Wholesome: Cybertruck illegally parked in handicapped space is towed in a way that destroys it.
  • KobaCumTribute KobaCumTribute 3d ago 100%

    Side note: it's wild how that's a funny bit in text, but the actual SNL video is incredibly dull and grating. Like between the bad delivery of the lines, the music, the laughtrack, and how it's just a static shot of a ball on a stick, it's like a case study in how to ruin an otherwise funny bit. But I guess that's SNL's whole shtick, taking some absurdist gag that may or may not actually be funny and then making sure it isn't funny by simultaneously overproducing it and half-assing it, both in all the wrong places.

  • Worst food
  • KobaCumTribute KobaCumTribute 4d ago 100%

    Cabbage that has been cooked even very slightly is one of the foulest things I've ever encountered. The stench spreads and lingers horribly if it's heated even briefly, and more than the lightest exposure to heat gives it a sickening aftertaste.

    Raw cabbage is ok if not great, and pickled it's actually quite good especially if it's pickled with garlic, onions, and hot peppers, it's just heat that does something horrible to it.

  • Elon says fuck people who post art in twitter, he will let AI farm their posts
  • KobaCumTribute KobaCumTribute 4d ago 100%

    Like I've always said: the property and licensing argument about AI training has always been a corporate psyop to set up and legitimize moves like this, where big property holders and content hosts get to reap the rewards by claiming dominion over everything they touch while everyone who works and creates gets fucked, and the proprietary slop generator they feed becomes "legitimate and ok, because it's properly licensing its training data". That's why AI is a labor issue rather than a property issue: AI isn't stealing extant art, it's devaluing skilled labor and destroying creative jobs and setting up for further squeezing and extraction by Capital.

  • Western New-Atheism disgusts me.
  • KobaCumTribute KobaCumTribute 4d ago 100%

    I think my framework of looking at American counter cultures as being heavily biased towards being fundamentally just as chauvinist as and a little more treat-centric and libertine than the mainstream culture works well here. Like Atheism as a movement in America has fundamentally been comfortable straight white men who think all the performative stuff and cultural signifiers they have to do to join with the Evangelical power framework are cringe and dumb barriers in between them and their preferred treats: in their worldview all the cruelty and hate and domination and violence that the theocrats carry out are secondary bullet points to tack onto a powerpoint presentation in support of their real grievances, which are that the theocrats are cringe little weirdos who think silly things that are cringe and what's worse are standing between fun loving guys and yim yum tasty treats like drugs and porn and free access to women's bodies.

    Atheism itself is just disbelief, a rejection of mythology and magic as infeasible. It's not a ward against chauvinism or libertine treat-lust, and toxic sorts of self-interest and an alignment with American hegemony can make anything and everything toxic by association.

  • Theory: the universal liberal conviction that things happen because of vibes has managed to manifest a neoreactionary hyperstition that has replaced causality with vibes
  • KobaCumTribute KobaCumTribute 4d ago 100%

    Just paint liberalism purple and no one will be able to find it again.

    Update: the invisible liberalism is now openly hunting people for sport, no longer needing to sneakily remove its mask to kill it's now able to operate with impunity. This was not a good idea.

  • That's why everything is the dumbest and worst version of what could be, because things aren't happening for reasons anymore but instead are happening because they're stupid and they suck. Liberals have altered the nature of reality by believing in something stupid enough, like Orks from 40k bending reality with their unwavering conviction in silly bullshit. This will become an earnest belief once sufficient layers of jokerfication are achieved.

    Reasonable People's First Contact With Weeb "Culture"
  • KobaCumTribute KobaCumTribute 1w ago 100%

    I've said before that a lot of it does feel like Hollywood casting late-20s/early-30s actors for teenage characters, because you get characters that scan as like 20 something and act like adults, but then the narrative makes them like 14 for no reason. You also get characters that scan as 30-40 being assigned ages like 20, too. It's weird, like artists are compressing a multi-decade-wide range of adult character designs down into a range of six years and labeling all of them as teens for no story-related reason.

    Someone else pointed out that at least some of it is adult writers basically writing a story with adult characters and then aging them all down to make them more relatable to an intended teen audience, but without actually changing their appearances or behavior.

