And Finally...

> A TikToker has sparked a debate after claiming to have driven up the UK's steepest hill, where he alleges 10 people fail every day. The user, known as DavetheDriver, shared a video of his journey through Oakamoor, a village in Staffordshire, en route to Alton Towers theme park. > > The footage shows Dave navigating a steep road after passing the Cricketer's Arms pub. As he continues, it becomes evident that the challenging stretch of road extends for quite a distance. > > Throughout his ascent, Dave encounters several tight bends and corners with limited visibility of oncoming traffic. "This is the steepest road in the UK," he claimed in the video's caption, adding, "At least 10 cars every day fail to make it to the top,". > > Since being posted on TikTok on Friday, September 27, the clip has garnered over 3.3 million views and approximately 143,800 likes. It's one of many videos Dave has shared on his account, with others accumulating over 1 million views in total. > > ... > > However, not everyone agreed with Dave's claim about the hill's steepness. Several commenters suggested that either Sutton Bank in North Yorkshire or Porlock Hill in Somerset holds the title for the steepest hill in the UK. > > ... > > In addition, Matthew chipped in with skepticism commenting, "When does it get steep? That's just a normal Scottish road." > >Porlock Hill has been noted as the UK's steepest A-road boasting gradients of 25 per cent in some parts. The hill ascends roughly 725 feet in less than a mile.


> Alex Lang was flying his motored paraglider around the Great Pyramid in Egypt when he saw something odd in the distance. > >Intrigued, the adventurer moved in for a closer look. > > When he was finally able to make out the mysterious figure, it was the last thing he was expecting- a dog that had somehow made its way to the apex of the 455ft structure to bark at 'birds’. > > Viewers were impressed by the dog but were all left with the same question after watching the video: how did it get up there? > > ... > > However, while some might like to follow in the footsteps of the dog, humans are banned from climbing to the top. Offenders could face up to three years in prison, and in 2016, a teenager was banned from visiting Egypt again after making the ascent.


cross-posted from: > Good news! Following up from this > David Jakins, 82, known as "King Conker", won the tournament in Southwick, Northamptonshire, last Sunday for the first time after competing since 1977. > >But his long-awaited victory was marred when a cheating scandal erupted after a fake steel conker, painted brown, was later found in the veteran competitor's pocket. > >His opponent in the final Alastair Johnson-Ferguson told The Daily Telegraph he raised concerns after his conker "disintegrated in one hit, and that just doesn't happen". > >The chairman of the organising committee said the steel conker was indistinguishable from a real one, with its weight the only giveaway. > > ... > > "The investigation has found no evidence that the steel conker was used. King Conker has been cleared of suspicion, and his name is being engraved on the trophy." > > ... > > Mr Jakins won the men's competition but lost in the overall final to women's champion Kelci Banschbach, originally from the United States, who only took up the game last year when she moved to Suffolk. > >The championships have been held since 1965 and organisers say they have raised £420,000 for charity.


> A children’s soft play centre has removed its hanging “body bag” Halloween decorations after concerns were raised by parents. > >Rugrats and Halfpints in Cirencester, Gloucestershire, has apologised over the objects resembling human corpses covered in black plastic. > >Some appeared to be wrapped with tape bearing the words “caution” and “danger” and were hanging upside down from poles adjoining one of the soft play structures, according to pictures posted online.


> A man says he is lucky to be alive after being attacked by a “sexually frustrated” dolphin which experts believe is responsible for terrorising a Japanese town all summer. > >Takuma Goto had been swimming off the town of Tsuruga in central Japan with a friend earlier this summer when they were attacked by a lone dolphin. > >Experts believe a single dolphin, which may be sexually frustrated, could be responsible for at least 15 attacks on swimmers in Fukui this summer, up from five incidents last summer and one in 2022. > > ... > > “I knew it was not a shark, but it came straight at me,” he said, adding that he did nothing to attract or antagonise the dolphin, but that it nonetheless began a sustained assault. > > A surfer eventually came to Mr Goto’s rescue as onlookers watched in horror from the beach. Once he was ashore, he washed the bite wounds with water. “The insides of my finger were popping out,” he said, and was taken to a nearby hospital. > >The 23-year-old, who works in financial sales, was left with a massive gash on his left index finger, which required five stitches, as well as bite wounds to his left wrist and forearm and his right hand and upper arm. > > ... > > Experts also believe the dolphin may be sexually frustrated following reports in other incidents that it attempted to press its genitals against its victims. > >“Bottlenose dolphins are highly social animals and this sociality can be expressed in very physical ways,” Dr Simon Allen, a biologist and principal investigator with the Shark Bay Dolphin Research project, told the BBC. > >“Just as in humans and other social animals, hormonal fluctuations, sexual frustration or the desire to dominate might drive the dolphin to injuring the people it interacts with. Since they are such powerful animals, this can lead to serious injury in humans.” [Archive](


