What are some open source projects that had substantial initial releases or updates that seemingly came out of nowhere?
  • EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted 38m ago 100%

    Sorry, I may need to edit my original comment. I didn't intend to imply that it's bad. It's not that great, but it's not necessarily bad, to be fair. It's just...meh. And honestly, I imagine that's largely due to the fact that unlike the big name keyboard app makers, a lot of FOSS keyboards—Heliboard naturally being one of them—don't track everything under the sun. Which is a good thing and something I like, make no mistake. The unfortunate downside of that is it's also not quite as accurate, simply due to it not having as many data points.

    This is not something I blame it for, but at the same time I was hoping perhaps another keyboard might have a prediction system different enough to be slightly better. Then again, I'm no expert on keyboard prediction systems so I probably should've kept my mouth shut in the first place. So apologies for that. :/

    I feel autocorrect in general has gotten worse in the last decade or so. One problem I noticed, for example, that I've faced in other FOSS keyboards, not just in Heliboard, is that compared to ten years ago or so, there is a LOT more instances of autocorrect not catching absolute gibberish (like I get a couple letters off and it doesn't catch it) or I'm one letter off of a very common word (like 1 key to the left or right) and it corrects it to something wildly different.

    Maybe I'm just misremembering (after all, human memory is hardly ever reliable), but I feel it was a LOT better around the Jellybean era (for Android).

    (Side note: this is all Android-specific; I have never owned any iOS device.)

  • Bitwarden Desktop version 2024.10.0 is no longer free software
  • EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted 7h ago 100%

    I would assume so. According to the page Documentation and FAQ,

    Why is there no cloud synchronization feature built into KeePassXC?

    Cloud synchronization with Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, ownCloud, Nextcloud etc. can be easily accomplished by simply storing your KeePassXC database inside your shared cloud folder and letting your synchronization service of choice do the rest. We prefer this approach, because it is simple, not tied to a specific cloud provider and keeps the complexity of our code low.

  • Bitwarden Desktop version 2024.10.0 is no longer free software
  • EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted 8h ago 100%

    I just switched over. Honestly, I like it even more than Bitwarden. Then again, I don't sync my stuff between devices because I'm old I guess. Lol. It makes it easier to switch because I don't have to deal with stuff like Syncthing.

  • Bitwarden Desktop version 2024.10.0 is no longer free software
  • EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted 8h ago 100%

    Damn, I just switched from Bitwarden to KeepPassXC.

    Clearly just in time. Lol.

  • Why do residential skyscrapers always seem to include balconies that never get used?
  • EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted 2d ago 100%

    though, my understanding is that the opposition to clotheslines is a mostly US thing. Especially in places where the weather is warm year-round.

    That's fair. I'm not personally knowledgeable about said rules; I just thought I'd point out those couple things.

    (specifically its the HOA’s because HOA’s are the devil.)

    Agreed. I would say they need to go fuck themselves with a cactus, but really now. What did the cactus ever do to deserve that?

  • Why do residential skyscrapers always seem to include balconies that never get used?
  • EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted 2d ago 100%

    19 states have some form of “right to dry” legislation, most of which would protect drying on patio space.

    Two points which I would like to interject here:

    1. OP (of either the post or comment above) may not be in the United States, and

    2. Even if they are, there are 50 states and 1 capital district. That means those 19 states only make up roughly a third of the United States. Odds are they are not in one of them.

  • Why do people see Adopting a Husky Personality and Culture through life inherently bad
  • EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted 2d ago 100%

    Were you, uh...gonna respond? I assumed you were asking for information in good faith.

  • Why do people see Adopting a Husky Personality and Culture through life inherently bad
  • EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted 5d ago 100%

    Well for one, that a "brony" is just someone who enjoys the show "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic". Nothing more, nothing less. We are not, essentially, perverted. I mean, sure, some people are, but how's that any different than any other human subgroup?

    On top of that, if you've never seen the show, even just 3 episodes, I would highly recommend it. Because even if you don't like it, it would give you some idea of that which you're criticizing. You'll see it's not creepy or anything. It's just a kids cartoon that happens to be very good and appeals to adults as well as kids.

    Don't take at face value the concept of a brony based purely on stereotypes you see about them in the media or Internet. Yes, there are perverted weirdos, but the vast majority of us are just people who merely adore the show and what it stands for: the principles of love and tolerance, of open-mindedness about different people & different cultures, of being there for your friends & family, and most importantly of how it is okay to be different than the majority, and equally okay to not be different from the majority.

    Everyone has value, and can & should be appreciated for what they bring to the table.

  • Why do people see Adopting a Husky Personality and Culture through life inherently bad
  • EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted 6d ago 100%

    Haha, whatever bro. Maybe understand a thing before you criticize it. Hopefully you'll learn that someday.

  • What to you was your biggest loss of pirated content?
  • EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted 6d ago 100%

    You and another have already said it, but Emuparadise. It was...truly a shame. :'(

  • Why do people see Adopting a Husky Personality and Culture through life inherently bad
  • EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted 1w ago 100%

    Speaking as a brony, yes, we are terrifyingly bizarre.


