From, which is worth checking everyday. Sources :

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"Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
12 ways used by the west to plunder the global South

The text and pictures below are from AfricanStream, a very informative account present on multiple platforms : Not only do Western countries unendingly exploit Africa’s resources, but to keep African nations crippled, they also utilise multiple avenues that ensure the continent remains in a perpetual cycle of under-development. ![]( These avenues, which range widely from currency control and unfavorable trade deals to private ownership of strategic assets and the extracting of resources without re-investments back into these nations, guarantee that Africans do not benefit from their minerals and lands. ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( If interested, you can read more about it in their [sources]( --------- These are only 12 ways, if you've ever read books documenting/explaining neo-colonialism you'll know that the mechanisms don't stop there, from some notes i've quickly reread i could cite : - Different measures of exploitation show that global South workers are more exploited than westerners(, if it wasn't the case their goods would be more expensive and/or western margins would be reduced) ; - Unequal exchange(, document yourself about it, it's a long topic with many subcategories, here's one of many possible quotes : « By the end of the colonial period, the periphery was losing $22 billion each year as a result of unequal exchange, which is equivalent to $161 billion in 2015 dollars. That is twice the amount of aid and investment that the periphery was receiving each year during the same period. This arrangement became a major driver of global inequality. In 1820, at the dawn of the second wave of imperialism, the income gap between the richest country and the poorest country was only 3 to 1. By the end of colonialism in the middle of the 19th century, the gap was 35 to 1. ») ; - The problems with capital exports to low-wage countries has only partially been cited by the 12 examples, e.g., there may be consequences on local/national politics, as well as psychological/cultural consequences on the population subjected to foreign powers instead of their own ; - Monopolisation of land, technology, and finance capital ; - Similarly, the concentration of production and capital leading to monopolies that dominate the economy ; - Also, the formation of international cartels or economic alliances that carve up the world ; - Unequal wages for equally productive work ; - The productive employment isn't shared ; - E.Reinert extensively&convincingly critized Ricardo, included by highlighting the distinction between products with a higher valued added than others(, e.g. selling/exporting planes vs. t-shirts, or manufactured goods vs. raw materials, the latter being subject to a stronger competition and less margins among other things) ; - Explaining the exploitation of the South because of their lack of productivity has been harshly criticized with many proofs in « The wealth of (some) nations» ; - The export of surplus capital to other countries, driving imperialist expansion ; - The "unholy trinity"(, the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO) ; - The debt as a way to control these states : « Between 1973 and 1993, global South debt grew from $100 billion to $1.5 trillion. Of the $1.5 trillion, only $400 billion was actually borrowed money. The rest was piled up simply as a result of compound interest. » ; - Please don't conclude that this amateurish list is anything close to being extensive. ![]( [our world in data]( : ![]( The rate of growth is more visible [here](, two lines aren't visible under the line "Latin America and Caribbean", these two lines are "Middle-East and North Africa", and "World")(, India is joined with "South Asia"). Also, note the pseudo-logarithmic scale of the graph. How long until everyone catches up on the same standards of living ? Apparently not anytime soon(, except for the exception China, or close geopolitical allies such as Japan, Israel, and South Korea, since we always knew how to develop countries but simply didn't want to, just as we don't want to be united in diversity). ![]( What an amazing coincidence that China(, and India, kinda,) was one of the only countries who refused to follow our advices(, commands in the case of the "unholy trinity"), apparently protectionnism>liberalism>autarky, «do as they do/did not as they say» is the argument of Ha-Joon Chang. Writing this made me want to re-read "The Divide" by J.Hickel, and while there's way too many [arguments]( to sum them up here, i just stumbled upon this quote(, [here]('s the chapter/justification) : > The charity paradigm obscures the real issues at stake : it makes it seem as though the West is ‘developing’ the global South, when in reality the opposite is true. Rich countries aren’t developing poor countries ; poor countries are effectively developing rich countries – and they have been since the late 15th century. In regard to the current genocide, i'm also adding his example, without adding well-known details for Lemmygrad users about the confiscation of palestinian water by Israel. It happened when he visited Palestine in 2012, just two months after the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 66/225, calling for the restoration of Palestinians’ rights to their own water(, 167 nations voted in favour of the resolution, the United States and Israel voted against it) : > On one particularly hot afternoon, my hosts drove me down into the Jordan Valley to interview some farmers there about water issues. Along the way, bumping along a gravel track, we came across a huge white sign jutting out of the desert rocks. The sign announced a USAID initiative ‘to help alleviate recurring water shortages’ by adding a new well in the area. It was branded with the American flag and bore the proud words: ‘This project is a gift from the American People to the Palestinian People.’ (...) I tell this anecdote not just as an example of how aid often misses the point, but to illustrate a much larger truth. Poor countries don’t need our aid ; they need us to stop impoverishing them. Until we target the structural drivers of global poverty – the underlying architecture of wealth extraction and accumulation – development efforts will continue to fail, decade after decade. We will continue to watch the poverty numbers rise, and the divide between rich and poor countries will continue to grow. This is a difficult truth to swallow for the millions of well-meaning people who have been sold on the development story. It can be scary to grapple with the collapse of a core myth. At least it was for me. But it also opens up a world of exciting new possibilities, and clears the way to a different kind of future. ------ ![]( ![](

The Grayzone's debunking of Israel's atrocity propaganda lies (44mn)
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2w ago 100%

