After 20+ year I've finally finished Oracle of Ages
  • verycoolusername verycoolusername 4mo ago 100%

    I'm wondering, did you buy the Vita recently or did you buy it while it was still sold in stores? I'm seeing a big resurgence of handheld emulation and think it's wonderful that it lets us play through famous older titles! I just bought a 3DS XL and am planning to play some old games I missed, too!

  • Chrono Trigger (SNES 1995)
  • verycoolusername verycoolusername 4mo ago 100%

    I was also a latecomer to this game (played it in college). The time jumps were crazy!

  • hooooly shit! has anyone else played journey?
  • verycoolusername verycoolusername 4mo ago 100%

    I stand corrected - there are versions for other platforms available according to Wikipedia:

  • hooooly shit! has anyone else played journey?
  • verycoolusername verycoolusername 4mo ago 100%

    I believe it is still an exclusive

  • hooooly shit! has anyone else played journey?
  • verycoolusername verycoolusername 4mo ago 100%

    With the emphasis that they have done certain elements better: Brothers: A Tale of two sons (Show, Don't Tell) , Dark Souls (silent companion), Shadow of the Colossus (feeling of isolation/scale). I might add some more if I find the time.

  • hooooly shit! has anyone else played journey?
  • verycoolusername verycoolusername 4mo ago 83%

    I had a similar experience. Funnily enough I love walking simulators, or slow burns with similar mechanics so I was exactly in the target audience for this game but somehow it didn't click with me. I can understand which elements make the game great, but these elements have been done better by other games (in my opinion). I have great respect for the craft though.

  • [Meta] Did we drop the "what are you playing" monthly thread? Also, mods haven't been active for a while, should someone take over?
  • verycoolusername verycoolusername 4mo ago 100%

    I just hope they haven't abandoned it completely. But it would be nice to hear from the mods about the issue you raised. Would be a pity to lose such an active community.

    As for games, I started Earthbound, finally

  • What a shame
  • verycoolusername verycoolusername 4mo ago 100%

    It really is a travesty.

  • Everyone's favorite game from the 90s
  • verycoolusername verycoolusername 5mo ago 100%

    Who else remembers this obscure platformer? Especially the secret slapping move.

  • Reflections on Xenoblade Chronicles
  • verycoolusername verycoolusername 6mo ago 100%

    Happy to hear that Torna is a good game, Xenoblade 2 is my favorite. I think the best part of the Xenoblade games are the Titans. The environments are incredible because there is always a reminder that people are living their lives on a huge flying colossus

  • Patient Recommendation: Waking Mars
  • verycoolusername verycoolusername 6mo ago 100%

    It is a bit better on the PC where you use the mouse

  • Patient Recommendation: Waking Mars
  • verycoolusername verycoolusername 6mo ago 100%

    Thanks for checking! I will update the post.

  • Waking Mars is a small, relaxing, but never boring game that features a pretty fun mechanic and an engaging story about a science researcher that is stranded on Mars. I got it in a Humble Bundle years ago and I don't want this game to be overlooked or forgotten. If you like space, and the mystery surrounding Mars' past, this is a great game for you. It is available on mobile and Steam! Give it a try! The Steam version is the best one, the keys are a bit expensive now (they are on sale sometimes) but you may find other ways to get a key. Or maybe you have it lying around from an old bundle? If anyone else has played it too, I'd be happy to discuss it!


    I used to be a PC-only gamer but the older I get the more I gravitate toward very 'simple' platforms. Because my gaming time slots can be unpredictable and sometimes short I can't take too much time setting things up. I was surprised to find that I use the Nintendo Switch a lot because the games are on cartridges (usually few to no downloading needed) and I can continue playing the game when I am away from home. Really surprising, considering I bought it out of curiosity in 2017 and that it is in some ways underpowered compared to my other devices- I never had a Nintendo 'home' console before that. I thought of adding the PS4 to this mention however recently I've been avoiding playing it due to the constant updates. The worst example was when my SO bought me Red Dead Redemption 2. I sat down, excited to play it, when suddenly it pormpted me to download a HUGE update . It really kind of ruined my first session. What are your experiences and your preferred devices?

