The green party really fell off ngl
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 1d ago 100%

    Freeware: freely available software.
    Shareware: paid software with a demo
    Vaporware: software or products that are highly touted but never get finished.
    Stoneware: hard ceramic vessels and utensils, usually with an uneven or rustic finish.
    Butchware: ????

  • It's quite telling that liberals have to defend Kamala by using hypotheticals
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 2d ago 100%

    Ursula K Le Guin: I'm going to imagine a dystopia where most people are happy and carefree but the whole polity is founded on the abject suffering of a single child.

    Liberals: Love it, but what if we made it thousands of children and everyone living in the polity was narcissistic, stressed out, and miserable?

  • Finally got to the point where I cannot talk openly to my lib friends anymore.
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 3d ago 100%

    Kinda feeling like I should've skipped town when I had the chance but instead I chose to build a life here under the assumption that things could be fixed.

  • Finally got to the point where I cannot talk openly to my lib friends anymore.
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 3d ago 100%

    The current sticking point with my wife is that it's about getting control of the Supreme Court back, given the assumption that Alito and Thomas will retire/die and (a) the Democrats won't appoint Alito's/Thomas's preferred successors in the name of unity, and (b) the Republicans won't hold open the vacancy to get concessions and/or wait until a Republican president comes into office as they successfully did with Garland. Refusing to budge because of Palestine is "making this about me" and failing to understand that Harris needs the Jewish vote in PA (I pointed out that she also needs the Muslim vote in Michigan, no response).

    Nobody else, even fairly close friends, has opined on politics around me and I don't bring it up, so I'm not sure what everyone around me is thinking.

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from October 14th to October 20th, 2024 - Paper Tigers
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 4d ago 100%

    "Are we going to stop and reflect over the rivers of blood spilled just to achieve this one moment of pointless retribution? Oh, looks like we are going to dance in the street, instead. Cool. Love that for us."

  • Western New-Atheism disgusts me.
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 4d ago 100%

    Those assumptions being that Atheism is, on it's face, a religion in and of itself. It's belief is in that of non-belief. It has missionaries like most other religious belief systems, seeking to secularize communities and cultures. It believes it is the one true religion and that all other religions are false religions with false gods. It demonizes all other practitioners of these false religions indiscriminately, believing that they are either upholding their wicked systems of oppression, or are directly complicit in them. Countless books have been written about the its theology and the logic of its faith. [and they're universally poorly reasoned sophistry -ed]. It is a fully fledged faith, in that you have to believe in this non-belief, on faith that you will be proven correct when you die.

    Bad take imo. Atheism isn't a religion; unbelief is not a belief, and this tired chestnut that "Atheism requires just as much faith as a belief system that posits a supernatural omnipotent creator, physics-defying miracles, and an afterlife for which there is neither plausible physical justification nor any hard evidence" has its source in Christian apologetics.

    Atheism does have one element in common with religion, and that is that it is an identity, one that often immediately cuts you off from participation in your local community, which still revolves around the church in a lot of the world. And choosing to take on that identity knowing you might end up a local pariah can be more appealing to the already privileged or the socially incorrigible, among which groups I think we find most of movement atheism's bad actors.

    Ideally we live in a world where atheism is unremarkable because it's the default. I used to be a live-and-let-live religious pluralist but I'm now more convinced by Engels' argument that atheism is a precondition to communism because you can't dismantle hierarchies when a bunch of people believe in a unaccountable ruler who only issues judgments after death and whose laws are so up for interpretation people have fought wars over theological disagreements. Yeah, you can be religious and keep it to yourself but it's still a gateway to bad thinking and social factionalism.

  • More than 1.4 million youth and students in DPRK volunteer in Korean People's Army
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 4d ago 100%

    "Look at how resource-starved the DPRK is!"

  • Picture, if you will:
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 4d ago 100%

    Instant classic.

  • We automated racism, now racism is no more
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 5d ago 100%

    Glockenspiel, a serious name for a serious instrument.

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from October 14th to October 20th, 2024 - Paper Tigers
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 5d ago 100%

    Apparently Harvard Law.

    She's also married to Cass Sunstein, the Nudge guy.

    Also, fun Wikipedia quote:

    Power's book framed genocide as a problem that the United States was involved in as an onlooker rather than a perpetrator or enabler.