> A book borrowed from a school library before the first world war has finally been returned – more than a century overdue. > >A copy of Poetry of Byron was found by a man in Carmarthenshire, south Wales, who felt it should be returned to St Bees School, near Whitehaven, Cumbria, where it had been lent out to a schoolboy. > >Inside the blue clothbound book the name Leonard Ewbank is written, along with the date 25 September 1911. Ewbank, who was born in 1893, was a pupil of St Bees between 1902 and 1911, before going on to study at Queen’s College, Oxford. > > Records show that, despite his poor eyesight, he was recruited to the 15th Border Regiment in 1915 to fight in the first world war. He was killed in battle on 23 February 1916 by a bullet to the head and is buried at the Railway Dugouts burial ground in Ypres, Belgium, a cemetery that contains the graves of 2,463 troops. > > ... > > Ewbank is commemorated on the school’s roll of honour as “an Englishman, brave, honest and loyal”. > >The school was “honoured” to have the book returned, said the headteacher, Andrew Keep. Keep told the BBC: “It’s incredible to think that a piece of St Bees’ history has found its way back to us after all these years.” > > ... > > The book, featuring the work of Lord Byron, a Romantic poet famously described as “mad, bad and dangerous to know”, is not the first to be returned to a library after spending a lifetime elsewhere, but it could be one of the most overdue library books of all time. > > In May, a book borrowed from a library in Helsinki was returned 84 years overdue. A Finnish translation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s historical novel The Refugees had been due on 26 December 1939, a month after the Soviet invasion of Finland, so it “might not have been the first thing on the borrower’s mind”, said Heini Strand, a librarian at Helsinki’s Oodi central library. > >In July, Canoe Building in Glass-Reinforced Plastic by Alan Byde was returned to Orkney Library more than 47 years late, after being found during a house clearance. The library’s John Peterson said: “Fortunately we don’t charge overdue fines.”


> A man has been discovered to have two extra penises by medical students dissecting his body, marking only the second time ever someone has been found to have three penises. > > This incredibly rare triple penis phenomenon was found by students at the University of Birmingham Medical School in the U.K. during a dissection of a 78-year-old man who had donated his body to science, according to a new paper in the publication Journal of Medical Case Reports. > >According to the researchers, the man may never have known he had three penises. > >This condition, known as triphallia, was only seen in a human for the very first time in 2020 in a newborn, and is thought to affect one in every 5 to 6 million live births. > > "Triphallia, a rare congenital anomaly describing the presence of three distinct penile shafts, has been reported only once in the literature," the researchers wrote in the new paper. "Without dissection, this anatomical variation would have remained undiscovered, suggesting the prevalence of polyphallia may be greater than expected." > >Having two penises, known as diphallia, has been seen in around 100 human cases, and occurs once in every 5.5 million live births. Usually, doctors remove the extra penises at birth if they are externally visible, but they are often left alone or go unnoticed entirely if hidden inside the body. > > The 78-year-old man appeared to have normal genitals externally, but once his penis was dissected, the students discovered two other tiny duplicate penises hidden inside his scrotum.


> In a country where polygamy is illegal, a man with four wives and two girlfriends is aiming to give birth to 54 children and become the "god of marriage" eventually. > > The 36-year-old man, Ryuta Watanabe, lives in the northern prefecture of Hokkaido in Japan. He has not been working for the last 10 years and has living on the salaries earned by his wives and girlfriends. > > As reported by Shueisha Online, Watanabe already has 10 children and has been living with two of them and three of his wives. > > He has stepped into the role of househusband and does all the housework, cooking and takes care of the children. > > The household expenses which are around $6,000 every month get split between his wives and girlfriends. > > ... > > Watanabe said his aim is to break the record of fathering the highest number of children in Japan and gaining the title of so-called "God of Marriage". > >As per records, Tokugawa Ienari - who was a shogun and died in 1841 - had fathered nearly 53 children with 27 concubines in his reign in the Edo Period. > >“I want to have 54 children so my name will go down in history. I’m still looking for new wives," Watanabe said.


