
I will not watch it, but the fact they made it at all pings my "consent manufacturing machine says get into the thresher, poors" detector.


The irony is their obsession with domination is killing the planet, and in turn will worsen their chances of survival. I hate how they are dragging us all down with them I fucking give up on these idiots. Too dumb to live.


'the age of extinction is supported by' bonus: ![](


Anyone doing academic writing, from students at university to scientists, nurses, doctors, engineers, math teachers, vets, all need to read and reference many, many of these academic texts to do any sort of research. Now imagine every time you want to cite anything, you can only read the synopsis at best because every source wants you to spend $50. It's normal to need like 50 references for a research paper by the way (although students can get away with 10-20) I'm sure locking the culmination of human knowledge behind a paywall and limiting the amount of people that can contribute to that knowledge will end well for the species.


I'm baked as hell and only just now having it laid out for me how fucked we are. Tell me he's lying to me rn how is everyone so calm about it


He really thinks carbon capture is gonna allow em to have their carbon cake and eat it too

doomer Infamousblt 3w ago 100%

![yea]( "emoji yea")


I have some friends and family in my life and it's really hard to broach topics like climate change, COVID, and Gaza and what my government's response means for our lives presently and in the future. I talk about the unusual weather and it's too early in the morning to bring up climate change. Can't talk about surges in COVID infections after dinner because it would ruin the evening. I'm trying to make plans and take preventative care for safety, but it feels like nobody around me wants to deal with the reality happening around me. I think I'm holding out hope that these people in my life will take these things seriously if they'll just see reason, but deep down I know they don't want to engage with these things either because they're scared or in denial, or still insulated from the worst of it. It's scary. It feels unsafe being around them, and not just for the material reasons like not taking the same precautions with COVID. It's like how can I trust them to see danger if they can't even reckon with the current things happening? How can I have a relationship with people who are this indifferent. I get trying to cope and trying to find enjoyment where there is little to have, but it's incredibly lonely knowing that this site is like the only space I have to voice my concerns. If you have made progress in getting people in your life to see reason, what worked? Does just sitting down and laying out these things as a personal concern help? If you haven't been able to reach people who are this resistant to real conversation, how did you cope with it? What did you do about it? I'm not in a level of community that I thought I was and I could use some advice on how to move forward.


I don't know why I'm surprised they don't but I really expected that maybe this time they would care even a tiny bit. Like they kinda sorta cared a little bit about healthcare for a minute and that blew over, and then they kinda sorta cared about minority rights for longer than I expected so that was cool but these issues are actually kind of historically complex and difficult to solve so I wasn't too surprised when libs just... fucking forgot. Climate change, me too, student loan debt...all sorta kinda complex in certain ways. But genocide is so simple. It's probably the least complicated issue that libs have ever had to confront. Bombs go out children go boom it cannot be less complicated. And yet here we are with libs across America hand wringing about how well it's maybe not genocide and maybe it's somehow complicated and maybe we should talk about it after we defeat Trump who we're SURE will do this complicated thing we can't quite understand worse somehow. I guess if genocide staring libs in the actual face isn't enough to get them to care a tiny itty bitty bit about maybe trying to do something good for there anything that possibly could? I can't imagine much worse of a thing than literal genocide. Maybe libs are just wholly incapable of using their brains or their hearts in any capacity at all. And if that's the case is there any hope at all? I know there is but man this moment watching this election and everyone cheering wholeheartedly for as much genocide as they possibly can might be one of the most hopeless I've ever felt


