
> Anti-intersectionals are also neglecting the fact that, even if we are to argue that veganism is exclusively about non-human animals in some sense, unlike many other justice movements, veganism is the only justice movement in which the oppressor class solely comprises the movement's voice. To give a comparison, many feminists are women, many racial justice activists are BIPOC, and many LGBTQ+ rights activists are queer, but not a single vegan activist is a cow, a pig, or any kind of non-human. > > This means that the "vehicle" for the vegan movement will always be made up of humans, so there, by default, must be some baseline of accepting certain human rights stances in the movement. If there is not unequivocally condemnation of transphobia, for instance, there could be discomfort for trans vegans doing activism, which would actually harm the movement and weaken the cause for animal liberation. > > To give another very topical and relevant example of how this could manifest, I can't say that I'd expect the Palestinian diaspora who are vegan to be happy with the ethnic cleansing of their people being given a pass in the name of "rejecting intersectional veganism and keeping the focus on the animals." Despite this, we've seen this exact kind of rhetoric supported and favored to a disgustingly eerie degree within the vegan community.


Walked by a lot of pastures and some of them had horses. Even saw three horses being led by someone right by us. Kid was excited, I'm sad. That's the post. Wish my wife could commit to being vegan... We both don't know how to approach it with our kid though.


I don't wanna bother making same if it sucks lol


[Follow-up to my post from last night regarding this...]( He even posted an Instagram story asking his drones, in poll format, "Do you think that a similar post about Chinese vegans would get the same backlash regarding the Uyghur genocide?" or some shit like that. Very definition of ![smuglord]( "emoji smuglord") Edit: And no, this isn't all of them... I could've added more and more screenshots, but I think 12 will convey the point well enough. [Individual Screenshots](


![]( Second and Final Slide George Martin (@carnism_debunked on Instagram) has a hateboner for what he terms "intersectional veganism." He is a chuddy, British vegan who identifies as a centrist, and to be honest, giving credit where credit is due, some of his vegan content is pretty good from a more generalized "Pretty much any vegan would agree with this" kind of standpoint. However, I'm so tired of him being absurdly reactionary. He complains that his issue with "intersectional vegans," i.e., vegans who want to incorporate human liberation messages in addition to animal liberation messages into their activism, is that they are taking away from the focus on the animals. However, this is entirely disingenuous. Quite plainly, George is just a chud and is upset that these vegans express leftist viewpoints that he does not like. He also "both sides" a lot of the intersectional vegans. What I mean by this is that he'll say things like, "Intersectionals say vegans should be pro-choice to be anti-oppression, but don't right-wingers consider being pro-life anti-oppression? How are leftists the authorities on what counts as being opposed to oppression? This is why veganism should remain apolitical! 😤😤😤😤" As you can see here, he is a major hypocrite. He's made tons of posts where he's attempted to not-so-subtly shove in his own Zionist commentary in his complaints about "intersectional veganism," diverting back to "I just want veganism to be politically neutral and only focus on the animals!" when called out for it. Hell, even some vegans who would normally think at least somewhat decently of the guy are having enough of his shit. This vegan is probably someone George would describe as an "anti-intersectional," but here is her killer response: ![]( He strawmans intersectional vegans all the time, as he's stuck in a "2016 SJWs Rekt Compilation" kind of mentality. Of course, he loves to abuse the word "woke." [He actually ended up debating Catherine Klein, a self-identified intersectional vegan, and his strawman arguments were so inaccurate that basically none of the things he complained about in the debate even really applied to Catherine.]( (2:46:46, hardly worth the entire watch TBH.) Catherine Klein even commented on this post herself, of course, disapproving of the hypocrisy. The last thing I'd like to state is that George abuses the shit out of tu quoque fallacies (AKA whataboutism ![smuglord]( "emoji smuglord")) against intersectional vegans. He'll say things like, "How come intersectional vegans always urge vegans to talk about Palestine, but they never urge pro-Palestine protesters to talk about animal rights?" This is his best argument, which isn't as much of a "gotcha" as he thinks, especially because many vegan leftists do swing both ways, but it's especially ironic for a man who's so self-evidently hypocritical to tire the shit out of the tu quoque fallacy this hard.


