So just like the title says. We're talking 5TB and more in overall data storage. I know zfs and TrueNAS is up for it but I wanted to hear from some real-world users to what are your thoughts and experience with multi terabyte storage for all the things in TrueNAS. SMB business production environments a plus. Also I can't help myself, HELLO WORLD! Hoping this is home for the foreseeable future ✌️


Ok kicking this whole subr... I mean community off here. I have have been digging around trying to figure out what the best way would be to offer a MFA solution for a client VPN solution that can be run on pfSense. Have found that OpenVPN on pfSense does NOT support SAML even though the AC version does ☹️. I know you can also point OpenVPN at RADIUS server which can then use SAML but was looking for a little more, direct solution. Open to any ideas really and interested to see what if anything has worked for others out there. Thanks!