I had basically given up on electoralism for years at this point. I do not believe the western working class by and large has any revolutionary potential, basically JDPON-pilled. But the genocide in Palestine really made me more invested in this whole dog and pony show again. I guess I figured like…sure bourgeoise democracy will not bring about socialism, but at the very least you can still get some concessions potentially out of it. Perhaps I was naive, but like…I wanted to hope there was some way the Democrats could be convinced to stop it by November, even if it was electoralist bullshit I feel like the Palestinians deserved (and still deserve) even a futile attempt. But seeing the shit with the DSA, especially the SMC and Groundwork caucuses, seeing unions who oppose the genocide endorse Biden/Harris right out the gate, seeing the Uncommitted movement do the same while the Harris campaign has done nothing but spit in their face…. I am filled with a helpless rage. Americans are the most pathetic contemptible creatures on this earth. I’M NOT EVEN ASKING FOR SOCIALISM! ALL I’M ASKING FOR IS THE DEMOCRATS TO COME AROUND ON AN ISSUE 77% OF DEMOCRATS AND 61% OF AMERICANS OPPOSE! BUT EVEN THAT IS TOO MUCH, TOO HARD FOR THESE ORGANIZATIONS TO FIGHT FOR EVEN WHEN IT IS ALLEDGELY THEIR WHOLE REASON FOR EXISTING!! I knew Americans were useless and selfish, and short-sighted and stupid…but I didn’t think they were to this extent. That was my mistake I guess.

doomer OptimusSubprime 1mo ago 100%
I see fire

> [Verse 1]\ If this is to end in fire, then we should all burn together\ Watch the flames climb high into the night\ Callin' out, Father, oh, stand by and we will\ Watch the flames burn auburn on the mountainside (High)\ And if we should die tonight, we should all die together\ Raise a glass of wine for the last time\ Callin' out, Father, oh, prepare as we will\ Watch the flames burn auburn on the mountainside\ Desolation comes upon the sky > [Chorus]\ Now I see fire inside the mountain\ And I see fire burning the trees\ And I see fire hollowin' souls\ I see fire, blood in the breeze\ And I hope that you remember me I thought "I see fire" would be a good song to go out on. When the bombs fall, it's this and "Perfect Day", especially with that ending refrain, "you're going to reap just what you sow".


Those in power don't care about the innocents they kill, the genocide their system causes, the suffering, the bigotry, the inequality. They are simple-minded. To them, the world is a game of kill or be killed, and they won. They don't care or care to understand that their "winning" will kill them too eventually. They live in a fantasy world where the only rule is take until you die. They will use every tool that the system rigged to favour them has given them. You cannot shame them into submission. To them, if they submit they die and It's you or them. Don't try to convince them otherwise, to them your words are a trick to win and become just as sick as they are. Take, consume until it's all gone, move on, take, consume, move, take, consume, move. The only thing they know how to do is take a beautiful creation and turn it into death. The worst part is that they don't *want* to be any better. They are broken human beings that eat their own children, their own species, a cancer, and if we let them they won't stop until the species is dead. Until *everything* is dead and there is nothing left to kill.


Someone unironically told it to me today as if it were fact. I fucking have a headache. I hate chuds so much.


![]( Just feeling some kind of way Maybe its just bc its my first time seeing liberals be liberals idk


Our society is always looking to punish children or blame them for something. I know fascist societies always scapegoat those with the least power to fight back, but it's always the most disturbing to me when its children and teens who don't even have a fully developed brain. No, kids don't owe us anything. Yes, we owe them everything. No, kids are not meant to be obedient little soldiers. No, treating them like prisoners is not going to solve youth crime. I fucking hate it. Poor kids.


I don't mean mates or whatever. Just people who I might have worked with and/or gone to the pub with a few times a year. I feel bad as these are people who were decent with me when we were friends, by centrist standards they're good people, now I've grown and I just feel bored af with them. I don't care about their topics of convo, I don't care about tv or sports or their holiday to Bali, the word is dying and it feels pointless to maintain any sort of friendship with them. If they did one single thing that Hexbear broadly supports, I'd probably say hi. I'll just see them and look straight forward, hoping to Christ that they don't recognise me. Since I'm wearing an N95 mask, it's probably mutual. It seems like maintaining relationships helps with material shit, like when you're looking for a job or need help with something. I really should, for my own sake, say "hi". On the other side of things, I'd kill to have this level of confidence in my twenties. Feeling socially *incomplete* was such a problem always.