>BERLIN (AP) — A brand-new fire station in Germany, which was destroyed in a fire, causing millions of euros in damage and destroyed equipment did not have a fire alarm system, local media reported Thursday. >The fire broke out early Wednesday morning at the Stadtallendorf fire station in Hesse and destroyed, among other things, the equipment hall and almost a dozen emergency vehicles, German news agency dpa reported. Initial estimates put the damage at between 20 million and 24 million euros ($21 million to $26 million). No one was injured. >Local officials told dpa that no fire alarm system was installed in the building because experts had considered it not necessary — much to the astonishment of many observers now that the station has burned down...


> Here are some words you never expected to read: Greggs champagne bar. But the no-frills baker’s latest marketing stunt is a pop-up bar where its famous bakes will be served with £75-a-glass champagne in bespoke sausage roll-etched coupes. > >The “reservation-only” Greggs champagne bar, which claims to be “inspired by 1920s Paris wine bars”, opens next week in the Newcastle branch of Fenwick. The Christmas pop-up in the department store’s food hall seats 16 customers around a curved bar, with guests encouraged to ring vintage crystal bells for a refill of Louis Roederer Cristal, which costs £425 a bottle. > > Greggs, which is headquartered in Newcastle, said its first-ever champagne bar paired its “iconic savoury menu of bakes and rolls” with handpicked bubbles served by the glass or bottle from famous names such as Bollinger and Laurent Perrier. It claims to be the only place in the area offering the exclusive champagne menu “by the glass”. > >Mercifully, the food is cheaper at under £5 for a main. In keeping with Greggs’ affordable ethos, there are cheaper bubbles to pair with a cheese and onion bake, such as a £10 glass of Ca di Alte prosecco or an £11 “pink jammie fizz” – a prosecco-based cocktail inspired by Greggs’ jam doughnuts.


> A UK court has ruled that calling a man “bald” can be considered sexual harassment. The ruling stems from a case involving Tony Finn, a former employee of the British Bung Company, who sued the West Yorkshire-based firm for sexual harassment after an offensive remark was made by a supervisor. > >Tony Finn, an electrician, had worked at the British Bung Company for nearly 24 years before being dismissed in May 2021. Following his dismissal, Finn took legal action against the company, alleging unfair dismissal and sexual harassment, with one of his key complaints being the derogatory comments made about his baldness. > >The harassment incident occurred during a heated argument on the shop floor, where Jamie King, a factory supervisor, called Mr. Finn a “bald cunt”. Offended by the personal nature of the remark, Mr. Finn pursued legal action, claiming the comment was not just an insult, but sexual harassment. > > In February 2022, an Employment Tribunal ruled in favor of Mr. Finn, agreeing that the baldness-related comment constituted sexual harassment. Mr. Finn also won claims of unfair dismissal and wrongful termination. > > ... > > In November 2023, the Employment Appeals Tribunal, overseen by Mrs. Justice Naomi Ellenbogen DBE, dismissed the company’s appeal. Justice Ellenbogen concluded that the comment was “inherently related to sex” and that baldness, particularly in men, is often used as a point of ridicule linked to masculinity. > >“The remarks about Mr. Finn’s baldness were directed specifically at his appearance and masculinity, making the comment inherently related to his sex,” said Justice Ellenbogen in the court’s ruling.


> King Charles III had no idea what cling film was and “shrieked” the first time he saw it, an author has claimed in an unauthorised biography which detailed a selection of interesting stories about our new monarch. > >Author Tom Bower said he interviewed over 120 people for his biography of Charles, entitled ‘Rebel Prince’. > > The book delves into Charles’s struggles to overcome unpopularity, and includes some pretty unexpected tales along the way. > >Explaining how the royal reportedly had his first encounter with cling film, Bower wrote: “He walked into the dining room and shrieked. Fearing the worst, Camilla dashed in after him. ‘What’s this?’ asked her husband, pointing at the food. > >“’It’s cling film, darling,’ she replied.”


> A Nottinghamshire man has become so frustrated with drivers speeding down his road that he plans to suit up as Deadpool to stop them. Mark Spaven, 59, says motorists have been whizzing down Cavendish Drive in Carlton for years and his cat, Groot, was struck and killed by a suspected speeding driver two weeks ago. > >Now, feeling as though his complaints to the council have fallen on deaf ears, the self-confessed Marvel aficionado plans to take to the street as comic book anti-hero Deadpool - but promises not to chop anybody's heads off. "I'm going to be going up and down dressed as Deadpool," said Mr Spave, who has a hand-made 'slow down please' sign.