    Yep, even if it was to underline that they continued to lie afterwards, the documentary could have talked about the famous instance of the "Hamas calendar"(, i don't remember all of their lies), that hospitals or civil structures' destruction was justified because it was a "Hamas base", or when they said that it was a headquarter and they faked the existence of tunnels(, i.i.r.c.), or showed a picture of weapons in the m.r.i. room, and the first thing they did was to disable the c.c.t.v.s in the hospital when they came in, and their refusal to let journalists investigate anything, and many more, this documentary only focuses on the 7th of October, but it'd have been nice to list of the lies shamelessly brought in any conflict.
    Also worth watching, among others :
    And even if everyone knows, an article in April wrote that « Up to 57% of buildings in the Strip have been destroyed or damaged, according to analysis carried out at the University of Oregon » (here), and it wasn't in the crossfire of a war, just a plain unilateral destruction by anti-palestinians.

    A simple, but accurate i think, way to paint the situation would be to write that Israel is saying : « Love/Accept us unconditionally, or die », this unconditionally is what's unaccepted and what should be the topic of discussion in medias seeking a solution.
    Especially because the conditions are exceedingly simple : their treatment of palestinians(, including the refugees/exiled,) with their capital in East Jerusalem, the removal of all of their illegal colonies, and a.n alignment/friendliness with its neighbors. I'm ashamed that they ask for almost nothing in exchange for Israel's implementation.
    If that's indeed the case and they don't have other demands, then it's important to note that the first&third conditions arise from the second one : remove the colonies, create a second state and help palestinians, and they'll make peace with their neighbours.
    As for making peace with Hamas as well, or a palestinian political party emerging from this good will, i can't predict the future, even future governments will continue to be hated, Israel will stay safe as long as Palestine will be less developed, and they can play on their relations with their new friendly neighbours during the following decades to influence the future generations of palestinians.
    A long edit to simply point out that the existence of the colonies(, and refusal of a palestinian state with East-Jerusalem as its capital,) is the only demand of their neighbours, when i discovered that i was surprised, Iran included at least officially sometimes, and Israel is still refusing, their greed is the only threat to their security.
    (Or i'm wrong, and israelis are right to believe that they'll never be accepted even by agreeing to a two-states solution(, which will eventually peacefully reunite one day), and removing their colonies, with nuclear weapons, etc., in which case beating people&countries into submission would be their way forward, overthrowing any country as long as they're not unconditionally accepted.)

    It's worth adding something, because if the problem isn't (only )their greed, but their belief that making concessions wouldn't prevent a.n invasion&destruction of Israel, solely because promises can be broken, then the problem is solvable :

    • First, they'll need to obtain the words of all their neighbours, including palestinians if possible(, that'd probably be a requirement for Lebanon, Yemen, Iran, ...). Palestinians should at least ask for 50% of Israel's territory, as well as hundreds/thousands of billions for palestinian( refugees). Israelis can write ahead that they will aim for a peaceful reunification for future generations, as some countries do.
    • Then, the hardest part is done and they're saved. While they'll not only have to act in the future for a stronger u.n., they can right now emit a range of measures ensuring continued good relations, with medias and populations polling requirements, with economic relations/interconnectedness, an efficient military&judiciary protection shared between each other(, while waiting for an even more effective protection/security in the future for every country), ... If these requirements aren't met by their neighbours and there's no attempt at following them, then sanctions by the whole community would take effect, if Israel's reason to refuse removing their colonies isn't their greed but that weakening themselves wouldn't solve anything, and that you simply can't negotiate with people who refuse to negotiate, then they'd have to work on these requirements but they can be satisfied, it isn't that hard, so i'm refusing the validity of the only reason i see for them to refuse giving up their settlements and finally making peace with their neighbours.

    I'm still not entirely convinced by their debunking of the rapes(, not that i care, murder is worse than rape, being tortured dozens of minutes beforehand is still only marginally worse in comparison to the eternity of death, and we(sterners) have done so much more barbaric in our "prisons", sometimes for years), but i can't trust our journalists who don't have the necessary time to investigate before publishing, nor Israel who [lies]( at least as much as our western governments(, if not even more). > According to Paul Linebarger, atrocity propaganda leads to real atrocities, as it incites the enemy into committing more atrocities, and, by heating up passions, it increases the chances of one's own side committing atrocities, in revenge for the ones reported in propaganda.[5] Some quotes : > “The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.” Hannah Arendt . > “The propagandist’s purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human.” Aldous Huxley . > “For the powerful, crimes are those that others commit.” Noam Chomsky . > “If any question why we died, tell them, because our fathers lied.” Rudyard Kipling


    Because it's always interesting to learn about other point of views, they've got much more on and elsewhere, as well as other websites such as Al-Jazeera, as you know. That they call this a success means that they can't envision any other path than the armed struggle in order to succeed. As long as their demands aren't for the total disparition of Israel(, ideally it should exist outside of the Middle-East, in the u.s.a. or Europe), but to be aligned with their neighbours and palestinians' desires, then Israel should agree, and doesn't, instead it's asking to steal more territories and tries to overthrow every neighbor not aligned with the west. : ![]( [B.t.w.](, if you missed it : ![]( ![]( My personal opinion is something similar to William Blum in his book "Rogue State"(, although with more rules, nobody would like to bet on a natural resolution) : > What, then, can the United States do to end terrorism directed against it ? The answer lies in removing the anti-American motivations of the terrorists. To achieve this, American foreign policy will have to undergo a profound metamorphosis, as the contents of this book testify. > If I were the president, I could stop terrorist attacks against the United States in a few days. Permanently. I would first apologize to all the widows and orphans, the tortured and impoverished, and all the many millions of other victims of American imperialism. Then I would announce, in all sincerity, to every corner of the world, that America's global interventions have come to an end, and inform Israel that it is no longer the 51st state of the USA but henceforth—oddly enough—a foreign country. I would then reduce the military budget by at least 90% and use the savings to pay reparations to the victims. There would be more than enough money. One year's military budget of $330 billion is equal to more than $18,000 an hour for every hour since Jesus Christ was born. > That's what I'd do on my first three days in the White House. On the fourth day, I'd be assassinated. > Washington, DC, January 2002