    Games like Mother
  • verycoolusername verycoolusername 6mo ago 100%

    This is going to be a bit of a grating answer, but, aside from Undertale which is a partial homage/subversion, the Mother series is very unique (on purpose).

    You might like Live a Live if you want a JRPG. Otherwise, The World ends With You is a gamr that overlays a fantasy world over a seemingly 'normal' setting with a very unique art style. There are versions for different platforms but if you decide to play it you absolutely need to have a (3)DS

  • The Lord of the Rings Online is having its 17th anniversary event, celebrating the long history of the MMORPG
  • verycoolusername verycoolusername 6mo ago 100%

    Have always heard how this game has apparently one of the friendliest and most mature communities.

  • I love the original patientgamers subreddit so I was stoked to find this community. And because lemmy seems to have a more knowledgeable crowd any topic I posted here had great engagement and discussions, despite the small community. I am too busy to be a mod but maybe I can help by sparking this discussion: what would be needed to keep this sub going?

    Why new fan blog “Final Fantasy VIII is the Best” is the best
  • verycoolusername verycoolusername 8mo ago 100%

    This is why I love the fediverse. I would never find this article by myself.

  • Someone ported Infinity Blade 1 to PC (And it's playable on Steam Deck!)
  • verycoolusername verycoolusername 8mo ago 100%

    This was actually one of my favorite early ios games. At the time I couldn't believe that an ios device was capable of such graphics.

  • Now that Deus Ex has been cancelled, what other games scratch the Deus Ex itch?
  • verycoolusername verycoolusername 8mo ago 100%

    Added Ctrl Alt Ego to my Steam Wishlist - never heard of it, great tip!

  • Now that Deus Ex has been cancelled, what other games scratch the Deus Ex itch?
  • verycoolusername verycoolusername 8mo ago 75%

    I love the jankiness of the era. I also played most of the post-2010 games that are similar to it.

  • memes
    memes 8mo ago
    When it’s Saturday and there’s no new content on lemmy
  • verycoolusername verycoolusername 8mo ago 66%

    I actually enjoy the fact that it's not too overwhelming

  • It's kind of sad that one of the greatest video game series is on hold for now. Conspiracy theories, multiple ways of solving a mission, game lore hidden in computer inboxes... Are there any (*pre-2010*) games that gave you the same feeling or do a similar thing?


    I want to make a case for Saints Row IV: it is my go-to *relaxing* game. I have it installed on my PS4. The game has a GTA-esque setting and gameplay style, but where GTA is a clever satire of the real world, SR IV doesn't concern itself with the limits of reality: in fact, You play as the President of the US (with super-powers) and your main opponent is an alien overlord - with a pretty good voice actor. Now a lot of people tell me that SR III is the far better title and I bet it is, but if you haven't played the 4th installment I suggest you give it a try. It has a special *feel* to it that keeps me coming back. Not for the story, but for the happy accident that produced an almost meditative game. I love running through the city, killing aliens and causing all kinds of mayhem. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this title.


    I know we're already in February, but what are you looking forward to playing this year? I am currently limited to my PS4 and an older laptop as far as big-screen gaming is concerned, and I am going to be playing some sequels: - **The Witcher II** - The 3rd part is more famous but I hear 2 has the better story. I am also one of those who really enjoyed part 1! - **Pillars of Eternity 2** - the first one was so good I can't wait - **Red Dead Redemption II** - which I got for my birthday. It is absolutely HUGE. RDR1 is in my all-time favorite games list. As for handheld gaming, I have recently gotten a Nintendo DS Lite and a PSP so I will be playing some: - **Deadeus** - a 2D horror game that someone recommended on this [thread]( - **Final Fantasy Tactics** funnily enough, I never played this! I did enjoy the GBA version a lot though. - **Jeanne D'Arc** apparently it is one of the PSP's best titles. As someone with a lot of IRL obligations, I will be very happy if I make it through this list. **What is on your list?**


