he’s living moment to moment but that’s ok Mio deserves a life free from the curse of knowledge

Dongfeng missiles - New General Megathread for the 18th-20th of October 2024
  • WhyEssEff WhyEssEff 10h ago 100%

    of course the 4 day weekend is the one I'm sick over the entirety of terminally-online

  • he’s 4 months old and 4 and a half pounds he’s the eighth pet in this house and he’s specifically my pet and is moving out with me when I eventually move out I love him so much he’s so precious

    صديق محمد من غزة
  • WhyEssEff WhyEssEff 2d ago 100%

    hello mahmoud kirby-wave you and all others in Gaza are the bravest group of people in modern day

    I'm an anti-Zionist Jew myself. I only became as such witnessing the disgusting farse that "Israel" is with my own two eyes back in 2019. Our tour group was brought to see landmine strips and weapons presentations and were expected to fundamentally write them off as good and necessary because we were Jews, like they were. It exposed a lot of the contradictions in my own liberal world view which is why I am who I am today.

    I am very much interested in reading Sinwar's book, in my eyes he has earned the status of a mythical figure, in his life and in his death, on a level of the life and death of Che Guevara–I will look to see if there are any English translations of it available.

    ::: spoiler ترجمة جوجل إلى اللغة العربية، على الأرجح أنها ليست دقيقة مرحبًا محمودkirby-wave أنت وجميع الآخرين في غزة هم الأشجع مجموعة من الناس في العصر الحديث

    أنا نفسي يهودي مناهض للصهيونية. لقد أصبحت أشهد المهزلة المثيرة للاشمئزاز بأن "إسرائيل" هي بأم عيني فقط في عام 2019. تم إحضار مجموعتنا السياحية لرؤية شرائط الألغام الأرضية وعروض الأسلحة، وكان من المتوقع أن يتم شطبها بشكل أساسي على أنها جيدة وضرورية لأننا كنا يهودًا ، كما كانوا. لقد كشفت الكثير من التناقضات في وجهة نظري الليبرالية للعالم، ولهذا السبب أنا ما أنا عليه اليوم.

    أنا مهتم جدًا بقراءة كتاب السنوار، فهو في نظري اكتسب مكانة شخصية أسطورية، في حياته وفي مماته، على مستوى حياة وموت تشي جيفارا - سأرى ما إذا كان هناك هل تتوفر أي ترجمة باللغة الإنجليزية للكتاب :::

  • Dongfeng missiles - New General Megathread for the 18th-20th of October 2024
  • WhyEssEff WhyEssEff 2d ago 100%

    caught up to hxh. i'm very tired so i'll share thoughts ibn the morning

  • Dongfeng missiles - New General Megathread for the 18th-20th of October 2024
  • WhyEssEff WhyEssEff 2d ago 100%

    Like objectively it's not that great but it doesn't make me angry with him or want to mock him, it just makes me feel bad for him. He's really fucking talented, he's got a rare prowess for manga storytelling that puts him in league with Oda, Fujimoto, and Inoue. After Miura, I can't hold out hope, but dammit I just want to see this man write the whole story he wants to write. If he has to do it with ONE-esque art or if he has to do it in a novel, I don't care, I just want to see his vision.

    allah lift all of Yoshihiro Togashi's lower back pain from him and grant it unto Nobuhiro Watsuki inshallah

  • Dongfeng missiles - New General Megathread for the 18th-20th of October 2024
  • WhyEssEff WhyEssEff 2d ago 100%

    going from this

    to this

    over the period of one-arc-and-then-some has gotta suck ass man. It looks like it hurt to draw the chapter. i can't imagine what it does to your psyche. shit sucks. I totally get it, I'm not going to fault him for it, but I gotta call it like it is. If I were him I'd just write the rest as a novel with occasional comic pages. His writing is still great, there's just a noticeable drop in quality for art.

  • Dongfeng missiles - New General Megathread for the 18th-20th of October 2024
  • WhyEssEff WhyEssEff 2d ago 100%

    ch337. yeah I can see why this man has to hiatusmaxx. the back issues must be fucking him up. I'm sorry, but there's a clear drop in the art, man. feel bad for him.

  • Dongfeng missiles - New General Megathread for the 18th-20th of October 2024
  • WhyEssEff WhyEssEff 2d ago 100%

    togashi went from writing one of the more egregious transphobic moments i've seen in manga in YYH to writing alluka. i'm honestly impressed. character growth

  • Dongfeng missiles - New General Megathread for the 18th-20th of October 2024
  • WhyEssEff WhyEssEff 2d ago 100%

    holy shit Chimera Ant was fucking peak what the fuck it was so good

  • Dongfeng missiles - New General Megathread for the 18th-20th of October 2024
  • WhyEssEff WhyEssEff 2d ago 100%

    olimar-point pikmin-carry-lgon-anguishpikmin-carry-r pikmin-onion
    FWIIII ^Huh!^ ^Hooh!^ ^Huh!^ ^Hooh!^ ^Huh!^ ^Hooh!^

  • Dongfeng missiles - New General Megathread for the 18th-20th of October 2024
  • WhyEssEff WhyEssEff 2d ago 100%

    I really like Gon as a protagonist now, I think the story is really coming into its own.