    [Source]( [Also]( : > « Israel last week rejected a proposal by the U.S. and France calling for a 21-day ceasefire to give time for a diplomatic settlement that would allow displaced civilians on both sides to return home. » Please watch this 2mn video from the foreign minister of Jordan : I'm not going to try/search again to cite all the possibilities for Israel to make peace with its opponents, something could be given &/or conceded, but if we sometimes hear that the west loses its battles across the globe despite its military superiority it's because you don't win completely as long as there's still one heart in the population that hasn't been conquered, and it becomes problematic to solve if a majority of this population hates you(, you can't kill everyone). The demands made to Israel are legitimate, who cares about expanding your borders, we'll be multi[-]( one day, and perhaps that alliances will make borders meaningless before that(, e.g. with the e.u.), uniting with its neighbours isn't impossible, including Iran, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, ... Its opponents are opposed(, at least officially,) to very specific characteristics of Israel that aren't integral to its identity, where's the problem then, just agree with their demands. A pro-palestinian/yemeni/iranian/syrian/.. Israel that makes palestinians happy by 'living with'/helping each other would be accepted, that's only two requests. And making palestinians happy doesn't necessarily mean losing, but sharing the land, the wealth, the human rights(, not necessarily the population), and the rest. While i know it won't be easy and stay uncertain that it would go well, i dare think that it's not impossible. Heck, i'll go further, so mock/correct me if you want, but 'in a perfect world'/'with perfect humans', we would have united with the vietnamese people and with the communists worldwide, we would have embraced Germany after a WW1 that shouldn't have happened in the first place, and colonization wouldn't have threatened the nazis/fascists/.. because it'd have been an honest/altruistic help to the South and not a.n 'greedy exploitation'&'irrecoverable destruction'. Our Earth is big enough for multiple ideologies, and are all these wars, for personal/nationalist gains, karma for our lack of humanity/'mutual aid', everyone suffers in the end. The selfish preoccupied with keeping what's his doesn't even realize that he/we would be wealthier by sharing(, lands/resources/..). These eternal wars for gaining always more are senseless if we're already one(**&diverse**), and it's not just words, it has practical/real consequences. Israel could be accepted under certain legitimate conditions(, the same could be said for any country/conflict), of course the solution/compromises aren't always obvious, and the sober imperfect reality is that propaganda only exposes one side, so in the end only might makes right. In fact, it's often(, almost always now that i think about it,) the weakest that is right, at least if it's the only one ready to make concessions, while usually the strongest doesn't want to, or on an unequal footing. Israel would have already accepted a ceasefire a long time ago if its opponents were strong enough(, and that's the truth), it isn't actively seeking to make peace with its neighbours, nor even ready to make the most basic concessions in regard to its illegal settlements. I believe that the conditions/details for Israel's acceptation should be one of the main topic in discussion(, not only that everyone knows them, which isn't the case at least here in the west, but that Israel finally complies with the basic demands in order to be finally accepted, instead of greedily wanting more&more). It won't, and i don't think that they'll vote far-left anytime soon, so causes will bring their consequences.


    Among other things, free market theories assume that the employee or the consumer has perfect knowledge, even if "unfortunately" s.he doesn't, let's help them then. The salaries of each employee, with their bonuses, are already known, as well as their categories. If it's displayed on a website then every employee of that category could know where to go in order to get a better pay(, yeah, i don't believe it solves the most important problems(, e.g., monopolies, surplus value, lack of democracy in the workplace, ...), but it wouldn't be worse than nowadays). If the consultation of this website is insufficient, and it will, then an annual text summarizing the result of such research for them should be sent. Similarly, for each product sold, a little screen underneath should indicate where's the cheapest same product ~50kms around. I'm sure they would be glad to realize that they can put into practice their theories(, unironically for the honest ones though).

    Seyed Hasan Nasrallah confirmed killed during bombing on Beirut by the zionist entity
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    3w ago 100%

    « A total of 1,030 people — including 156 women and 87 children — have been killed in Israeli strikes in Lebanon in less than two weeks, the country’s health minister said Saturday. » (source)

  • Soon a color revolution in Serbia and Hungary ?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    3w ago 100%

    of course it's better than France since France is still colonial imperialist power and this hellhole was once SFRY

    (don't know why i chuckled at your "of course", i've only spent a few days on and already forgot what Lemmygrad was like, quite apart from the rest of the Internet :))