Yeah so I've been trying to go vegan all year and I'm pretty proud that I'm for all intents and purposes fully vegan at this point. Except I've been dealing with some stomach issues this past week or so, and unfortunately many of my go to stomachache recipes use chicken: plain chicken and rice, chicken soup, chicken broth, etc. I'm wondering what, as vegans, you all eat when you're dealing with stomach issues. I can generally stomach oatmeal, although not too much of it, and plain white bread, again not too much. Bananas are always a go to for me also. But I'm unsure of what else to eat - beans are out, I feel like most nuts are out? What do you all eat when dealing with stomach issues?


It's been rough. But at my weakest moment, a voice in my head reminded me, "You can't give in or internet communists will call you a cheesebreather." I would like to specifically thank []( as well as anyone else who I might have seen throwing it around for keeping me honest. My friends did pick up breadsticks for me which helped because it's basically the same kind of slop but without the cruelty. I'm usually eating on my own where I never struggle with controlling my diet, but those social situations when it's free and I'm the only vegan in the room can be super challenging. But I know if I'd made an exception I'd feel guilty later and it would make it harder to assert in the future. Now I really need to reward myself and splurge on like the best vegan pizza I can find. Pic of cow as a rememinder of what it's all about ![vegan-liberation-rad]( "emoji vegan-liberation-rad")


cross-posted from: > > >Humans as Agents in the Termination of the African Humid Period > > > > >There is great uncertainty over the timing and magnitude of the termination of the African Humid Period (AHP). Spanning from the early to middle Holocene, the AHP was a period of enhanced moisture over most of northern and eastern Africa. However, beginning 8000 years ago the moisture balance shifted due to changing orbital precession and vegetation feedbacks. Some proxy records indicate a rapid transition from wet to dry conditions, while others indicate a more gradual changeover. Heretofore, humans have been viewed as passive agents in the termination of the AHP, responding to changing climatic conditions by adopting animal husbandry and spreading an agricultural lifestyle across the African continent. This paper explores scenarios whereby humans could be viewed as active agents in landscape denudation. During the period when agriculture was adopted in northern Africa, the regions where it was occurring were at the precipice of ecological regime shifts. Pastoralism, in particular, is argued to enhance devegetation and regime shifts in unbalanced ecosystems. Threshold crossing events were documented in the historical records of New Zealand and western North America due to the introduction of livestock. In looking at temporally correlated archeological and paleoenvironmental records of northern Africa, similar landscape dynamics from the historical precedents are observed: reduction in net primary productivity, homogenization of the flora, transformation of the landscape into a shrub-dominated biozone, and increasing xerophylic vegetation overall. Although human agents are not seen as the only forces inducing regime change during the termination of the AHP, their potential role in inducing large-scale landscape change must be properly contextualized against other global occurrences of neolithization. > > > >

vegan AcidCommunist 3w ago 100%

1 and 2 get grouped together, but the truth is that 2 actually has more in common with 3 than it has with 1. However, 3 doesn't realize this, so 3 makes fun of both 1 and 2, and 1 is just utterly frustrated with the fact that both 2 and 3 don't understand the difference.


cross-posted from: > > In the year leading up to a deadly listeria outbreak now traced back to recalled Boar's Head deli meats, U.S. Department of Agriculture records show that Biden administration officials quietly made significant cuts to planned testing for germs across America's food supply.


cross-posted from: > An interesting anecdote about how veganism is "becoming easier;" does anyone have any statistics to share about veganism that you find surprising / insightful?

