My hole
  • MechaGrima MechaGrima 2w ago 100%


  • Shapeshifter “E”
  • MechaGrima MechaGrima 2w ago 100%

    Not if you're talking about the character from Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Then they're all just ɛ

  • Can you think of any others?
  • MechaGrima MechaGrima 3w ago 100%


    Tell me that isn't the name of a demon.

  • scp
    SCP 2mo ago
    What SCP could this be?
  • MechaGrima MechaGrima 2mo ago 100%

    Some possibilities:

    • The plant is poisonous to the touch, with its poison gradually turning affected animals' bones into spiders. Once the spiders escape, they burrow into the ground, where new plants sprout.
    • A specimen of an otherwise mundane species of plant, except that it was found growing on the moon's surface. Also, its seeds are made of some unknown element with an atomic mass of 666.
    • Digital analysis reveals that there is actually no plant in this image, the perception of it is entirely memetic, and also triggers a secondary effect: a tall humanoid figure covered in eyes that is now going to appear in your dreams.
  • Everything Everywhere
  • MechaGrima MechaGrima 2mo ago 100%

    When Stanley came to a set of two open doors, he entered the door on his left.

  • Ashes of Garfiandel
  • MechaGrima MechaGrima 2mo ago 100%

    The first day of seven, the Moon's Day did herald his wrath. On that first day of seven, dias irae, and on each Moon's Day thereafter, in accordance with the fell oath, Lasagna shall be offered as atonement, to the one cloaked in orange, mane streaked with blackened coal.

    - The Grimoire of Garfield

  • Just created some dolls for my horror game called Baby Blues Nightmares, are they creepy enough?
  • MechaGrima MechaGrima 2mo ago 100%

    At first, in that light, I couldn't tell if their eyes had pupils, but I realized they did. IMO it would make the orange cat and blue bear scarier if instead of pinprick pupils they just had full-white eyes. Pretty scary as-is, though. 👍

  • A Barbarians Solution
  • MechaGrima MechaGrima 2mo ago 100%

    "I'm Edelgard von Hresvelg, and I approve this message."

  • when a wisdom based character rolls a nat 20 on intimidation
  • MechaGrima MechaGrima 2mo ago 75%

    Here's a little existential horror story to tell an elf:

    When you stand in that presentation hall alongside the galaxy's greatest scientists as they unveil the discovery of the first Black Dwarf Star, you will feel that existential dread begin to mount in your soul. The universe's first gray hair signals what you already know, but up until now, have done your best to ignore: you will outlive everything.

    Aeons will pass, and you will watch as humanity stretches thin and wide across an evaporating cosmos. In those final moments aboard the station orbiting the last known black hole, as the Habitat Control System's voice coldly announces that the relativistic generators have run low on fuel, the mortals around you will accept their end with heartfelt, tearful goodbyes. That is their way. There once was a time you would have pitied them. Now, you envy them.

    You envy them, even as the gravitational suspension array fails, and the sudden change in pressure from the ruptured hull of the last colony, buckling under its own gravity, ejects you and your crew into the faint glow of a faded accretion disc. The ethereal fire of matter and energy scorches your very being, as you spiral into the abyss.

    You lose track of time as you sink into the singularity, somehow still alive. After what could just as easily have been an instant as an eternity, the heat returns in a final burst of Hawking Radiation, before you are exiled into the void of Heat Death, for the rest of eternity.

    ".........439059104575727262464195387 bottles of beer on the wall, (Graham's Number) bottles of beer..."

    You can't remember what any of those words mean any more.

  • Middle-schoolers after pronouns are successfully banned once and for all (A conservative utopia)
  • MechaGrima MechaGrima 3mo ago 100%

    do not refer to me

    ...And that's what we programmers call a memory leak!

  • scp
    SCP 3mo ago
    Exploring the SCP Foundation: SCP-8001 - The Edge of the World
  • MechaGrima MechaGrima 3mo ago 100%

    That thumbnail looks like the sky is flipping off humanity lol

  • memes
    memes 3mo ago
  • MechaGrima MechaGrima 3mo ago 100%


  • Just think about it, for a second. The Sword of the Creator requires a Crest of Flames, and a crest stone, which Byleth has in canon, so that checks out. But SSBU Byleth can also use Aymr, so they must also have the crest of Seiros, and with two Crests comes white hair and nightmares. But it doesn't stop there, because Areadbhar, which SSBU Byleth can ALSO use, requires the Crest of Blaiddyd. I think you can see where this is going. No one in the Three Houses universe has three Crests - that would probably melt any normal human into demonic sludge from the inside, but *maybe* Byleth would survive because of Sothis... MAYBE. However, SSBU Byleth goes EVEN FURTHER BEYOND that, because they can also use Failnaught, which requires ANOTHER Crest: the Crest of Riegan. That's FOUR crests. FOUR. Sothis must be working overtime to prevent Byleth from turning into an eldritch horror. Sakurai... *What have you created?*

    Feddiverse Canvas
  • MechaGrima MechaGrima 3mo ago 100%

    We're misaligned with the template on the "20". Might be worth whiting out the misaligned "20" just so we don't get confused.

    EDIT: It's mostly fixed now, it looks like we were working with a rough outline someone made on the template, likely just to establish territory. Should be fine to just correct the shading. Now, something's covering part of the d20, but it's still recognizable, so might as well let that be...

  • I added Edelgard to the Fediverse canvas
  • MechaGrima MechaGrima 3mo ago 100%

    Unfortunately I'm not that into Kingdom Hearts.

  • Ignore the amogus on the shield.

    Memes 3mo ago
    Asterisk chair
  • MechaGrima MechaGrima 3mo ago 100%

    Chair? I think that's just వ.

  • week 2: top 7 comments get played in a random order, legal or not
  • MechaGrima MechaGrima 4mo ago 100%

    Column E becomes flooded and is now only navigable by flying units

  • What to do?
  • MechaGrima MechaGrima 4mo ago 100%

    reclass into Wyvern Knight

  • memes
    Memes 4mo ago
    Viva la revolution
  • MechaGrima MechaGrima 4mo ago 100%

    reclass into Wyvern Knight ::: spoiler ... also this is a repost :::

  • I'm mildly annoyed with clicking on a thumbnail only to be suddenly taken to a page I know/care nothing about.