    I want to tell you about an often overlooked game that I really enjoyed my time with. The setting is AMAZING, you are in 1960s America trying to contain an alien invasion with your team. It got a lot of flak because it used the XCOM name while being a completely different type of game and it definitely had some flaws (the gameplay reminds one most of Mass Effect 1) - but if you see it on sale somewhere give it a chance, I think you won’t regret it. If anyone else has played it, do share your thoughts :)


    I have a lot of respect for developers who bring new ideas and game modes and are thus keeping such a great game alive


    I recently finished The Last of Us 2. My girlfriend sometimes watches me play my games. And while I thought that TLoU would be a great game to follow, it was hard for her to watch (due to the violence). I wonder if there is a game that would be easy or even interesting for her to watch while I play, without it having to be something strictly "family friendly" , that also has fun gaming mechanics and isn't just a walking simulator. Looking forward to any ideas! :)


    I am fascinated by games with 2D art that still manage to give you a good scare. I guess what I find interesting is if a game can manage to translate the scares and audio design which we know from 3D environments and movies. I have never really played any though. I would love to hear some suggestions, especially with Halloween coming soon!


    I love looking at retro gaming channels and this one caught my eye (I was looking for a Final Fantasy artbook review). He seems to have frequent updates, likes (J-) RPGs and the videos have this calm, relaxing quality (similar maybe to Noah Caldwell-Gervais) which seems to be quite rare on Youtube, where everything has to be loud and exciting. Disclaimer: I have no connection to this youtuber. Just sharing.


    Left feeling a bit empty after playing it for the first time a few months ago(why did I wait so long?) I am afraid no JRPG will be able to surpass it. Would love to have a discussion about similar games that reach the same quality level (Note: I have already played Final Fantasy VI ).


    This is a little love letter to my PS4. I bought it refurbished three years ago for a little bit more than 120 bucks. This was my first Sony device! I already had an Xbox 360 from 2013 and a Switch from 2017. My first game was Detroit: Become Human. What an experience! I played the Uncharted series for the first time. Then The Last of Us 1 and 2. I thought I was a grumpy old gamer but man, TLoU is something else. And then I got PSVR! So many crazy nights playing Beat Saber, Skyrim VR and Superhot VR. I love being a patient gamer. And I love my PS4. I still have so many games to play through and it just keeps on chugging along.


    Personally there are a few games which left me very dissappointed, after hyping myself up for *years* in certain cases. **Divinity Original Sin:** turns out I prefer more streamlined, less packed games (love Pillars of Eternity) and that coop play in a CRPG stresses me out. **Wasteland 2**: I actually managed to finish this one but secretly I admit I was hoping for a better Fallout which I didn't really get. New Vegas did the cowboy theme much better. **INSIDE**: while the design was cool, it was just a ton of boring, easy puzzles in comparison to LIMBO, its predecessor.


    For me it's Chrono Trigger. I always want to play it. I want to show it to my children. I hope it will be regarded as a masterpiece for generations to come.


    I was very lucky to find an almost good-as-new PSP 2000 locally. I am very excited about it! It will need a new battery though and it only came with an USB charger. Would appreciate any tips pertaining chargers and batteries. But if you have any gaming related suggestions or general tips I'm open for that too :)


    As the title says, I am looking to buy a DSi XL (yes exactly that model) to add to my chandheld collection. What would be the best place to find some reasonably priced ones?


    As the title says, I am looking to buy a DSi XL (yes exactly that model) to add to my chandheld collection. What would be the best place to find some reasonably priced ones?


    I know it's pretty empty right now but home theater is one of my favorite topics and I love looking at people's setups!


    I am an avid retro gaming fan. I mostly play JRPG games like Final Fantasy or Chrono Trigger but recently I've had very little time to enjoy big, complicated games. I am looking for recommendations for retro games that can be played over a longer peroid of time, but don't require a big time investment (re-) learning the systems or remembering the story. I play most of this stuff on emulators, so anything that can be emulated on my phone's Retroarch setup goes. Thanks in advance! :)