    I still don't entirely agree with the term fascism, even if i could see how the rhetoric about muslims in France is close to the rhetoric about jews in the past, e.g., they're destroying the fabric of society by not being french enough, and are a threat solely by their identity, an annoyance to get rid of, even an attack.
    But their militarism isn't as exacerbated(, which could be explained solely by the context), the same goes for their nationalism as well(, even if they're not internationalist, and if hearing America first or France first, even at the expense of other countries, isn't uncommon), and it's always a bit worrying to hear them praise order and the restoration of authority.
    They're still in favor of bourgeois democracy though, without public plans for a stronger leadership, don't openly support censorship, or express themselves as being a third way against liberalism.
    They don't talk about the "french race" as inherently superior to the others with a classification of the different races in a biological way, nor put forward the virile/military strength of the male in order to save the nation.
    When they talk about our past you can feel that monarchism isn't entirely dead in the heart of some of them, but damn, you can also almost even hear them talk of direct democracy sometimes(, although it may be a french exception).
    But even if i personally consider the qualification fascism as an exaggeration since it can always be worse, i can see how it's similar, it's perhaps indeed more a question of quantity/intensity than quality/nature.
    It's just that being pro-capitalist seems enough of a slur for me 🤷, it means legalizing theft and heading back to a feodal society(, even if technological progress may change this course towards more inequalities).

    some people love China and view it in positive light

    Yeah, we don't have that here, they're a dictatorship that persecute its opposition and if it falls we'll applaud this liberation. No need to explain to you why that's bullshit and revolting.

    extreme racism against Roma

    That's everywhere indeed, they're seen as criminals/thieves who don't want to work(, how could they without papers ?), people seeing their encampments sometimes think that it's disgusting and should go away, even if they're still allowed to stay quite a few years in the end, and it's not to the point of Ukraine for whom i've seen videos of pogroms against the Romani people(, i remember a video where they were chased in the woods), this could happen if our economic situation deteriorates.
    I don't believe in national essentialism, or thinking that the poors deserve their fate(, since they don't have the same 'birth privileges'/'starting advantages',) instead of being born at the wrong place/time and just needing help as we all do... I don't know if you have this expression in Serbia to criticize the actions of our government "strong with the weak, and weak with the strong". Well, everything can always be worse, at least we've avoided the horrors of war...

    Here's something i've just seen that may be indicative(, or be a wrong example i.d.k.), if you translate these comments then you'll see that most people are supporting the condemnation of two protestors that will live two whole years in a jail cell for dirtying a glass protection, absolutely zero damage was caused(, i don't know how they attained the number of 10.000£), we're not allowed to do violent protests and that's the most nonviolent i could think of, it even made a bit of publicity for this art piece. I can't understand the state but even worse it's all of these comments that i cannot understand, they're either against ecology(, why ?), or mistakenly believed that this art piece was ruined(, i doubt it), i don't know, that's the "strong against the weak" part, as for the "weak against the strong" there's private-public partnerships(, e.g., highway tolls), or the tax evasion&avoidance, etc., you're not going to hit the friends that helped you after all 🤷
    It was retweeted by someone, Guillaume Meurice, who worked in one of the last public medias that we still have for more than a decade, and was fired, unbelievably, because of a segment in which he jokingly said while laughing that « In fact, Netanyahu is like Hitler, but without a foreskin », i shit you not it's for that sole reason officially and nothing else, i can't understand why a lot of people agreed that he went too far and had to be fired, in my eyes i'm convinced that he was fired for being probably (one of )the last "leftist" in our medias(, clearly not a communist propagandist/theorician mind you, we don't have that in France except on the Internet, but he's not against the idea of communism, he's for a more humane capitalism, and criticize our excesses).
    Here's another example seen today, even if examples aren't as solid/serious as mentioning statistics and laws.

    Well, i'll not make my review of the whole state of France(, not sure i'd be able to anyway), but here's some anecdotes as well, could be worse, could be better.

    I consider myself to be much more of a theocrat than a communist, i see the latter as a consequence of the former, and if i had to choose between God and anything else then the choice is immediately done(, the most extreme would be to ask me to choose between God and what i consider to be virtuous, even if i can't imagine such situation).
    I'm probably one of the only theocrat on Lemmygrad, but i don't think it's against the rules as long as i'm still communist, if you ever want to convince me that religions should disappear, i'm interested in such debate(, otherwise feel free to ignore this paragraph :)), the only thing i'm missing from reddit are those subreddits dedicated to debates(, even if it takes time).

  • Soon a color revolution in Serbia and Hungary ?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    3w ago 100%

    Thank you very much, i forgot about privatizations, and initially thought you were talking about brand new industries 100% paid by the state immediately given to foreign hands(, the steel mill factory in Silesia being built in the 70s).
    But yeah, it could have brought a lot of money to the state coffers instead of the same foreign capitalist hands. Our public workers have(had) better salaries and working conditions than private ones in France, and it's strangely used as an argument against public enterprises rather than against private enterprises. We're quick to say that these better conditions means higher prices(, but higher salaries means being able to buy at higher prices anyway), yet we'll ignore that higher dividends also mean higher prices, and public enterprises usually have zero dividends as well as fewer salary gaps.

    Well, in any case, that was informative, and i didn't know about the gift of japanese state-owned enterprises to the zaibatsus, thanks !

  • Soon a color revolution in Serbia and Hungary ?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    3w ago 100%

    I've quickly documented myself on the "polish economic miracle" a few years ago, but only remember that it was linked with millions of polish working in other european countries, as well as important foreign direct investments, you seem knowledgeable so perhaps could you redirect me towards some explanations for this, or take a bit of your time to explain it to me yourself ? I've also postponed the understanding for China's success, this topic of "Why do some countries become wealthy and not others" is among the most interesting possible.
    Also, having never heard of Poland(, or any country for that matter,) funding 100% of a company while leaving the dividends to foreign hands, i'm interesting in knowing more about that as well if you have the time and/or a link.