> A Kentucky woman was arrested after police found dismembered body parts partially cooked in her home. > >The gruesome discovery was made by a man who had been hired to work on Trudy Fields’ home in Mount Olivet on Wednesday. > >When the worker arrived at the property he couldn’t find the homeowner but then came across a dismembered body in the backyard, authorities said. At first, he thought the remains were Fields’ and called the Kentucky State Police. > >Officers attended the property and found a woman’s body on a blood-stained mattress. Troopers then spotted a second blood-stained mattress that had been dragged toward the back of the house, according to the Louisville Courier Journal, citing an incident report. > > After discovering another woman inside the house, troopers attempted to speak with her, but she allegedly refused to acknowledge them or allow them entry, forcing them to procure search warrants. > > ... > > SRT members were eventually forced to remove Fields from her home, but they reportedly did so without incident. After taking her into custody, troopers discovered that parts had been removed from the body outside and were stuffed into a folded-up mattress. > >When troopers finally took Fields into custody, she had blood on her face, hands, and clothing. They entered her house and reportedly found a stainless steel pot contained body parts that appeared to have been cooked in an oven. Troopers noted in their findings that the pot was hot to the touch. > > ... > > The construction worker who discovered the body told troopers that Fields had been on the property during one of his previous visits and had been “casting spells on them and was being confrontational”.


cross-posted from: > Metal replica conker found in pocket of David Jakins AKA King Conker, first-time winner after competing since 1977


> A former Countdown champion who is accused of stabbing a fellow contestant at an event for past competitors of the game show is set to stand trial. John Cowen, 30, appeared in Preston Crown Court facing charges of Section 18 wounding and possession of a bladed article, following allegations he attacked Thomas Carey at the Countdown in Blackpool 2024 event last month. > >Emergency services were called to Hornby Road at 11.35am on September 14, 2024, following reports of an assault. Mr Carey was hospitalised and Cowen was arrested on suspicion of wounding with intent and knife possession. > > ... > > Both men are understood to have been attending the annual event for winners of the popular Channel 4 TV show prior to the alleged attack. In 2017, Cowen featured in 12 episodes of the daytime quiz show, winning eight consecutive contests and earning the sought-after title of 'octochamp'. > > He also achieved the third highest total of the entire series, identifying the nine-letter word 'spreading'. He competed in the Series 77 finals in December 2017, but lost to Bradley Horrocks in the semi-final, reports Lancs Live. > >He was defeated by Horrocks again in the quarter-final of the Championship of Champions XV series in 2019. [Context](, probably, at least in my head


> In 1921, German composer Paul Hindemith sought to debut his one-act opera Sancta Susanna, which explores a nunnery's descent into sexual frenzy, at the prestigious Stuttgart Opera. > >But outrage over its allegedly blasphemous text, which one critic at the time called a "desecration of our cultural institutions", forced the premiere to be postponed until the following year at the Oper Frankfurt. > >Now, over a century later, Stuttgart’s State Opera has brought a radical-feminist reinterpretation of Hindemith's work to life with Sancta, directed by the avant-garde choreographer Florentina Holzinger. > >And so far, its proven to be anything but your typical night at the opera... > > There have been only two performances since its Stuttgart premiere on 5 October, but 18 theatregoers have reportedly required medical treatment for severe nausea following the show. > > ... > > In short, the opera is nearly three-hours of uninterrupted batshit craziness. > >On stage, naked nuns roller skate around on a movable half-pipe, while a bouldering wall of crucified naked bodies dripping blood looms in the background. To add to this chaos, there are live piercings, crucifix swallowing acts, unsimulated sex scenes and a sprinkle of spanking thrown in for good measure. > >One particularly unforgettable moment sees an actress with dwarfism dressed as the Pope, being spun around by a robotic arm, while another features an actress belting out Eminem tracks while dressed as Jesus (because why not?). > >For a taste of the mayhem, please check out [this trailer]( > > ... > > Archbishop of Salzburg Franz Lackner described the show as “seriously offensive to believers’ religious feelings and convictions”. > >The opera's Austrian choreographer Holzinger has made a name for herself, with past productions that have incorporated elements of pain, nudity, body horror, acrobatics, sword-swallowers and Japanese bondage artists. > >“This is an opera about the breaking forth of the repressed female libido, so we decided to have a lot of fun," the 38-year-old dancer told The Guardian earlier this year. > >Despite reports of more than a dozen attendees falling ill, all five remaining shows at the Stuttgart state opera, as well as two performances at Berlin’s Volksbühne in November, have completely sold out.