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from October 14th to October 20th, 2024 - Paper Tigers
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 5d ago 100%

    How bad at your job do you have to be to spend a billion dollars running a campaign against Slimer from Ghostbusters only to end up with swing state polling averages like this?

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from October 14th to October 20th, 2024 - Paper Tigers
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 5d ago 100%

    US aid agency is led by Samantha Powers, a scholar of genocide

    Soooo... is she over there to offer pointers or what?

  • What questions are likely to be on a botany exam?
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 5d ago 100%

    Alternation of generations is so cool, though. The main trend in plant evolution has been the steady reduction in the gametophyte, but to what end?

  • What questions are likely to be on a botany exam?
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 5d ago 100%

    Define symplast, apoplast, cation exchange, quenching (wrt photosynthesis), PAR, and water potential. Other stuff, probs, plant physiology was a while ago for me.

  • In the absence of votes democrats revert to their baser, vote-collecting, instincts 🤓
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 5d ago 100%


  • please do it
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 5d ago 100%

    hunt for male voters

    Well, that's one way to tilt the odds in your favor, but will it pass muster with the FEC?

    Edit: I misread the headline but w/e I'll let it ride.

  • Oh good. We saturated the plants and trees with carbon.
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus 5d ago 100%

    It's not "plants are no longer photosynthesizing," it's "the sources of emissions have caught up to sinks," largely thanks to changes in pest activity, soil respiration, and wildfires.

  • main
    main BodyBySisyphus 2w ago 100%

    According to [Michael Roberts](, that figure is currently at $1.3 tn including private investment, with only $100 bn in climate finance to poorer countries


    Last night I dreamed I developed a line of booty shorts that said "FROSTED SQUID" on the butt. Not sure if this is the secret key to happiness and wealth that I've been waiting for. Please advise.




    It's been a while since I've breadposted because I've been lazy and not baking anything particularly exciting. But this week I pulled out the grain mill and channeled my inner Poilane. The fresh milled component is a mix of wheat, spelt, and khorasan, and the balance is Sequoia AP. I converted my liquid starter to a stiff one, then did one feeding with the fresh milled flour. After the starter doubled, I mixed the loaf and gave it an overnight proof in the fridge. The forums said cutting the traditional three-day starter build down to one day doesn't make much of a difference, but I can't say the end product tasted substantially different from a decent whole wheat flour. Sprouting makes a much bigger difference but that's also _a process_. I think I'm going to have to just go the whole hog and try all the extra steps to see if it's worth it.


    There's a beautiful [20-year-old citation]( that doesn't map to anything that he's saying and seems from the abstract to be critical of microfinance as an enterprise. This post brought to you by the Grameen Bank guy apparently being put in charge in Bangladesh? His bank said they had to charge 15% interest on microloans to break even and people were struggling to see the benefits back in [1998](


    Oil companies lobbied for - and received in the Inflation Reduction Act - better subsidies for carbon capture and storage while overstating its efficacy and selling captured CO2 for new oil extraction


    My self-discipline has been crap lately. My therapist thinks I have ADHD. I spend all my time in front of a screen. I don't exercise as much as I used to, I bounce in and out of the gym, and I haven't been out dancing in years because - while I'm not the most covid conscious - that many people in a confined space together gives me the heebie jeebies nowadays. I need something to right the ship. I did Korean martial arts when I was a kid but I never practiced on my own and was too much of a goofball to take it seriously. I need do something that requires enough concentration to get me out of my head and ideally involves some speed. Any thoughts on what's good? Things that worked for you?


    Vote Yellowstone Supervolcano for Erupting and Finally Putting a Stop to All This Nonsense 2024


    Some obnoxious ghoul-to-ghoul communication on one of the porkrags. The article looks at a study showing how young people have been drained of their hope for the future by capitalism and concludes: > After reading all that, you might be feeling a bit sad yourself. But don‘t worry: Bernstein reckons this is, broadly, good for capitalism. Its analysts see positives across most categories, such as: greater restaurant spend (as young people give up on cooking), more luxury goods spending (as young people try to fill the empty voids inside their souls), and more vaping (ditto). Hooray for the soul-vitiating nihilism at the bus of history's last stop!


    Please grab a pen and and bust a move in your skivvies