  • Soon a color revolution in Serbia and Hungary ?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    3w ago 100%

    Wow, that was very informative on more than one level, i wrote answers to more than a dozen comments these past days and yours is probably my favorite, thanks !

    The situation you described initially reminded me of accounts i've read from eastern europe, but then progressively i've realized that it's probably the same in other countries with the rise of the far-right everywhere and the displacement of the Overton window. In France we've pretty much sold every single public company, and Serbia is incredibly much more socialist than i first thought, you almost don't have any communists in France, our far-far-left political parties are trostkyists that are anti-Russia(, i'll still vote for them obviously, our medias wouldn't leave them alone if they supported Venezuela, Russia, etc., and don't even begin with North Korea,) and probably consider China a dictatorship, while our "socialist party" has been capitalist for decades, etc. Serbia in comparison doesn't seem worse, i've lived all my life without knowing what socialism means, you still have remnants.
    Once capitalists are in power, it's not surprising for anti-communism to be on the rise, please don't blame the population too much for not taking weapons, we'll have to do counter-propaganda ideally but our funds are more meager and i could understand if it seems like a lost cause. For that matter, i don't think that a communist revolution is likely to happen in France(, where i'm from,) either, nor in the u.s.a.
    I misunderstood what you meant by "there is no saving" before, i thought that you were, e.g., french or american, and deemed these countries much worse than your own, when you're in fact comparing it the inspiring Yugoslavia of Tito(, believe it or not, despite its closeness, most french people don't know him and forgot about Yugoslavia, and he would obviously be classified as a dictator for not having bourgeois democracy). I didn't realize that your criticism came from the inside, but please do not despair ! Things change, and indeed these graphs show that Serbia isn't as anti-China as you thought(, the same goes for Hungary), it's at least one reason to rejoice.

    Ah, and pardon me, but your grandmother seems awesome(, do you have any idea what my family members believes in(, i'm honestly not complaining) ? Having a grandmother that likes Lenin&Stalin and even believes that V.Putin is a crypto-socialist seems awesome/unbelievable, congratulations, she's even surfing the web, and she stops when he's talking about the replacement theory ? Man, we also have whole channels and political parties that talk about this all day, my grandmother has already integrated this as a fact many years ago and believes that immigrants are the cause of crimes, not poverty(, and is also certain that crimes are on the rise, like a lot of people, even if surveys show the contrary, we're beyond being anti-communist by forgetting about it)).
    (For the record, i'm not saying that being against economic immigration is immoral, but not treating the unfair causes is, because i'm picturing an hopefully false future in which we'll live centuries among richs behind our walls, while the rest of our human family lives 'exploited by'&'poorer than' us with, e.g., an inferior salary, if i'm wrong and international inequalities aren't a moral problem, or will soon disappear, then let's "save our culture from destruction" by closing our borders to these poorer/exploited guys, otherwise let's focus instead on treating the causes(, while making sure it won't bite us afterwards,) because i certainly don't want such selfish future)

    B.t.w., are you financially independent with your own place ? If not, it'll get better at this moment according to my experience, some people are annoying(, but, i mean, your aunt still claim to be socialist, my family members don't even want to debate so i'm explicitly told to shut up each time(, we'll still love each other though, just that no politics or any other debate is allowed, you can imagine how watching the news while eating quickly gets challenging :))), but even if they're annoying you'll have to challenge yourself as this is the occasion to bring the best of yourself, to try small pertinent comments in a loving voice if you manage to, and take time to let them explain their worldview to you even if you already know it(, sometimes ending their sentences if it gets too long).
    That's just my personal opinion, we're here to make this world a better place aren't we ? Nobody's perfect(, very clearly myself first).

    I've got time, so we could be (learning from each other by) having a debate on religion and/or conspirationnism if you're in a mood for that(, debating is fun and instructive ?). But i'll totally understand if you lack the time and/or will to continue this discussion for too long.

  • Soon a color revolution in Serbia and Hungary ?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    3w ago 100%

    This graph is not related at all, it's from 2021 and it's global investments, look at the y axis. Poland would barely be shown there as pixel.
    And in the other graphs in your link you can see that US investments in Poland were less than Belgian or Swiss or Swedish

    Yep, you're right about the y-axis, i've read that too quickly.
    And the other graphs in the pdf seem indeed to confirm that 2023 was an exception :

    I should probably research it a bit more to have a more precise point of view.

  • Soon a color revolution in Serbia and Hungary ?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    3w ago 100%

    I don't know for the other years, and couldn't easily find data to conclude, but the article writes that :

    Intel, a chipmaker, picked Poland for a $4.6bn plant

    That'd be 4.6bn out of the ~$7bn on the graph

  • Soon a color revolution in Serbia and Hungary ?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    3w ago 50%

    I should probably stop having clashes online, but i've nothing else to do currently.

    I'd say : isolate yourself then.
    On my part, i'll believe we need allies and not "left purity", let's survive first.
    Also, feel free to disagree but even after ensuring the survival of the communist ideals i want a multipolar/multinodal world, i don't want a uniform communist world-state but communists, theocrats, monarchists, real/direct democrats, "anarcho"-capitalists, extreme ecologists, and many more. I.d.c. about world domination, it's not desirable, feel free to dislike these countries but i won't.