> A woman who sued her former employer over not being given a leaving card lost her case when it was revealed it had been hidden from her after only three people signed it. > >Karen Conaghan claimed that the “failure to acknowledge her existence” at IAG, the parent company of British Airways, was a breach of equality law. > > However, a former colleague told an employment tribunal that managers had indeed bought a card but did not present it to Conaghan because of the low number of signatures, the Times reported. > >The judge, Kevin Palmer, said: “He believed it would have been more insulting to give her the card than not to give her a card at all.” > > ... > > Conaghan, a former business liaison lead, brought 40 complaints against the company for sexual harassment, victimisation and unfair dismissal. But the tribunal dismissed every claim, with Palmer concluding that Conaghan, who started working at the company in 2019, had adopted a “conspiracy-theory mentality”, mistaking “normal workplace interactions” for harassment. > > In one claim, she said a colleague had copied her use of the word “whiz” in a card for a colleague, but corrected her spelling by writing “whizz” instead. > >She said another employee had asked her: “Are you taking the piss, Karen?” The tribunal heard that this was after Conaghan suggested she had “done all of the hard work” and it was his “turn to do some”. > >Conaghan moved to Richmond, North Yorkshire, in September 2021 despite it being expected that all employees live within two hours of the office in Heathrow, the tribunal heard. She was made redundant in the same year as part of a restructuring of the organisation, with colleagues saying in evidence that many people also left around the same time.


>Ismail Tamar, 41, with an address at South Circular Road, was charged with assault causing harm to Mouro Di Dio on Wednesday. > >Mr Tamar, who moved to Ireland from Afghanistan, appeared before Judge Monika Leech at Dublin District Court. > >Garda James Butler alleged Mr Di Dio suffered ligament damage to one of his hands when he tried to protect himself. He claimed Mr Tamar attempted to strike him with a wooden stick, and Mr Di Dio also put up his leg to protect himself but had one of his shoes taken by the defendant. > >The court heard they lived in neighbouring flats, but there had been a deterioration in their relationship and several incidents where the complainant and his wife suffered abuse at the hands of Mr Tamar. > > ... > >Mr Di Dio told the bail hearing that the defendant had been banging on his door and walls every night and that he had recorded incidents. > > ... > > Mr Di Dio rejected the defence suggestion that “it is because he snores very loudly, and you would have been complaining to him about his snoring.” [Archive](


> An annual event involving dirt, beer and cash once again drew dozens of eager competitors to a ski resort in Maine on Saturday. > >More than 30 couples competed in the North American Wife Carrying Championship, a 278-yard (254-meter) race during which contestants splash through water, leap over logs and trudge through mud — all while carrying their partner like a sack of potatoes. > > The sport’s origin story isn’t exactly politically correct. It's based on a 19th century Finnish legend involving a man known as “Ronkainen the Robber,” whose gang was known to pillage villages and carry away the women, according to one of the explanations included on the website > >Traditionally, the Finnish event featured male competitors carrying a woman. On Saturday, competing couples didn’t have to be married, nor did they have to be a man and a woman. > > ... > > The champion leaves with the weight of the “wife” in beer and five times the “wife's” weight in cash. To estimate the amount they win, the winning “wife” is put on one side of a see-saw-like scale that organizers balance out on the other side with cases of beer.


> A man caught with extreme animal pornography, including videos depicting sexual acts with a tortoise and a horse, has been handed a six-month suspended sentence. > >James Owen, 30, from Llanfechell, near Amlwch, Anglesey, had also pleaded guilty to having an indecent image of a young girl in the most serious category of child sexual abuse. > >Owen told police the extreme animal pornography had been sent to him "as a joke" and he insisted he had not viewed the child abuse image. > > ... > > They then uncovered the video images of the extreme pornography, which showed sexual acts with a horse, a dog and a tortoise. > >Mr Edwards said Owen claimed not to know the animal images were illegal. > > ... > > The court was told alcohol played a significant role in Owen’s offending and he had been undergoing rehabilitation sessions to address the problem.


> A Labour MP has launched a campaign to cut the price of Freddo chocolate bars to 5p. > >Patrick Hurley, who represents Southport, has said he set up a petition after speaking to students at a school in his constituency. > >Announcing the move on social media, he said: "20 pence for a Freddo is too much, especially in a cost of living crisis". > >The 18g Cadbury chocolate bar was originally introduced to the UK in the 1973 and then relaunched in 1994 when it cost 10p. > >For over a decade, the price of a Freddo stuck at 10p, not rising with inflation. > >Since the mid 2000s the price started to rise and costs currently stand at around 30p. > > ... > > Hurley told the BBC he was inspired to launch his campaign after speaking to students at a local school in his constituency. > >"The girls were very clued-up about political issues, including assisted dying and the Middle East." > >However, he said one of the students also asked if he could launch a petition to cut Freddo bars to 5p. > > ... > > The Southport MP added that since announcing the campaign he had "learnt more about Freddos than any person should".