  • Armed man arrested near Trump’s California rally was plotting to kill him, police say
  • KobaCumTribute KobaCumTribute 1w ago 100%

    First a blackpilled groyper who just wanted to be famous and also die, then a NAFO freak, now a sovereign citizen? It's like he's going for a niche reactionary white guy BINGO. What's the next one gonna be? An extremely divorced guy whose personality is filming himself going on racist rants while driving around in his truck? An Evangelical wearing Chick Tracts like a Warhammer character wears scraps of scripture?

  • Quietly singing Still Alive to myself while baking bread
  • KobaCumTribute KobaCumTribute 1w ago 100%

    I have also sung that while cooking before lmao.

  • I hate enshittification so much.
  • KobaCumTribute KobaCumTribute 1w ago 100%

    I've seen it once. It may be a random test selection or limited to queries it arbitrarily decides that it has a good (always 100% wrong) answer for.

  • PBR hive in shambles
  • KobaCumTribute KobaCumTribute 2w ago 100%

    It tastes like carbonated cheerios with some light metallic notes. It's not awful compared to something like Budweisser that comes pre-skunked for some reason, but like any pilsner it can never rise above the upper limit of "well, there are in fact worse pilsners."

  • Critical support to comrade Daou
  • KobaCumTribute KobaCumTribute 2w ago 100%

    From what I remember it was the abolish ICE movement getting immediately brutally crushed by Democrats that seems to have been the clearest catalyst. Up until that moment he was buddy buddy with the establishment and apparently fervently believed that they were essentially good, and their open pivot to "no, actually we like the ethnic cleansing machine stop saying it should be dissolved" cracked that and the way they turned on him for opposing them on it did the rest.

  • AI ‘Princess Mononoke’ Remake Trailer Slammed Online as ‘Soulless,’ Worthy of ‘Tarring and Feathering’
  • KobaCumTribute KobaCumTribute 2w ago 100%

    Was that who'd tracked down the actual 1990's software that was used to make the covers in the first place? I remember seeing a video showcasing that, which was a sort of img2img interpolation software that would blend and stretch the pictures based on something kind of like UV mapping with textures.

  • AI ‘Princess Mononoke’ Remake Trailer Slammed Online as ‘Soulless,’ Worthy of ‘Tarring and Feathering’
  • KobaCumTribute KobaCumTribute 2w ago 100%

    What the fuck do these words even mean. What are Kling credits?

    "Kling" is a Chinese text-to-video model, like Microsoft's "SORA," except Kling has gone from a sort of open-beta test period for Chinese users to a commercial product available globally while Microsoft is still sitting on SORA for reasons.

    From that I infer "Kling credits" are just an account balance with the company that owns it. Which is what really makes this so funny: this guy was literally just paying to pull a gacha lever over and over for short clips until he got ones that met his standards, he did nothing but pay a company to have a datacenter reroll a text-to-video prompt over and over while he barked and clapped like a seal.

  • Those fucks are still pulling out "Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good" cw: libshit, genocide
  • KobaCumTribute KobaCumTribute 2w ago 100%

    Uh oh, looks like someone needs to not let the barely acceptable absolute minimum standard possible be the enemy of the pure ontological evil that may or may not be part of a degree lesser than its frenemies in the official Bad Guy party whom it constantly makes common cause with!

  • I love it when CIA overthrows Allende's tanki gobrment to install the peaceful Liberal Democracy of Pinochet.
  • KobaCumTribute KobaCumTribute 2w ago 100%

    Yeah, there's a long interview from some Hong Kong anarchist collective that I read where despite them being part of the protests they spend the entire thing complaining about how reactionary the movement they're materially supporting is, how the bulk of the protesters (whom they were still unconditionally supporting) were racist, sexist creeps who were violently intolerant of any sort of internal criticism, and how the protest movement was rallying around Euromaidan symbols and idolizing Azovite nazis, and how there was a general sort of millenarianism to the protests where they weren't even aimed at succeeding so much as trying to force such a crackdown that the US would step in directly and burn the world for them.

    But they still supported them, even as they verbally tore apart the whole movement in ways the media would never touch lmao. Like they were so sectarian that they were making common cause with fascists and then also being sectarian against their fascist allies that they willfully chose to ally with.

