Jill Stein, the strongest independent left, antiwar candidate.

On Strike speaks with union educator Joe S about his and other workers’ recent efforts to pass a resolution in the Washington Education Association to rescind the union’s endorsement of Biden, and how we can fight to build a new party for working people.

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