the vibes have rotten to the core and now withholding for Palestine makes you the much-maligned single issue voter, as if genocide is just a tally on a fucking pro/con balance sheet. People who saw the mass movement and protests on the ground over the past nine months suddenly concern-trolling about no one ever organizing anything and just being nihilists doing nothing while they are doing, in contrast, 'the bare minimum'. Breaking out reformist thought-terminating cliches and yelling at people with families in Palestine for not immediately being invested and engaged in the campaign of the VP of the current administration that is aiding and abetting the deaths of their loved ones. Total lanyard cultural victory. Americans by and large believe in nothing and have no principles, all they want is eternal 2014. Hindenburg vs. Hitler then, Hindenburg vs. Hitler now, Hindenburg vs. Hitler forever ![doomjak]( "emoji doomjak")


It's not economic anxiety, it's people who've always been cruel finding a guy that makes fun of all the people they hate and worshipping him for it. I feel like that 'economic anxiety' shit is given to them too much of an excuse. Sure, it may agitate things, but these are by and large people who were already innately hostile to anyone different. It's sad, but that's what it is.


hottest day ever AGAIN hell yeah time to stare without real comprehension at the death of everything


Maybe I'm biased because the only event I go to is mostly attended by the elderly, but I swear I go months at a time without ever seeing anyone else using at least an N95 mask. Maybe 5 or 6 people out of 100 wearing cloth masks. About 15% of the population has their vaccines up to date where I am. How the hell is any kind of organizing or solidarity supposed to happen when people can't be bothered to put a piece of fabric on their face? It really feels like nihilism and cynicism completely envelop the population that the literal smallest act of social good is too much to ask for. I miss when anti mask conspiracy theories where fringe instead of being the hegemonic narrative. This kind of thing makes me think that the only way for socialism to win in the west is to promise people their personal lives will be better and they'll have more treats, but we obviously can't beat imperialism as the treat fiends' choice.


The ruling class is PISSED that their Israel narrative was challenged. Thats why they're going hard against any sort of narrative they don't have complete and total control over. Even lukewarm shit like TikTok being considered a threat because the genocide of Palestinians got visible. So here is an event that has given them a fucking gift-wrapped narrative for them. Clunky as it is for them to suddenly condemn all forms of violence while having a history of war and current genocide ties, they will push this "violent extremism is dividing our country" talk in order to excuse state violence against any form of protest of the status quo. It's going to be the 9/11 "security" increase on steroids. 9/11 was used as an excuse to normalise the end of privacy, since then we saw massive adoption of CCTV and mass servailence. I dunno exactly what forms of oppression they're about to try and put forward, but I'm hoping the sheer hypocrisy of the Dems funding genocide and suddenly standing with Trump after calling him a threat to democracy will be enough to light a fire under people's asses. However history shows that Westerners are very quick to accept whatever their masters give them.


I’m going to die a very scary, traumatic death and so are a lot of the people who are closest to my heart—we’re all homeless, and we’re all drug addicts, and I have the special bonus of being (sort of) trans as well. I’m already seeing the ratcheting up of hatred for homeless drug users—I’ll be shot in the head and kicked into a pit, and my only hope is that I’ll be one of the very first so I won’t have to live with the pain of worrying about anyone I care about. So yeah, while I agree that America’s collapse would be a W for humankind overall, it’s hard to fucking see that silver lining when things are that bleak. I just want the rest of what’s likely to be a very short life to be chill. I just want things to be normal.


Fucking dumb shithead


Or *they do* but I feel like the gravity of the statement alone never really registers Was recently reading a book written a long ass time ago by some Brit where he talked about how a lot of the value in currency (coins and paper of the time) came from the fact that they were all *tangible* And now wealth/money is completely digital. Of course the fed still prints shit, but with the amount of people who use Apple Pay/venmo to exchange “money” from person to person? Actually, does anyone know what I’m trying to say rn? Is money just a Trojan horse?


Just based on his first round of presidency, i figured it would be more rhetoric and tough guy talk, with maybe like, a token investigation into some dems or something. Obviously we're moving that direction, but I figured it would be someone after Trump, who actually has the, you know, plan for it. But after this, I dunno, comrades. I don't think this is gonna go unchecked.


[Extreme heat causing ginger syndrome in eucalypts](