A woman has questioned if she was in the wrong for telling a stranger that she had been pronouncing her own daughter's name incorrectly. The unnamed woman took to Reddit to detail the incident.


> Robot vacuums in multiple US cities were hacked in the space of a few days, with the attacker physically controlling them and yelling obscenities through their onboard speakers.


> A 300-year-old gravestone commemorating a woman who was mauled to death by a tiger has been restored. > >Hannah Twynnoy was living in Malmesbury in the 18th Century when the animal, thought to have been part of a travelling menagerie housed in a pub yard, escaped and attacked her. > >Her gruesome death, aged just 33, has attracted visitors to her grave in the grounds of Malmesbury Abbey ever since. > >The inscription on her headstone had become so illegible that, prompted by a local campaign, masonry restorers were brought in to spruce it up. > >Hannah Twynnoy was working as a servant in the White Lion Inn when she died on 23 October 1703. > >Believed to be the first person to be killed by a tiger in England, the exact nature of her death is unknown as nothing was written about it until about 100 years later. > >However, according to local history, the pub accommodated wild beasts for exhibition, one of which was a tiger. > >Despite being told regularly not to tease the animals, it is believed that Hannah taunted the tiger, which lunged at her, pulled its fixing from the wall and "tore her to pieces".


> Going breakdancing today? If so, maybe go easy on the headspins. Unless you want to end up with a “cone-head”, that is. > >Breakdancing’s extreme physical demands mean it is known to involve a high risk of injury: everything from hair loss to sprains and damage to almost every part of the anatomy. > > But now breakdancing enthusiasts have been warned of a new danger: that spinning on their heads too much could lead to them developing a sizeable protrusion on top of their head. > >This has emerged as a potential hazard in a case report in a leading medical journal about a man in his 30s in Denmark who developed such a visible lump on his head, as a result of undertaking breakdancing training up to five times a week for 19 years, that he had surgery to remove it. > > It grew as a result of what breakdancers call “headspin hole” or “breakdance bulge”, which BMJ Case Reports describes as “a unique overuse injury in breakdancers caused by repetitive headspins”. > > ... > > Doctors initially considered a number of possible diagnoses, including that the bulge could be cancer or a benign tumour. > >An MRI scan showed that it was what the authors of the case report call “a subgaleal mass measuring 34cm x 0.6cm x 2.9cm near the midline vertex”. > >It turned out to be an extreme example of the lump on the scalp that “headspin hole” can involve. “In radiologic descriptions, the term ‘cone-head sign’ is used,” the doctors write.


...and it contained a meth/fent dealer starter kit; cash, gun, drugs and scales.


> The dangerous and violent scene unfolded two weeks ago. Hundreds of people and vehicles gathered for approximately a dozen car meetups that ended with thousands of dollars and damage and a police officer injured. > >Videos from social media are part of the police investigation, and police say there was one person involved who stuck out in particular. > >"The man was dressed in a banana costume," remarked Lt. Dennis Rosenbaum. > > ... > >Investigators say Thomas faces a list of charges, including damaging at least one police vehicle. > >"He is linked to the patrol wagon for sure, but the conspiracy charge comes in with other vehicles involved too. Throwing items and, in one instance, they try to set the police car on fire," Rosenbaum said. > >Investigators tell us they were able to track down the suspect after his own social media posts, wearing the costume, were later linked on different platforms to his high school yearbook photo.


> The winner of Fat Bear Week has finally been crowned - and she's no stranger to the title. > >Voters chose 128 Grazer, a mother bear who won Fat Bear Week last year, and whose cub was recently killed by her last remaining opponent in the competition, 32 Chunk. > >The competition, which started a decade ago, allows viewers to watch live cameras of Alaska's Katmai National Park and Preserve and pick their favourite brown bear after the animals have beefed up on salmon in preparation for winter. > >In a post on X,, the nature network that runs the contest, said 128 Grazer was "the first working mom to ever be crowned champion". > >In July, two of Grazer's cubs were swept over a waterfall, where Chunk - the most dominant bear on the river - attacked them both, according to One later succumbed to its injuries. > >The two bears were later pitted against each other in Fat Bear Week's competition, with Grazer eventually coming out on top, winning more than double Chunk’s votes with more than 71,000 votes. > > ... > > Fat Bear Week came after a grisly series of events this year. The beginning of the contest was delayed by one day after a female bear was killed by a male bear on camera. > >Each year, 12 bears are chosen for the Fat Bear Week bracket and fans can vote online to decide the winner. > >Grazer also beat Chunk in 2023, when nearly 1.4 million votes were cast from more than 100 countries, according to Katmai Conservancy and Previously: * [A Fat Bear Week rematch could be on the cards as heavyweights progress to finals](