vegan AcidCommunist 3w ago 100%
Me for sure

**In short:** Documents obtained by the ABC have revealed the conditions dogs and puppies were kept in at the now-closed dog breeder, Tasmanian Labradoodles. A vet's report says the dogs were severely underweight, had no bedding, were overbred, and their fur was so matted they couldn't see. **What's next?** The RSPCA says it tried to shut down the dog breeder for years and is now calling for stronger animal welfare legislation to ensure this doesn’t happen again.

vegan dghgrdesxc 4w ago 87%
vegan AcidCommunist 4w ago 94%
Based take

cross-posted from: > Well, here it is! > > A few days ago, I made a post appealing for information relating to animal product usage in the music instrument industry. Historically, musical instruments have used animal products. Typically, drumheads were made of animal skin, piano keys of ivory, and violin bows of horsehair. A lot of these processes have been phased out (most drums use Mylar for their skins now, and ivory was banned for pianos in the 80s.) > > Here are some patterns I've noticed while creating this sheet: > > 1. Drums and harmonicas are the "most vegan" instruments > 2. Acoustic pianos are much more likely to use wool than electric pianos > 3. The violin industry is the worst for animal products. Most violin manufacturers still use bows with horsehair. > 4. Manufacturers specialising in introductory/student products, such as Sigma and Franz Hoffmann, tend to use animal-derived materials rather than synthetic ones. > 5. Actual saxophones are vegan, but a lot of manufacturers use genuine leather straps. All companies that use leather for their straps have been labelled as orange. Trumpets, flugel horns, tubas, and trombones are seemingly okay regardless of manufacturer. Some flutes used to use ivory but again, this practice was banned in 1989. > 6. I discovered that clarinets tend to use goat skin for their pads. Unfortunately, I could not find any information on exactly which companies use animal skin for their clarinets. Sorry. > > Another thing I've noticed is that information relating to this topic is EXTREMELY muddy. I would often find a source claiming that a manufacturer did not use animal products only to double check their information pages and see that they use wool. I would find sources claiming a manufacturer isn't vegan only to check their information pages and see that they seemingly use no animal products. For this reason, I cannot guarantee that the information in the spreadsheet is 100% accurate, but this is the closest to accuracy I have been able to get to. > > This sheet compiles the top manufacturers in each category of instrument. If anyone has any other manufacturers they'd like me to investigate, please just say so in the comments.


I was vegan for years until my disability benefits got stopped. Now I'm going through an appeal and have no money. My overdraft is maxxed out. The food banks takes so long to access, but when they do give me food I eat whatever they give as I'm so hungry, whether it's cheese, chicken soup or whatever. Beggars can't be choosers. I now realise what a huge luxury being able to choose your own food is. I've even tried begging for financial aid on hexbear and even in the street, no-one will help. So now I eat whatever i can get.


What are some staples? I'm new to this


Veganism is a justice movement. We're not just a bunch of people with some oddball, "hippie" lifestyle wanting people to understand why they should eat more plants. Carnists abuse the shit out of these kinds of sentiments, in which they neglect the fact that vegan advocacy is not supposed to keep them complacent. The purpose of vegan advocacy is to instill discomfort so that people realize the urgency in learning to reject the exploitation that they endorse on a daily basis. If you apply this awful framing to any other justice movement, you'd hear people say shit like, "Malcolm X is the reason why people don't like anti-racists!" It just does not make any sense. If carnists are truly convinced that carnism is ethical and totally fine for them to endorse, then why do they get so defensive and grasp at straws whenever objective facts about the horrors that they support are pointed out?

vegan AcidCommunist 1mo ago 100%
Every time
vegan AcidCommunist 1mo ago 96%
But soy!

I'm also curious about y'all's take on imitation meat as well. My assumption is no harm to foul but I am not educated on the subject. Also I mostly mean conceptually, I am aware that lab grown meat is no where near efficient or viable for mass production

vegan AcidCommunist 1mo ago 96%

No really, please do come up with an argument for why eating chicken/goats/pigs/cows is totally fine but eating cats & dogs is not. It is a dreary day outside so I would like a laugh.