  • Anime about petit bourgeois treat goblins rebelling in an orwellian world
  • KobaCumTribute KobaCumTribute 2w ago 100%

    Yeah, I think the biggest problem isn't that some foods are calorie dense, it's that "calorie dense to make shelf-stable, cheap slop palatable, and as not-filling as possible to drive more sales" is the norm and a serious systemic problem with large parts of the modern food supply. That and that people are actively taught and conditioned to eat pure sugar for breakfast and then snack on pure sugar in between meals and drink straight corn syrup for hydration and then cap dinner off with more tasty desert treats.

    The problem goes so far beyond "some foods are fatty and sweet" that the notion that improving the situation would have to involve getting rid of the smallest and rarest of rich and sugary treats instead of just getting literal syrup out of the staple foods and not teaching people that they should start the day with sweet fried cakes drenched in syrup and cuts of meat that are 50% fat and not allowing "it's literally just syrup you're drinking syrup instead of water" to be the norm for hydration. Western consumption patterns have been driven by a century of companies trying to sell as much of the cheapest slop they possibly can, with catastrophic results.

    None of the overly rich foods (except filling everything with syrup to try to make cheaper slop more palatable which is bad and should stop completely) are even really a problem on their own, they just shouldn't be the standard and should be occasional treats instead of regular parts of people's diet.

  • Anime about petit bourgeois treat goblins rebelling in an orwellian world
  • KobaCumTribute KobaCumTribute 2w ago 100%

    I remember one comic where he arrested a fellow Judge for torturing a false confession out of a suspect, and then arrests that suspect for admitting he had some table sugar in his kitchen. Still not as funny as when he arrested himself and all his friends for a petty noise violation on Christmas.

  • ‘In awe’: scientists impressed by latest ChatGPT model o1
  • KobaCumTribute KobaCumTribute 2w ago 100%

    All of their models have consistently done pretty good on any sort of standard test, and then performed horribly in real use. Which makes sense, because if they can train it specifically to make something that looks like the answers to that test it will probably be good at making the answers to that, but it's still fundamentally just a language parser and predictor without knowledge or any sort of internal modeling.

    Their entire approach is just so fundamentally lazy and grifty, burning massive amounts of energy on what is fundamentally a dumbshit approach to building AI. It's like trying to make a brain by just making the speech processing lobe bigger and bigger and expecting it'll eventually get so good at talking that the things it says will be intrinsically right instead of only looking like text.

  • I know this is kind of a lib thing to complain about, but it really is insane how much electoral mileage the GOP gets out of the fact that its own voters don't understand marginal tax rates.
  • KobaCumTribute KobaCumTribute 2w ago 100%

    It's probably at least partly because at least some high schools literally teach students that income tax brackets mean all income gets taxed at that rate as part of their "civics" curriculum. Education, especially related to economics, is fully captured by far right cranks pushing propaganda through control over textbooks and program funding.

    I even remember some dumbshit "educational" video from high school "civics and economics" that had some poor farmer having to not grow his herd because progressive taxation meant he'd be making less money if he made more. That class and the American History class I took the next year both stand out as just constantly getting basic material facts wrong. Like the English classes did a better job of covering history than the actual history classes did.

    It's funny, I can only remember the names of two teachers I've ever had and I can barely remember anything of highschool, but I can remember these clear flashes of how completely dogshit most of the classes were, even two decades later.

  • https://old.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/1ffzs9w/petition_stop_reddit_advertisers_from_selling/ln1w9sz/ Full disclosure I actually found this creep on a different sub and went digging to see just how awful he is, but disappointingly he's just a really boring asshole in addition to being an open pedophile, so I had to settle for the starcitizen+weird bad take+open pedophile combo. Maybe if I scrolled back far enough I could find something more entertaining, but I can't overstate just how dull this creep is.


    "Oh really, you don't know whether to use the macguffin to save the world or destroy it, because you're hung up on the question of pUrPosE iN a WoRlD oF SuFferInG? What are you, a fucking 19th century aristocrat who thinks tuberculosis is cool and sexy because you've literally never had to struggle for anything ever and your brain has liquefied and run out of your ears as a result? Get the fuck over yourself and stop giving yourself brainworms with philosophy cooked up by bored, rich old drunks."