> A mysterious person known as the ‘Piss Bandit’ has been causing a stir in Pasadena, California, for the past six years. > > The person comes out at night donned with a mask and latex gloves, regularly leaving bottles of urine in an influential neighbourhood, carefully arranging them on a utility box before vanishing into the night, as reported by New York Post. > >The bottles, which include soda bottles, juice cartons, and gallon jugs are filled with yellow liquid, and are accompanied by crude drawings and notes like ‘human urine’ and ‘HIV positive.’ > > The bandit sometimes strikes multiple times a week, leaving behind fresh bottles each morning that disappear by nightfall. > >The city attempted to stop the bandit by adding a pointed metal cover to the utility box, but the Piss Bandit simply removed it and continued his antics. > > "It’s been a tug-o-war between the neighborhood and this guy," said Grant Yansura, who, along with filmmaker Derek Milton, launched an investigation into the mysterious figure. > >[Their TikTok videos]( about the case have garnered over 600,000 views. > >While Yansura and Milton see the bandit as a vigilante artist akin to Robin Hood, many neighbours view him as a nuisance. > > One local expressed disgust, stating he never considered the act an art form. Another neighbour threatened the bandit, saying, “If I catch you leaving your piss here, I will make you drink every last drop!” > >Despite the attention, the bandit remains elusive. He ignored the duo's attempts to communicate, even stealing their cameras. Ultimately, Yansura concluded, “Sometimes you just have to let an artist pee.”


> A traffic camera in Dortmund, Germany, captured the moment a speeding driver dressed in a Cookie Monster costume barreled down a highway going 60 mph. > >The police are now on the hunt for the Sesame Street-loving prankster, who the cops say deliberately sped past the camera, hoping it would take a picture of them wearing the outfit. ![](


> A sign outside a store in Shiga prefecture, Japan, which featured a photo of a baby, has turned into something out of a horror movie as the ink melted due to intense heat in recent years. > >Many people have since stopped outside the store, Hangai Nagahama, to take pictures of the ghastly sign, the store owner told Japanese media FNN in 2023. > > ... > > The black ink used for the baby's eyes and mouth melted and spread across the sign, smudging the baby's features into something more sinister. > > ... > > The owner, Masanao Itaya, said the summer heat likely melted the sign, which has been up at the storefront for almost a decade. > >He told FNN in 2023 that he failed to notice the deteriorated state of his "favourite sign" until then, adding that he had never seen the sign melt so fast. > >"I noticed it at the beginning of August and thought some people might find it creepy, so I thought about changing it," he told Japanese media. > > ... > > "I thought I'd leave it as it is for a while, so that people can enjoy it as a summer horror experience," he added. Here is how it progressed: ![](


> A woman who spent 48 years wondering why an application for her dream job was never answered has finally found out why. > >Tizi Hodson, 70, from Gedney Hill in Lincolnshire, could not believe her eyes when she opened the post to discover her original letter applying for a job as a motorcycle stunt rider, sent in January 1976, had been stuck behind a post office drawer all these years. > >Despite it getting lost in the post, the setback did not hamper her daredevil career as she found a job that took her all over the world. > > ... > > At the top of the letter is a handwritten note that reads: “Late delivery by Staines Post Office. Found behind a draw [sic]. Only about 50 years late.” > >Ms Hodson doesn’t know who returned the letter, or how it even found its way to her. > >“How they found me when I’ve moved house 50-odd times, and even moved countries four or five times, is a mystery,” she said. > > ... > > "Every day I looked for my post but there was nothing there and I was so disappointed because I really, really, wanted to be a stunt rider on a motorcycle.” > >Luckily for Ms Hodson, the silence following her application did not put her off from trying for other jobs. > >She moved to Africa, worked as a snake handler and horse whisperer, learned to fly and became an aerobatic pilot and flying instructor. > > ... > > Looking back at the letter she sent when she was just starting out, Ms Hodson said: “I was very careful not to let people who were advertising for a stunt rider know that I was female, or I thought I would have had no chance of even getting an interview. > >“I even stupidly told them I didn’t mind how many bones I might break as I was used to it. > > ... > > “If I could speak to my younger self, I would tell her to go and do everything I’ve done. I’ve had such a wonderful time in life, even if I have broken a few bones.”