  • Soon a color revolution in Serbia and Hungary ?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    3w ago 100%

    Ah, i'm sorry but i can't wrap my head around why counting(, or not,) Russia in the foreign investments number would change something about this likelihood : if it is absent then China is still enough(, and if it is present then this likelihood would increase). Sorry for my lack of comprehension and feel free not to explain yourself further on this detail if you don't consider it important.

    colour revolution based only off of this data is unlikely

    While i don't see the link with Russia(, since the p.r.c. is enough in itself), i entirely agree with this quote, it can just be considered as one of the indicators of geopolitical alignment, and i felt interesting to share this ~discovery with Lemmygrad.

  • Soon a color revolution in Serbia and Hungary ?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    3w ago 100%

    no clue 🤷, perhaps a mistake ?
    The article isn't more informative about this "top three countries"(, and announces a european ban on chinese electric vehicles) :, with the usual race to the bottom :

    Rich countries may offer more subsidies, but CEE countries have cheaper land and labour, looser regulations and lower taxes.

  • Soon a color revolution in Serbia and Hungary ?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    3w ago 100%

    I don't understand your point and i don't see a mention of russian foreign investments in the infographic(, probably in the category "Others" ?)

    (It's not related to your comment but this post also made me think of investments in Ukraine's economy to incentivize its political alignement change, closer with its past values and those of its south(, if it doesn't end up absorbed in a tri-alliance with Belarus or something else keeping the n.a.t.o. out, who knows), as well as the topic of spheres of influence)

  • ![]( Source :


    To read these rules without my annoying personal additions : **Rule 1 :** Recorded history began on October 7 2023. [Maybe some things happened]( before that date, but nobody can remember. **Rule 2 :** [Anything]( bad that [Israel]( does is [justified]( by [Rule]( 1. [This]( is [true]( even if [it]( does [things]( that [would]( be [considered]( completely [unjustifiable]( if it were [done]( by a [nation]( like [Russia]( or [Iran]( **Rule 3 :** Israel has a right to [defend]( itself, but nobody else does. **Rule 4 :** Israel [never bombs civilians](, it [bombs terrorists]( If shocking numbers of civilians die it’s because they were actually terrorists, or because terrorists killed them, or because a terrorist stood too close to them. If [none of those reasons apply]( then it’s for some other mysterious reason we are still waiting for the IDF to [investigate]( **Rule 5 :** Criticizing anything Israel does means you [hate]( Jewish people. There is [no other reason]( anyone could possibly oppose military explosives being dropped on areas packed full of [children]( besides a seething, [obsessive hatred]( for a small [Abrahamic faith]( *[Personal addition : Or you're unpatriotic, a terrorist sympathizer, or a similar slur justifying your censorship/exclusion without considering your arguments.]* **Rule 6 :** Nothing Israel does is ever as bad as the [hateful criticisms]( described in Rule 5. Criticism of Israel’s actions is always worse than Israel’s actions themselves, because those critics hate Jews and wish to commit another Holocaust. Preventing this must consume 100 percent of our political energy and attention. **Rule 7 :** Israel can never be the [victimizer](, it can only [ever]( be the victim. If [Israel]( attacks [Lebanon](, it’s [because]( Hezbollah [attacked]( it completely unprovoked while Israel was innocently minding its own business trying to commit a little genocide in peace. *[Personal addition : The [2006 war]( made at least 1200 Lebanese victims, mostly civilians, and 160 israelis victims, 40 civilians]* If people protest against Israel bombing entire cities into dust, then Israel is the victim because the protests made Israel’s supporters feel sad. **Rule 8 :** The fact that Israel is literally always in a state of war with its neighbors and with displaced indigenous populations must be interpreted as proof that Rule 7 is true instead of proof that Rule 7 is ridiculous nonsense. *[Personal addition of examples : "preemptive de-escalation" through war since you don't negotiate with terrorists/enemies, increase of the settlements, abandon of the peace process, ... This aggressive path is painted as necessary/'the only way' for survival.]* **Rule 9 :** [Arab lives]( are much, much [less]( important to us than [western lives]( or [Israeli lives]( Nobody is allowed to think too hard about why this might be. *[Personal note : Western leaders who disagree should explain why they keep sending weapons to Israel, it sure seems that it's because its defense&lives are more important than those of palestinians, we're not really a human family(, yet ?)]* **Rule 10 :** The media always [tell]( the truth *[personal addition : [without biases]( or double standards,]* about Israel and its various conflicts. If you doubt this then you are likely in violation of Rule 5. **Rule 11 :** Unsubstantiated claims which portray Israel’s enemies in [a negative light]( may be [reported]( *[Personal note : i haven't checked the two last two links but wouldn't be surprised of one more lie]* as factual news stories without any fact checking or qualifications, while [extensively]( evidenced records of Israeli criminality must be reported on with extreme skepticism and doubtful qualifiers like “Lebanon says” or “according to the Hamas-run health ministry”. This is important to do because otherwise you might get accused of being a propagandist. **Rule 12 :** Israel [must continue]( to exist [in its current iteration]( no matter what it costs or how many people need to die. There is no need to present any logically or morally grounded reasons why this is the case. If you dispute this then you are likely in violation of Rule 5. **Rule 13 :** The [US government]( has never lied about anything ever, and is always on the right side of every [conflict]( **Rule 14 :** (Americans only) Nothing that happens in the middle east is as urgent or significant as making sure the correct person wins the US presidential election. Ignore any inconvenient facts which distract you from this mission of unparalleled importance. **Rule 15 :** [Israel]( must be protected because it is the last bastion of freedom and democracy in the middle east, no matter how many journalists it has to assassinate, no matter how many press institutions it needs to [shut down](, no matter how many protests its supporters need to dismantle, no matter how much free speech it needs to eliminate, no matter how many civil rights it needs to erase, and no matter how many elections its lobbyists need to buy. ----- Yeah, feels pointless to post that, sorry Since i'm talking of double standards, let's defend myself : - If Russia allowed Ukraine to abandon neutrality and actively rejoin Russia's enemies, and be used by them, it'd include(, but not be limited to,) agreeing to make Crimea a useful n.a.t.o. base against the russian fleet, not support the pro-russian/anti-n.a.t.o. population of south Ukraine, have consequences at home and in Belarus, losing an historical last line of defense, etc. The cultural/political/military/.. consequences were deemed unacceptable(, e.g., maritime roads, antimissiles systems as well as close proximity n.a.t.o. missiles leaving less time to react, radars(, e.g. supply chains to Syria,) and spying/'intelligence services' on the ground, proximity to military/industrial centers, geopolitical&military containment, increased influence to internal separatists as well as russian citizens, certainly more...,) and it's unfair, the n.a.t.o. promised not to expand eastwards, now they even want parts of the ex-u.s.s.r.. I don't know what russians could have done to counter the n.a.t.o. expansion to their borders, but i know what the n.a.t.o. could have (not) done in order to avoid this war ; - If Israel didn't go on their killing spree, or stopped after killing twice as many palestinians as israelis were murdered, then nothing more would have happened, and they could have exchanged hostages. They could have also stopped expanding their settlements and listened to other legitimate demands, and hence launch back the peace process, that'd have been useful in order to decrease the risk of other attacks. But i don't know what palestinians can do if israelis don't even want a two-states "solution".