  • Dongfeng missiles - New General Megathread for the 18th-20th of October 2024
  • WhyEssEff WhyEssEff 2d ago 100%

    boat arc
    known for its hiatuses

    it's a curse at this point. it feeds the energy of these mangaka to Oda, man who decided to make his entire manga the boat arc

  • Dongfeng missiles - New General Megathread for the 18th-20th of October 2024
  • WhyEssEff WhyEssEff 2d ago 100%

    this post is essentially meant as a general chatroom

  • Undergrad CS education is going places
  • WhyEssEff WhyEssEff 2d ago 100%

    wait is this just the e = mc^2^ + AI bit repackaged

  • Undergrad CS education is going places
  • WhyEssEff WhyEssEff 2d ago 100%

    snake_case is valid, I’m just operating on the assumption that these rubes want it to be stdlib-adjacent

  • Undergrad CS education is going places
  • WhyEssEff WhyEssEff 2d ago 100%

    if they're proposing it as a C stdlib-adjacent method (given they're saying it should be an alternative to malloc [memory allocate]) it absolutely should be lowercase. plus is redundant because you just append the extra functionality to the name by concatenating it to the original name. mallocai [memory allocate ai] feels wrong, so ai should be first.

    if this method idea wasn't an abomination in and of itself that's how it would probably be named. it currently looks straight out of Java. and at that point why are we abbreviating malloc. why not go the distance and say largeLanguageModelQueryingMemoryAllocator

  • Undergrad CS education is going places
  • WhyEssEff WhyEssEff 2d ago 100%

    and it's malloc, why are we doing this for things we're ultimately just putting on the heap? overshoot a little–if you don't know already, it's not going to be perfect no matter what. if you're going to be this annoying about memory (which is not a bad thing) learn rust dipshit. they made a whole language about it

  • Undergrad CS education is going places
  • WhyEssEff WhyEssEff 2d ago 100%

    the way I kinda know this is the product of C-Suite and not a low-level software engineer is that the syntax is mallocPlusAI and not aimalloc or gptmalloc or llmalloc.

  • they would have to give Luffy so much fucking adderall to stave him off from immediately playing .io games on his chromebook in class that Makino would have to haggle on the phone for hours with insurance to get their prescribed dosage. Goku would be solely playing either Roblox tournament games or Fortnite depending on the day. Deku would be glued to a TikTok FYP showing him content farm AI-voice All Might fight recaps. Gon would be watching IShowSpeed and doing nothing but spamming Ws in chat.


    Rolling hills—western Wisconsin. A lonesome road. A cobalt bus, wandering through the quiet expanse. Inside, two aged men anchor themselves to opposite ends of an empty aisle. Witness Mr. Dick Cheney, former vice president—architect of war. He reclines on the frontmost-right bench, savoring a rare moment of quiet—a peace denied to the countless victims of his ambition and greed. For Mr. Cheney, this journey is nothing more than a temporary detour—a trivial rebrand, a welcoming audience, a new color of tie to mix with his suits across the month. In the rear of the bus, we find Mr. Bernie Sanders—senator, figurehead, reformist. He is hunched in the back-left corner, his gaze locked beyond the window of the emergency exit—bolted shut. His pupils trace the receding line of asphalt, the tires feeding it to the meadows. There is a weight in his posture, as his very being is tugged towards quiet resignation—a closing whimper into the end. For somewhere, deep within his thoughts, a terrible truth lingers—this is a one-way trip. Between them, tossed askew against a bench, stands a lime-green placard—large enough for two. The stretched Arial typography remains legible, yet blurs faintly into the backdrop, as to retreat from clarity—an unalloyed declaration: **brat fall** A scene that, just eight years ago, would have been unthinkable to some. But this bus has long since departed a commendable politic. Its destination? *The Twilight Zone.*


    no. the simpler explanation: the Jews and Chinese have combined their phrenologically-subversive forces and resources to isekai in the world's first Weather Mage. Why? In order to kinetically dispatch the first ever anti-woke statecraft project. It's called basic economics pinko ![frothingfash]( "emoji frothingfash")


    i am also extremely convinced that if i just adjust myself enough there will be a big crack andall of my aches and pains will immediately go away an d I will have perfect posture and i will be cured of mental health and find a million bajillion dollars on the floor and live till im 120


    she lives in Germany! She’s lived there since she was 13! She hasn’t said anything at all about the war! THE STRAW HATS *ARE* TERRORISTS! NICO ROBIN WORKED WITH THE ![revolutionary-army]( "emoji revolutionary-army") DURING THE TIMESKIP! YOU WOULD 100% CONSIDER THAT TO BE TERRORISM! [WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU ON ABOUT]( ![matt-jokerfied]( "emoji matt-jokerfied")


    they could never make me hate you my stupid chud son Kinta


    that's how it is baby ![lea-finger-guns]( "emoji lea-finger-guns")


    [No fucking way]( ![wowee]( "emoji wowee")


    not good for business if both the appearance and function of your products are giving people Lovecraftian breakdowns but you have to do infinite growth in scope so the only way out is to minimize the visual element still in the oven though ![xi-cooking]( "emoji xi-cooking")


    puzzling out the proofs for concepts so utterly fundamental to math by myself that it’s like if Genesis 1:3 was *And God said, 'Let there be integer,' and there was integer*


    everything the TV man says must be entertained. it is all well-founded and based on real things that are happening! we must listen and learn to both sides of the aisle


    not even so people can discover local problems. in fact make it entirely anonymous for the bit. I want people from NY talking to people from PNW like "yeah kinda weird both of our wifis are down at the same time. something to look into" all other types of posting would be disallowed. only complaining about issues with internet.


    [you can’t be saying that CIA baby](


    prohitleriat... can go miles on this one ![lenin-heisenberg]( "emoji lenin-heisenberg")


    [66-year old billionaire VC guys shouldn’t be talking like this.]( what’s going on ![tucker-catboy]( "emoji tucker-catboy")


    and conveniently leave out they were posting about something entirely different between the first post and the pivot, how curious! ![]( [new low for BLM ‘national’](, even more mask off then after the mansion shit. hijacking grifters through and through. Leech pieces of shit. Conveniently step in to rake in some cash every time black folks are murdered by the state and use their megaphone to support the people training the murderers ![lenin-rage]( "emoji lenin-rage")