    Normally just washing basmati rice has been enough to make it cook well, but the generic brand I've been buying for years seems to have changed their supplier or something and now what should be the same exact rice doesn't cook right anymore and turns out disgusting. How do I compensate for this? Do I just wash it even more thoroughly? Do I wash it, let it soak in clean water for a while, and then wash it again? I'm kind of at a loss for how to fix it because I've never encountered such starchy, shitty quality basmati rice before.


    no toothbrush, because gommunism took it.


    Like multiple times it has characters have a turn to the camera moment where they say some shit like "Kira is absolutely right about everything, but oh woe, oh calamity, for he is breaking the law and doing the violence that only the state is permitted to do, oh but what a tragedy for the legal system is too soft and permissive, and the police state too friendly and lenient towards the underclasses and so Kira is a necessary evil!" and the narrator keeps having bits about how Kira's policy of extrajudicially murdering everyone the state accuses of a crime is working and creating a gentler, safer world and it's just so fucking bad. Light is a monstrous little fascist dipshit with the dumbest plan anyone has ever had, and his ideology is fundamentally deranged and abhorrent. Like how the fuck does "so he's changing the world, by just killing everyone accused of a crime after they've already been arrested and locked up!" even fit into anything but the most unhinged boomer brain as a solution to anything? His targets are almost exclusively people who are either innocent or who have already been neutralized and contained as a further threat, what does purging them accomplish? It's just turbo fash dipshit stuff. Light is just a dumber rehash of Batman's League of Shadows foil that's used to show that Batman, who agrees 100% with the League of Shadows' entire ideology except for its inevitable logical conclusion, is actually Good and Pure and doesn't do bad violence stuff because that's the job of the police who get special good boy passes to do violence for the state. Even the narrative itself doesn't offer any criticism other than showing Light to personally be a vile, abusive piece of shit behind the mask he puts on around other people, and it emphasizes him fighting back against the cops who are after him as being this moral event horizon moment more than all the *literal mass murder because the TV man told him to* shit he did. So far as the story has a moral it's this fundamentally reactionary liberal take about how the police state should be more repressive but it also shouldn't go too far, and that violence is the job of state-sanctioned actors and not the public. It was pretty entertaining as a suspenseful horror thriller though, and the "cerebral back and forth" shit with Light and L was incredibly funny because it was all just Light being a self-defeating dipshit digging himself deeper and deeper by being a bloodthirsty egomaniac and L running in circles around himself trying the rhetorical equivalent of a Wil E Coyote gag as bait.


    Thesis: nightmares about school. Antithesis: nightmares about moving. Synthesis: a nightmare that I was going to be expelled from a school I haven't been to in twenty years for missing class, and I was absent because I had to move out of an apartment I haven't lived in for a decade.


    What can I say except ![kind-vladimir-ilyich](https://lemm.ee/api/v3/image_proxy?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hexbear.net%2Fpictrs%2Fimage%2F15932038-2ad9-4fcf-84b6-c44baef787c0.png "emoji kind-vladimir-ilyich")


    Everytime I remember that it always brightens my day.


    "Lmao why are you such a fuzzy little dipshit, huh? It's cause you're a cat, dumbass." ![speech-r](https://lemm.ee/api/v3/image_proxy?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hexbear.net%2Fpictrs%2Fimage%2F495f0a1e-169e-4279-9312-785c50372247.png "emoji speech-r")![top-use-words](https://lemm.ee/api/v3/image_proxy?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hexbear.net%2Fpictrs%2Fimage%2F6b7f41e2-bff7-4b9c-99fc-d1562727fe28.png "emoji top-use-words")


    That's right it's a woman with huge breasts and a low cut dress. I swear every time I see AI hobbyists all I feel is ![kind-vladimir-ilyich](https://lemm.ee/api/v3/image_proxy?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hexbear.net%2Fpictrs%2Fimage%2F15932038-2ad9-4fcf-84b6-c44baef787c0.png "emoji kind-vladimir-ilyich")


    Lenin says hi and he likes all these gundams and the anti-stroke medicine.


    Good thing the site's back up and we get to exist in even this flat mockery of life again, even if it's only for your sick amusement.