    Ain't it grand? ^_^

  • Is there a name for the trope where a story is high fantasy at first glance, except for it's not fantasy and is actually set in a post-apocalypse dystopian future?
  • EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted 3w ago 100%

    It doesn't have one. I was making a joke.

    • Hi = High
    • Fanta = Fantasy
    • Po = Post(-apocalypse)
    • Dys = Dystopian
    • Fut = Future


    Hifantapodysfut = High-Fantasy-Post-Apocalypse-Dystopian-Future.

    It's in the title.

  • Is there a name for the trope where a story is high fantasy at first glance, except for it's not fantasy and is actually set in a post-apocalypse dystopian future?
  • EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted 3w ago 95%

    I really like the term "Science Fantasy". It acknowledges the parallels with Science Fiction but respects how they differ as well.

  • https://youtu.be/wgkC8SxraAQ?si=8Mf45sBKo4BR-qX5&t=315

    I'm currently doing Dr. Charles Severence's lessons on FreeCodeCamp to try to learn Python3. I'm on lesson exercise 02_03 and confused about multiplying floating-point and integer values. The goal is to write a Python program multiplying hours worked by pay rate to come up with a pay quantity. This is the code I wrote: h = input("Enter hours: ") r = input("Enter pay rate: ") p = float(h) * r I got a traceback error, and the video said the correct way to solve said error was change Line 3 from `p = float(h) * r` to `p = float(h) * float(r)`. However, what I'm confused about is why would I need to change `r` to a floating-point value when it's *already* a floating-point value (since it'd be a currency value like 5.00 or something once I typed it in per the `input()` command*? What am I missing here?   --- *I can't remember: are the individual commands in a python line called "commands"?     --- **Edit**: Wrote plus signs in my post here instead of asterisks. Fixed.   --- **EDIT**: Thanks to [@Labna@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/u/Labna) and [@woop_woop@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/u/woop_woop). I thought that the `input()` function was a string until the end-user types something in upon being prompted, and then becomes a floating-point value or integer value (or stays a string) according to what was typed. This is incorrect: the value is a string regardless of what is typed unless it is then converted to another type.


    **Follow-Up**: It's going great! I've stopped using my Tile tracker, I haven't lost my keys (yet), and I feel like I'm a LOT less trapped by my circumstances regarding them. Many thanks everyone! Many thanks indeed! ---   (See bottom for tl;dr.) I'm the kind of person who loses their keys easily, so I love the idea of trackers: little devices that you can attach to your wallet, phone, or keyring that connect via bluetooth to an app on your phone to help you find it. Problem is pretty much all the options I can find are run by companies with shitty privacy policies: Tile, Apple AirTag, Chipolo, and so forth. - Tile collects shitloads of data and is partnered with Amazon to boot; - Apple Airtags AFAIK only work with Apple devices, and besides it's Apple so no thank you; and - Chipolo also collects shitloads of data and shares information with data brokers and data collection companies of all stripes. No thank you. In any case, I really don't need a location network larger than maybe 200 meters (about 650 feet). If I lose my keys, odds are it's either in my car or in my house, and my house is like 100 square meters (about 1000 square feet). So Bluetooth is really all I need. I don't even need to see it on a map; I just need for it to ding or something. I'm currently using Tile but I *really* want to get away from it. Worst case scenario, I'll stop using the Tile, but I really am a forgetful little shit. Lol.   *tl;dr – Looking for recommendations for ideally short-range Bluetooth trackers for keys, with decent privacy. Max required range = 200 m (650 ft). Also, pie tastes great. Cheers.*   --- **Edit**: Added a single comma (because fuck syntactic ambiguity) and added follow-up. :)


    I'm currently learning Python and am learning about very basic functions such as `int()`, `float()`, and `input()`. I have the first two down pat, but I'm struggling to understand the last. The example I'm looking at is found at [12:26 of this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKgUaIa5ATg&t=746s): nam = input('Who are you? ') print('Welcome', nam) Who are you? Chuck Welcome Chuck In this case, wouldn't `nam` be a variable equal to the text on the right side of the `=` sign? In which case, if `nam` is equal to `input('Who are you? ')`, then wouldn't `print('Welcome', nam)` just result in `Welcome input(Who are you? )`? Obviously not (nor does it work in a compiler), which leads me to believe I'm clearly misunderstanding something. But I've rewatched that section of the video several times, and looked it up elsewhere on the web, and I just can't wrap my head around it. Could someone help me with this? Thanks.