    2 NOW: Evo Morales’ six-day-long march towards La Paz, Bolivia is about to enter the city. The government of Luis Arce says this is an attempted coup. We are reporting from on the ground. Pro-Evo Indigenous movements will form two additional columns to enter other access points into La Paz. Those marching are demanding the registration of Morales’ candidacy and are protesting against the deteriorating economic situation in the country. Morales’ supporters are calling for President Arce’s resignation, and Arce’s supporters are calling for the arrest of Morales. This is seen by many as the final battle in the internal faction fights within the “Movement Towards Socialism” party. All schools in La Paz are closed due to expected clashes later today. ![](

    5 Israelis are defending themselves from people weaker than them, so brave. It's a unilateral massacre of civilians, nothing like a war, and the result of indoctrinating israelis since their birth to f*cking hate palestinians. At least Russia's claim about n.a.t.o.'s encroaching the Black Sea and the surroundings of Moscow is more valid, and could have easily been avoided(, if we listened to their demands of a "sphere of influence"). A few millions of poor palestinians can't manage to [defend]( themselves or [their territory](, they're not a threat justifying a ~~war~~ unilateral massacre And by creating much more palestinian terrorists/resistants than they've murdered, their security has been lowered, if "Bibi" wasn't already on this path, now any future peace plan is even more compromised, **Yigal Amir has won**. There may not be anyone right now to stop them from taking always more, but perhaps that, one day, israelis will be treated like they treated palestinians for a change. And we(sterners) will also be treated like we treated the rest of the world(, e.g., maintained in poverty/inequality, used in proxy wars, feeling our powerlessness, etc.). Or we could also evolve to avoid international domination/hegemony. (Still think that one day every nation will fragment into city-states and borders will be meaningless, for Israel as well. Or not. And that a good plan could be to change them into something closer to islam and the policies/decisions of the islamic states, perhaps)


    From In the u.s.s.r. as well b.t.w. : ![]( From [USSR : 100 Questions and Answers]( Quite a lot to say about this accusation of dictatorship, but here's one : Or two : Etc. It's useless to point out that we'd never have heard of these accusations if they were capitalists. And they're [supported]( by [leftists]( Well, sanctions do a good job to destroy their country anyway...



    Read the rest here : Other sources : Monster :




    « Over the 16-year period since 2008, the number of years it takes for an average Chinese manufacturing worker to afford a basic plug-in EV has fallen from ~9 years to <1. This is while the technical/performance specs have increased dramatically. » ![]( Solar : [« This year, China will add more solar power than the US’ entire installed capacity! 🔹hOw aBoUt cOaL? China will add 50GW of coal power plants this year, while adding 200GW of renewable. »]( ![]( ![]( More : [1](, [2](, [3](, [4]( Nuclear as well : ![]( Oil : ![]( [And everything else really]( Even [forests]( And [pollution]( : ![]( [« China’s pollution levels in 2021 had fallen 42% from 2013 »]( [«If China’s contribution were disregarded, global air pollution would have increased, not declined, in the 2010s »]( : ![]( Finally : [1](, [2](, etc. Seems like the future isn't here.