> Australian flag carrier Qantas has apologized after an R-rated movie was played on every screen during a flight. > >The incident occurred on a flight between Sydney and Haneda Airport in Tokyo. > >Technical issues with the Airbus A330's in-flight entertainment system meant passengers couldn't select their own movies. > >Qantas said its crew members had a limited list of movies that could be played across every screen, and some passengers had requested a particular movie. > >The Guardian reported that the film shown was "Daddio" — a 2023 film starring Dakota Johnson and Sean Penn. > >It's rated R for language throughout, sexual material, and brief graphic nudity. According to the Guardian, one passenger described it as "40 minutes of penis and boobs."


> A mother who transforms frozen rats into ‘sexy showgirls’ with coloured feathers, handmade nipple covers and fake eyelashes has said her novelty taxidermy business regularly requires 12-hour days to keep up with demand. > >Caitlin Hillis, 36, runs her business called Showtime Taxidermy from her home, where she sells ‘quirky and bizarre’ rats for £148. > >The rodents are dressed and posed as glam performers – and it all began during a craft night four years ago. > >Caitlin said: ‘We watched videos online and we made our first taxidermy together, me, my daughter and my sister, and it was comically bad, but we loved it. We had such a fun time, so we did it again and we made others, and the natural next step was, ‘Let’s make it sexy and fun and add costumes’.’ > > ... > > Caitlin explained that she buys the rats frozen from an ethical local breeder who supplies food for zoos, and she keeps them in a large freezer. > >The rats cost four dollars each, but Caitlin ensures there is as little waste as possible, as a friend uses the bones to make jewellery. > >With materials such as clay, foam and wire, Caitlin puts the skins in borax, which is a preservative, and then shapes the skins around her desired moulds before letting them solidify. > >Caitlin said the rats’ poses are inspired by acrobats, burlesque performers and belly dancers, but tailored to suit the animals’ smaller limbs, which is part of their ‘charm’. > >The drying process typically takes two to three weeks, and she then adds decorations such as coloured feathers, rhinestones, velvet and fake eyelashes, and she even makes her own ‘signature’ nipple coverings for the rats, with six on each animal.




> Two men were found with kinder eggs filled with drugs up their bums as they tried to get into Creamfields. Marshall Maddock and Harry Hewitson were about to enter the north gate of the festival site before a drugs dog indicated to police that the pair may have illegal drugs. > >When both were taken to a nearby area to be searched by officers, Maddock handed over a small quantity of drugs but refused to be searched further. Because of his refusal, an intimate search was conducted where officers found a kinder egg containing 10 bags of ketamine in his anus. > > Hewitson also refused to be searched, claiming he didn't have any drugs, but when officers searched him he was also found to have a kinder egg with 10 bags of ketamine inside hidden in his anus. Appearing at Chester Crown Court, on Friday, October 4, the pair were handed sentences totalling 36 months in prison.


> Life can be so disorienting. One minute you’re minding your own business and the next thing you know, someone says the words “salmon sperm facial”. Jarring, to say the least. > >This is what happened to me recently, which is why I’m now doing it to you. Sorry. I heard about salmon sperm facials because reality star and nipple bra purveyor Kim Kardashian recently talked about getting one. Earlier this year, on her show The Kardashians, she told her mom, Kris Jenner: “I got a salmon sperm facial.” Then, to clarify: “With salmon sperm injected into my face.” > > ... > > Salmon sperm facials are also known as “polynucleotide treatments” – a more polite term to throw around at a family dinner or with colleagues. > >“Polynucleotides are basically small fragments of DNA and RNA,” explains Dr Richard Westreich, a facial plastic surgeon in New York City. When injected into the skin, these fragments can help stimulate the production of new blood vessels, more collagen and keratinocytes, which help make new skin cells. All of this gives skin a thicker, healthier and more hydrated appearance, says Westreich. “It’s basically an overall skin boost.” > > ... > > The nucleotides in salmon DNA are similar enough to humans’ that they are generally well tolerated by the body and don’t cause an inflammatory reaction, Westreich explains. > > The testes contain a higher concentration of DNA, which makes it easier and more cost-efficient for manufacturers to extract from there, a biochemist explained to USA Today. > > ... > > A 2024 review of the use of polynucleotides in aesthetic medicine found that some studies demonstrated “significant improvements in skin elasticity and hydration”, while others “reported limited or no benefits”.


> Lewis noted that the code of conduct does not explicitly state anything about councillors drinking during meetings but the code of conduct does make mention of councillors’ decorum. > John Mascarin, a Toronto lawyer who specializes in municipal politics, said that it would likely be irrelevant that it was not explicitly stated. “You would expect a council member who’s attending a formal meeting at which decisions will be made to treat it with the proper modicum of respect. That would include being properly attired, not using any profane language, and likely, most people would say, not consuming alcoholic beverages.”