    I'm currently learning how to code (currently Python, then maybe JavaScript), but I'm not always around my desktop, and learning on my phone is not always an option (also, it can be quite cumbersome at times). Therefore, I'm looking into purchasing a laptop just for learning how to code and stuff. I don't want to get a Chromebook because I want to be able to wipe the drive and install Linux on it (probably Linux Mint). Maybe it's changed since 2013, but the last time I had a Chromebook, it was a *pain in the ass* to install even bog-standard Ubuntu on it. Problem is, I'm also *heavily* limited by space & budget: no more than 11 in (280 mm) total laptop width and 330 USD base price. Does anyone have any suggestions? Please forgive me if this is not the right space for this kind of question. Lemme know if it is and I'll delete it. :)


    I suppose the answer could apply to any instance, but I'm mostly referring to this one. Mind you, I don't have two accounts, but I'm considering it: one for memes, the other for serious discussion. But I'm unsure if that's considered bad form by most people, so I thought I'd ask. Thanks!   --- **EDIT**: Also, come to think of it, even if it *were* okay, would it even be possible to have to be logged into two separate accounts on the same instance at the same time with the same browser profile? :/


    Lately, when I load up lemmy.blahaj.zone, the notification bell in the corner of the screen doesn't display a count typically until I load a post or comment. It's also only a recent thing. Any idea what might be causing it? Not sure what other details you might need, so just ask if you think of anything. :)


    To start off, I just want to say that Kega Fusion is a *wonderful* emulator for pre–Sega Saturn emulation. However, the fact that it is not open-source concerns me. What if something happens and the person is required to take it down? (Not likely after 14 years but still...) Or hell they just decide to take it down for whatever reason. (Again, not likely after 14 years, but *still*...) I still am using it, but it would also be nice to have an alternative if the worst were to happen, or hell just in case there's a person out there who would prefer a different emulator. Unfortunately, the Megathread is kind of...lacking in this department. In the Sega subsection, it lists three emulators: two for the Dreamcast and one for the Genesis / Mega Drive and below. So, yeah, does anyone know of any alternatives we could add to the Megathread? (On the same note, I'd also like to add that [Yabause](https://yabause.org/) seems a decent enough emulator for the Saturn, none of for which are included on the Megathread. (Not sure if my syntax was correct there... :/ ))


    I remember back in the day the emulator Snes9x was one of the best emulators for Super Nintendo emulation, but it's not on the Megathread. Is it no longer trustworthy or was it just missed? Sorry if this was already asked in this community. I would've searched but Lemmy (or at least my Lemmy instance, I suppose) doesn't seem to have a search function for intra-Community searching. Cheers.


    Howdy, y'all. :) So, within the last couple of days or so, I've been having this problem where if I click on the notification bell, then the chain icon next to a shown reply, then click "Show context" above the horizontal rule (see screenshot), it doesn't proceed to load the context. Rather, it just reloads the same page. The strange thing is this doesn't happen with every notification. Another notification I had was from here on the Blahaj Lemmy instance, and that worked fine. Maybe it's a thing to do with federation protocols? Anyway, I'm no expert. I just thought I'd ask. :) Cheers.


    Hello. I'm extremely tired, so it very well could be that this is extremely simple and I'm just not getting it. However, what I would like to know is how to open a post from a community on one instance on another instance. For example, here's a [recent post](https://lemmy.ml/post/11470168) from !asklemmy@lemmy.ml. I know that to open that community in the instance lemmy.blahaj.zone, I would merely type into the address bar lemmy.blahaj.zone/c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml However, how would I open that particular *post* in that community on the latter instance? Is it even possible? Cheers.   P.S. I did do some searching on both this community as well as the [Reddit Lemmy FAQ page](https://www.reddit.com/r/Lemmy/comments/143gozf/lemmy_faq/) but I didn't find anything. However, I could've missed something. If it's something obvious, I apologize in advance. --- **Edit**: Assuming I understand what people are saying, well, evidently, it seems to be a current limitation of the ActivityPub protocol. Perhaps that will change one day. Hopefully soon. ¯\\_\(ツ)\_/¯


    - In the Megathread, section 3-12 (*Unsafe Sites*), under ["All Purpose"](https://rentry.co/megathread-unsafe-sites#all-purpose), the first entry is 1377x-to, reason listed as > Fake clone: (Crafted with cunning intent to ensnare unsuspecting users through deliberate deception). - However, in the Megathread, section 3-1 (*All Purpose*), under ["Torrents"](https://rentry.co/megathread-all-purpose#torrents), likewise the first entry is 1377x-to.   --- **Edit**: Lol, got the characters mixed up, I guess. Whoops. Well, to all the people being nice about it and kindly letting me know, thank you very much! To all the people being dicks about it (concerningly a *lot* of you it seems ಠ_ಠ), maybe learn a bit of humility. Some people mix up similar-looking characters in their heads. It's a thing that happens.


    I'm well aware that I can rip most Blu-rays with MakeMKV and then convert to mp4 with Handbrake; however, the former just rips everything raw from the disk so the file size is humongous and the conversion via Handbrake for just a single file is terribly long and puts a lot of strain on my computer. I've heard that EaseFab LosslessCopy is decent, but they only have a Windows and a Mac version, and I'm unsure how well it'd run under Wine. I am willing to pay for it, but only as long as it's not a subscription thing. Has to be a one-time payment. Does anyone know any decent Blu-ray ripping software that fits these conditions and run well on Linux? Specifically, it would be either Pop!_OS or Linux Mint. (I'm still using Windows because I want to figure out some software alternatives before I do so I'm not caught with my pants down, so to speak.)