    Like, openly western-backed : And here's the article : ====== I don't expect any definitive answer, but i/we could perhaps learn a few things in this thread. Most people here already know that Kenya has been called to restore order(, and [keep]( being [pro-west](, otherwise we'd encourage riots as usual). Last time it was [Canada](, although more things probably happened since then. Of course, they're paid [less than a dollar an hour]( and are expected to be grateful to even have a job, that opening their economy to foreign investors will bring them prosperity to all, or w/e. As far as i remember, the assassins of Jovenel Moïse were mercenaries captured in Columbia ? A dead-end apparently, weird that they managed to capture them without learning the contractor's identity, perhaps were they hired without being aware of it, i don't know much about this. It's out of topic, but damn do i keep remembering the awful tortures inflicted for YEARS to presumed masterminds of 9/11, they went to hospitals SEVERAL times because of anal bleeding and i can't imagine how much they begged to be allowed to die, we'll never know what depraved torments they had to live through, and i don't know if it's worse than the millions of people we killed, but it's so awful, i keep thinking about this and wanted to place it somewhere. Yet Julian Assange has been freed, there are also many other good news. Anyway, if you have some informations to share i'm interested.

    5 How many more will have to die ?

    5 Yeah, by sovereignty, he's referring to West Bank annexation. Iran has been warning us for decades.


    ![]( From In a related topic, most of us never saw chinese blockbusters (, and usually not movies from other countries) But we're a democracy fighting for freedom while they're an evil dictatorship whose citizens are praying to be liberated. Also(, it's (kinda )out of topic but on my mind currently), as Zak Cope pointed out in « The wealth of (some) nations », so called "communist" western political parties aren't internationalist/humanist : ![]( And if the last communist countries can't realistically help other countries even more than they're currently doing because it may 'weaken them'&'cause their destruction', then they only have to make public declarations that, once certain metrics are realized ensuring their long-lasting survival, then measures of wealth equality among countries will then automatically be taken, it's not hard to do better than those/westerners/nationalists who aren't even trying(, on the contrary, i'm often remembering that Thomas Jefferson tried to prevent the publication of Ricardo's *Principles* in the u.s.a.(, Reinert 1996, p. 5) ; even if 'free trade'//protectionism and the principle of infant-industries is only a part of neo-colonialism, it's good to remember that « throughout the nineteenth century and up to the 1920s, the USA was the fastest growing economy in the world, despite being the most protectionist during almost all of this period »). [edit1]( : « Important as tariff protection may have been in the development of most NDCs[, Newly Developed Countries, from XVIIIth-century Britain to XXth-century Korea], it was — I repeat — by no means the only, nor even necessarily the most important, policy tool used by these countries in promoting infant industries. There were many other tools, such as export subsidies, tariff rebates on inputs used for exports, conferring of monopoly rights, cartel arrangements, directed credits, investment planning, manpower planning, R&D supports and the promotion of institutions that allow public-private cooperation. ». Zak Cope talked about [colonial tribute, monopoly rent, and unequal exchange](, and value transfer, e.g., « For every dollar’s worth of goods exported from the Philippines in 1961, approximately five times as many hours of labour had to be invested as in a dollars worth of goods exported from Canada. »), while other authors added other factors(, as an other example, Lenin's (old )view is [famous]( and his 5 points were updated [here]( by 8 authors starting from scratch at each chapter with their own view). Their description of the causes/consequences/context aren't incompatible, nor are Jason Hickel's arguments, or Samir Amin, nor is adding our nationalism/'lack of humanism/good-will' in the balance, etc. [edit2]( : (ITT : International Trade Theory) « According to Maddison's estimate, throughout the nineteenth century the ratio of per capita income in PPP terms between the poorest NDCs (say, Japan and Finland) and the richest NDCs (say, the Netherlands and the UK) was about 2 or 4 to 1. Nowhere is this as big as the gap between today's developing and developed countries. (...) When in the late nineteenth century the USA accorded an average tariff protection of over 40 per cent to its industries, its per capita income in PPP terms was already about three quarters that of Britain ($2,599 vs. $3,511 in 1875). (...) Compared to this, the 71 per cent trade-weighted average tariff rate that India had just prior to the WTO agreement — despite the fact that its per capita income in PPP terms is only about one fifteenth that of the USA — makes the country look like a veritable champion of free trade. Following the WTO agreement, India cut its trade-weighted average tariff to 32 per cent, bringing it down to a level below which the USA's average tariff rate never sank between the end of the Civil War and the Second World War. » i.d.k. but it's at least [suspicious]( And Israel can still bomb defenceless civilians under the absurd impossible goal of "destroying" anti-zionists, after oppressing them for almost a century, and **being the main/only obstacle to** (the unilateral palestinian loss of )**a two-states solution**(, along the 1967 borders obviously). It's apparently easy to switch from victim to tormentor when given the opportunity, i think that they're acting out of greed(, for more territory), not self-defense, they're not victims ; and, 3 generations later, we don't owe the current awful beings any "free pass" for the victims of ww2, nor do we owe anything to the current russians for the many soviet deaths. If they don't trust that allowing a palestinian state will ensure their safety, then they have a problem and need to find a solution, a world army is less far-fetched than overthrowing every neighbor that is still pro-palestinian, but are they even searching for a way to ensure their safety, and is it the real reason for their refusal ? A first step would be to publicly explain why they're refusing a "two-states solution" instead of assuming(, in secret like a good head of state, westerner or not,) that there's no answer to their objection, most of the world want to help them to make peace, it's not like in the case of Russia-Ukraine where the n.a.t.o. refuses to 'change their mind'/'abandon (the anti-russians/pro-western in )Ukraine'(, which would solve everything,) and nobody can 'do anything'/'force them', here there're more than one solution and it's mostly Israel that is refusing to go back to the 1967's borders among other things for reasons that can be solved if they share it with (tens of )thousands of researchers ready to debate and offer innovative/new options to solve their preoccupations/'causes of refusal'.
